Halogen Oven Recipes (2024)

Are you having difficulty finding recipes for your Halogen Oven? I know I certainly am. Maybe there's one here that you'll find quick, easy and tasty. If you have a favourite recipe that you would like to share with the world, why not drop me a line.

Small Sponge Cakes version2

22 January 2010 by halogenovenrecipes

At last, I’ve found the time to test this recipe in the Hologen oven. As you will see, I have the larger oven that comes with a metal ‘extender’ that allows you cook things that ‘rise’ without it getting so close to the heating element and burning.

This recipe is so simple to remember, it’s ridiculous! and it works every time. Notice that in the ingredients list there are no weights. This will be explained.





Self Raising Flour


1. Decide how many small cakes you wish to make. For example, 2 eggs will make 10 – 12 cakes, 3 eggs will make 15 – 24 depending on the amount of mixture to each paper/cup.

2. Prepare your papers or silicone cups and preheat your oven to 180 with only the low rack. Place your papers or cups divided between the two round trays if you have the large oven. If you have the smaller oven, I wouldsuggest youmake the mixture in two batches, as it will not rise properly if you keep it sitting while the first half cooks. Drop me a line if you need any extra explanation.

3. Weigh your eggs (still in the shells!). You need the rest of the ingredients to weigh the same.

4. In a bowl, or processor, place the margarine (weighing the same as the eggs) and soften.

5. Add the sugar and beat until very soft and pale.

6. Add one egg with a little flour and mix well.

7. Add the rest of the eggs (one at a time)with a little flour each time and mix well.

8. Mix in the rest of the flour gently, but thoroughly.

9. Divide evenly between the papers/cups and place in the oven. BE VERY CAREFUL. Put one tray on the low rack and the other tray on the high rack. Place the ‘extender’ on the bowl, raise the lid using the release button, and cook for about 20 – 25 minutes. CAREFULLY change the trays around half way through cooking. The cakes should be well risen and slightly brown.

If you want to make them chocolate, replace an ounce or about 25-30 grammesof flour with cocoa. Chuck in a handful of sultanas or raisins to a plain mix. Add some coffee essense, or use vanilla sugar to add a bit of flavour. You can decorate with glace icing or butter icing. The options are endless.


Posted in Cakes, Halogen oven, recipes, Small sponge cakes | 4 Comments »

Special Bread and ButterPudding

11 November 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

Have you ever wondered what to do with a random left over croissant or two? Well, here’s a recipe that will use them up either as an individual portion or in a larger bowl.

Halogen Oven Recipes (2)

Just about ready

Ingredients1-2 croissants

a little dried fruit (I used raisins)

a bare half pint milk (275ml)

2 leveltablespoons sugar (or vanilla sugar)

1 large egg


1. Lightly oil or grease 3-4 ramekins (for 1 croissant)or a larger straight sided bowl (for 2 or more croissants). A small souffle dish is ideal.

2. Slice the croissant(s) quite thinly.

3. Using the larger middle slices place a slice in the bottom of each ramekin, sprinkle in a few bits of dried fruit (and maybe a sprinkle of brandy or rum!)

4. Layer the slices with fruit until you have no more slices left.

5. At this point preheat the oven to 180 with the low rack in the bowl.

6. Into a jug or bowl measure the milk, add the sugar and the egg and whisk it well.

7. Pour over the croissant slices dividing evenly between the ramekins (you may need to use a spoon to get all the sugar).

Halogen Oven Recipes (3)

Ready for the oven

8. Sprinkle the top with a few more small pieces for dried fruit, cinnamon and some soft brown sugar.

9. Place on the low rack in the oven and cook for 15 – 20 minutes or until the custard is set and the top is domed and well browned. A larger bowl may take longer.

Once cooked, the top will sink as it cools. This should have a light, buttery flavour. Usually with bread and butter pudding, butter is spread onto the bread, but as this is made with croissants, which has a high butter content, additional butter is not necessary. Serve with rum and raisin icecream, or hot toffee sauce.

Posted in Bread and butter pudding, Halogen oven, Pudding, recipes | 4 Comments »

Small sponge cakes

23 October 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

Halogen Oven Recipes (4)As promised on the ‘Thoughts’ page here is a recipe for small sponge cakes. It’s a little difficult to find a ‘bun tin’ (or muffin tin) that will fit into the oven, but if you have the larger version you can place the paper cases on the frying tray. If you have the smaller oven placing them in circular sponge cake tin would probably work. You may have to experiment.

Place the low rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 190 degrees. This makes about 8 good size little cakes.


85g butter or margarine

85g sugar

2 eggs

170g self raising flour, sieved

a little milk


1. In a glass/china bowl cream together the butter (or margarine) and sugar. (I used castor sugar that has been in a jar with a vanilla pod.)

2. Add the eggs and beat well with a little of the flour.

3. Add the rest of the flour and fold it in gently until mixed well. You may need to add a little milk.

4. Mix to a soft (but not thin) batter. What my mother calls a ‘dropping consistency’.

5. Divide the mixtureequallybetween the paper cases. Place in the oven and cook for about 10 minutes until risen and lightly brown on top.

Once your cakes are cooled you can decorate them how you like with either glace icing or butter icing. If you want to make them chocolate replace about 20-30g of flour with cocoa. I have put chocolate chips in mine. This is the first time I’ve made cakes in the halogen oven, but as I experiment more, I’ll post the successful recipes. Enjoy.

Posted in Cakes, Halogen oven, recipes, Small sponge cakes | 2 Comments »

Toad in the hole (sausages inbatter)

8 October 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

It’s that time of year when the good hearty meals appear and this is one of them. Served with baked beans and other vegetables, you don’t necessarily need any other carbohydrate.


50g plain flour per person

1 egg per 50g of flour

Seasoning, milk or water

2 – 4 sausages per person

A little oil


With the low rack in the bowl, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

1. Place the flour and seasoning in a bowl and mix together. Make a small depression in the centre of the flour.

2. Break the egg(s) into the depression in the flour and beatwell.

3. Add enough milk and / or water to make quite a thick batter.

4. Place the bowl to one side.

To make Toad in the Hole

1. Drizzle oil into an oven-proof dish.Prick the sausages and place in the dish (big enough to allow them all to sit on the bottom of the dish).

2. Cook for 5-8 minutes, turn once during the cooking.

3. Beat the batter again and pour over the sausages.

4. Cook for 30-40 minutes, until risen well and crispy on the outside. Serve immediately.

The batter may be a little soft on the inside, but that’s fine. What really makes a good Toad in the Hole is the sausages, go for the best you can afford and this will be great. I quite often just have this with baked beans, but you can serve whatever you like with it. You don’t need any potatoes, pasta or rice, although if the weather is very cold and you’re just back from a very long walk, then why not? Small jacket potatoes with lots of butter would be wonderful.

Posted in Halogen oven, recipes, Toad in the Hole | Leave a Comment »

Liver Casserole

5 October 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

I’ve been trying to work out how to cook a cassarole in this new fangled machine and I think I’ve finally succeeded. Whether it was any quicker than a conventional oven I don’t know, but here goes anyway.


400 – 500 g of liver (I used pigs liver – it’s more forgiving!)

1 red pepper

1 red onion

Seasoning,herbs and some stock cubes.


Place the low rack in the bowl and pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees.

1. Chop the onion quite finely.

2. Cut the pepper into small pieces – the size is notimportant.

3. Place the onion and pepper in a large casserole or other oven-proof bowl (at least 1 litre in capacity).

4. Wash the liver and if necessary cut it into smaller pieces with scissors (I left the pieces as they came out of the packet).

5. Place the liver in the bowl with the onion and pepper and give it a good stir to mix it well together.

6. Add your favourite herbs and season with salt and pepper.

7. Dissolve the stock cubes in 300 – 400 ml of boiling water (I used one vegetable and one chinese). Pour this over the meat and vegetables and stir well.

8. Place in the oven and cook for 40 – 50 minutes. Check it and stir after 30 minutes.

I served with courgette, broccoli and a few new potatoes. Serves 3-4. You can substitute other meat if liver is not a favourite.

Posted in Halogen oven, Liver, recipes | Leave a Comment »

Jacket potato with roastchicken

30 September 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

I decided to try a jacket potato in the halogen oven and so also dug out some chicken portions from the freezer which defrosted during the day. Again this turned out quite quick.


Large baking potato

Chicken pieces


1. Place the low rack in the oven and preheatto 220 degrees.

2. Thoroughly wash the potato and prick it with a skewer or knife, then rub it with butter, margarine or a little oil.

3. Cook for about 30 minutes. This will depend on the size of the potato – check every 10 minutes or so.

4. Wash and dry the chicken pieces and add to the potato once it is fairly soft.

5. Cook for 10 minutes, turn the chicken overand cook for another 10 minutes or so.

Note: the cooking time will depend on the size of the potato and chicken pieces.

Serve with a salad or fresh vegetables.

Posted in Chicken, Halogen oven, Jacket potato, recipes | 10 Comments »


25 September 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

I love couscous – it is so simple. Whoever invented it should be given the biggest medal going.

Couscous is available in most supermarkets and looks very granular. Treat it as a carbohydrate and substitute potatoes or pasta or rice with couscous.

I allow 50g per person and just add boiling water and allow it stand for a few minutes. You can add all sorts of things from really basic peas or sweetcorn to the more exotic like crystallised ginger and finely chopped mango.


1. Allow 50g of couscous per person.

2.Add 50ml of boiling for each 50g of couscous. Allow to stand for a few minutes and then fluff up with a fork.

If you remember that 50ml of water weighs 50g and use a big bowl, you can weigh it all together!

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Cod with mushrooms

25 September 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

I bought some cod loin that was half price as it had reached its ‘sell by’ date and decided I would cook it with mushrooms.


Fresh (or frozen) cod or other ‘chunky’ white fish

Button mushrooms


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the lower rack in the bowl.

1. Using a large-ish piece of baking paper or foil, wipe a few drops of oil, to prevent sticking.

2. Onto the foil or paper, sprinkle some freshly ground black pepper, dried herbs, tarragon and a little ground corriander seeds.

3. Wash and slice the mushrooms and place half on the oiled foil or paper (on the herbs, etc).

4. Wash the fish and place on top of the mushrooms.

5. Again, sprinkle freshly ground pepper, mixed herbs, tarragon and a little ground corriander seed on the fish. Place the rest of the mushrooms on the fish and wrap the paper or foil into a parcel.

6. Place the parcel on the rack and cook for 15 to 25 minutes depending on the thickness and size of the fish – check it after 15 minutes.

I served with couscous (see next blog for preperation instructions) and frozen mixed vegetables cooked in the microwave. Quick and tasty.

Posted in Cod, Halogen oven, recipes | 1 Comment »

Pork Chops with SteamedCourgette

17 September 2009 by halogenovenrecipes

About 30 minutes.

I love pork chops, the thick juicy ones, and randomly tried this recipe when I got home. The chops were very moist and only just cooked. You may need to cook for a few minutes more, depending on thethickness of the chops.


Pork chops (probably a maximum of 4 to fit comfortably on the rack provided)

1-2 courgettes (depending on the size)

A little Oil, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, mixed herbs, tarragon, ground corriander.

Tin foil


1. Place both the low and high racks in the bowl and preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

2. Wash and slice the courgette (keep the skin on) and make into parcels using 4-6 slices eachin foil. I drizzled a little oil, added finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper.

3. Place the parcels on the high rack and cook for 5-6 minutes.

4. Move the parcels to the lower rack and prepare the chops.

5. Wash,pat dry and sprinkle both sides with salt, pepper, mixed herbs, tarragon and ground corriander seed.

6. Place on the high rack and cook for 12 – 17 minutes depending on the thickness of the chops.

I served with new potatoes and mixed frozen vegetables cooked in the microwave. A little bit of instant gravy made this a very quick and satisfying meal.

Posted in Halogen oven, Pork chops, recipes | 15 Comments »

  • Halogen Oven Recipes (5)
    I was given a halogen oven, but the recipe book that came with it was almost worse than useless. Everyone else who has bought or been given a halogen oven will be or was in exactly the same position as me. I thought that as I experimented with the oven, I would share the recipes. If you have any suggestions, or would like to share your favourite recipe, drop me a line.

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