Ring of Honor's Final Battle 2022 Results (2024)

It’s time for Ring of Honor’s BIGGEST show of the year (historically, that is)!

  • AR Fox & Blake Christian vs. La Faccion Ingobernable
  • Swerve in Our Glory vs. Shane Taylor Promotions
  • ROH World Six-Man Titles: Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. The Embassy
  • ROH Women’s World Title: Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Athena
  • ROH World TV Title: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Juice Robinson
  • ROH Pure Title: Daniel Garcia (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta
  • Double Dog Collar Match for the ROH World Tag Team Titles: FTR (c) vs. The Briscoe Brothers
  • ROH World Title: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

ROH Death Before Dishonor 2022

Live from the College Park Center in Arlington, Texas! Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman are your commentators tonight and by the looks of it, we’ve got a darn good size crowd. We’re not waiting around, so let’s get to the graps!

Match 1. La Facion Ingobernale (Dralistico & Rush) w/ Preston Vance vs. AR Fox & Blake Christian

The Texas ROH crowd loves Blake Christian, as opposed to the GCW crowd who can’t stand the poor guy. Dralistico and Christain to start. Both men trade shoulder blocks with Dralistico getting the better of the exchange. Furious exchange of holds and take overs with Christian flipping out of a tieres before extending his hand for the Code of Honor. Dralistico doesn’t care and elbows Christian in the face. Fox and Rush legal now. Rush quickly drops Fox with an elbow before LFI drag Christian and Fox outside and do LFI things. Rush strangles Christian with the camera chord as Drulistico powerbombs Fox on the steel steps! Back in the ring and Rush boots Christian in the face in the corner. LFI cut the ring off and put the boots to Christian. Double dropkick to the back of Christian but Christian is able to escape and tag Fox. Kick combo and a Slingblade by Fox to Dralistico but Rush cuts him off. Fox with a suicide dive to Rush on the outside and a missile dropkick to Dralistico in the ring. Pair of dives by Fox over the to top take out both memebers of LFI and another senton atomico to Rush on the outside for good measure! Swanton to Dralistico gets a two count. Christian dives between the ringpost and the turnbuckle to Rush but Rush catches him and throws him into the guard rail. Dralistico with a springboard shooting star to the outside that takes out everyone! Christian catches Dralistico on the top which allows Fox to hit a jumping Spanish Fly. 450 by Fox as Christian dives to the outside to take out Rush! One, two.. three? No, two? Uh oh. Referee says it was a three, but it was clearly a mistake here.

Winners: AR Fox & Blake Christian

Rating: **1/4. Feels like this match was just getting going when there was a clear miscommunication, but they were well on their way to something good.

After the match, Rush charges Fox and LFI improvise a beat down on the outside, with chair shots to the head and all.

Match #2. Ring of Honor Women’s World Title: Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Athena

Code of Honor is adhered to and we’re off. These two women have a long history, going back to the Shimmer promotion and Ian does a great job recapping for us. Mercedes with some heavy chops to start and makes Athena pay in the corner. Rolling elbow by Athena drops Mercedes and Athena is in charge. Double handspring by Athena before pausing… and slapping Mercedes in the face. Good stuff. Athena charges Mercedes and Mercedes catches her with a spine buster. Athena counters with a running basem*nt Meteora and heads up top. Big boot by Mercedes catches Athena on the top as Mercedes looks for the spider German suplex. Athena fights Mercedes off and slides through her legs and catches her for a powerbomb! Gord buster by Athena. Super kick gets a two count. Athena hits the ropes but Mercedes catches her with a huge elbow. Half and half suplex by Mercedes followed by a t-bone suplex. Side angle brainbuster! Two count! Cloverleaf by Mercedes but Athena sends her into the ropes face first. Athena charges with a dropkick on the outside but Mercedes sidesteps and Athena hits guard rail. Mercedes has a front headlock and drapes Athena’s feet over the guard rail, before planting her with an anarchist suplex! Brutal. Athena barely gets back in the ring and goes for a quick cradle that gets two. Mercedes looks for the butterfly into a dragon sleeper but Athena bites her way out! Dominator into the double knees by Athena gets a two count! Athena gets so mad she tears the turnbuckle pad off. Mercedes sends Athena into the ropes and catches her with a pop up.. push? Something was off there but it resulted in a two count. Shotgun dropkick by Athena into the exposed turnbuckle! Athena goes up top… Eclipse! One, two, three!

Winner and NEW Ring of Honor Women’s World Champion: Athena

Rating: ***. Looking past a few of the awkward moments in this match, the crowd was incredibly invested, and these two women worked a very physical match. Hard hitting, good drama towards the end, and the right woman won. The new direction for Athena is probably the best thing to happen to her career.

Match #3. Shane Taylor & JD Griffey vs. Swerve in Our Glory

Griffey and Swerve to start as Griffey locks in a rear naked choke early but Swerve escapes. Swerve tags in Lee, who seems surprised as Griffey. Griffey tries to square up with Lee and gets shoved to the mat like a child for his troubles. The entire crowd is chanting “We Want Shane!” and the places erupts. The Pretty Boy Killers explode! Swerve tags himself in, much to the dismay of the crowd. Inside out head scissor by Swerve takes Taylor down. Kicking combination and a diving European uppercut to Taylor’s seated back gets a two count. Clothesline by Taylor gets two. Griffey in now with a very MMA-centric offense. Griffey holds Swerve prone on the apron and tags Taylor who hits the big leg drop! Two count. Swerve ducks under Taylor and super kicks Griffey, before making the tag to Lee. Crowd is on their feet! Strikes exchanges by both men and Taylor comes off the middle rope with a cross body and Lee catches him! Taylor slips out the back door and drops Lee with a right hand. Taylro hits the ropes but Swerve pulls down him outside. Griffey dives at Lee on the outside but Lee catches him and places him on his feet. Swerve pump kicks Griffey from behind. Taylor is inside the ring and pulls Swerve over the top rope…FROM THE MEAN STREETS OF CLEVELAND (aka the Tower of London). One, two, no! Keith Lee did not try to break up the pin, by the wa. Griffey is in now with some really… unfortunate looking, soft strikes. Swerve reverses with a back suplex into a back breaker. Two count. Griffey locks the triangle choke in on Swerve but Taylor pulls Lee off the apron. Lee and Taylor are fighting on the outside as Lee goes in the ring and heads up top… and SQUASHES Griffey with a moonsault who was in the process of triangle choking Swerve. Swerve makes the tag to Lee and Griffey tags Taylor. All four men are in the ring now and a brawl breaks out. Rising knee to Taylor by Swerve. Strike combo by Swerve to Taylor with a rolling elbow. Lee has Taylor up on his shoulder and looks to drop him into the elbow combo by SIOG but Taylor ducks and Lee takes out Swerve! WELCOME TO THE LAND by Taylor to Lee! TWO COUNT! Swerve now looks in the ring and sees Lee in trouble… and starts walking to the back! Swerve leaves Lee by himself as Taylor and Griffey double team Lee. Lee ducks a high kick from Griffey and he catches Taylor! Lee has Griffey up… Big Bang Catastrophe!

Winners: Swerve in Our Glory

Rating: ***1/4. Speaking freely, I had never seen JD Griffey wrestle before, and I think his involvement in this match might have hurt a little bit. The fans didn’t buy into Griffey’s offense, and there were a few awkward spots he played a large part it. All that said, the rest of the men in this match overdelivered. The Texas crowd knows the Pretty Boy Killers, so when Shane Taylor and Keith Lee were in the ring at the same time, it felt BIG. Taylor was a great ROH TV champion, and hopefully we can see this feud continue.

Match #4. ROH Six-Man Titles: Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. The Embassy (Brian Cage & The Gates of Agony) w/ Prince Nana

Kaun and Castle to start. Castle decides to pump up by running around the ring and tagging a boy. Boy and Cage are in now and Cage curls him. Dropkick by Boy and Leona comes in. Castle sends the Boys over the top but they’re caught by Cage and Leona who dispose of them, as Kaun runs over Castle in the ring. Cage curls another Boy before tossing him with a fall away slam. Here’s the other Boy, who gets a knee to the gut by Cage and a senton by Kaun. Kaun picks up Boy and hits a back breaker on the top turnbuckle. Deadlift super plex by Cage from the floor inside the ring to Boy. Kaun has Boy up on his shoulder but Boy counters with a satellite DDT and gets the tag to Castle. Castle clears the ring and dumps Kaun with a t-bone suplex. Another t-bone to Leona. T-bone to Cage! Deadlift German by Dalton to Leona! Crowd is up for this. Dalton now uses the Boys as projectiles as he takes out the Embassy one by one on the outside. Rising knee to Cage gets two. Cage tags Toa as Boy gets tagged in and TOA DEADLIFTS BOTH BOYS ON HIS SHOUDLERS. Double Samoan drop. Two count. Pump kick by Kaun gets two as Cage gets the tag. Cage and Kaun accidentally take each other out with clotheslines. Alabama Slam by Leona. Drill Claw by Cage to a Boy but Castle is in with the inverted Slingblade. Prince Nana rolls a boy in the ring to distract and it works. Leona pounces Boy into Castle. Leona and Kaun each grab an arm and a leg and swing a boy into a high angle pop-up powerbomb from Cage! That’ll do it.

Winners and NEW ROH Six-Man Champions: The Embassy

Rating: **1/2. Fine six-man tag here, and you know what you’re getting with Castle and the Boys. The comedy was here and that was fun enough, but when it was time to get physical, the Embassy brought it.

Top Flight are getting interviewed by Lexi Nair as Parker and Menard show up and they’re not impressed. The fight spills out to the crowd as Dante Martin takes a running start and dives off the ramp to take out everyone. Daddy Magic and Angelo Parker hit the ring and take the mic. Parker wants to know… if Ring of Honor was so great, why did it die in the first place? Parker says there’s only one man who could resurrect it, and that man is The Ocho. Want to know what makes Daddy Magic’s nipples hard?

BUCKET HAT JONES. After Jericho defeats Claudio, Claudio will be forced into a tag team with Jake Hager, and they’ll be called the Hat Trick.

Wheeler Yuta’s music hits and that cuts off Cool Hand Angelo and Daddy Magic.

Match #5. Ring of Honor Pure Title: Daniel Garcia (c) vs. Wheeler Yuta

Yuta hits the ring as my feed suffers from the “testing” feed of doom. Ruh roh. Whew, that didn’t last long. Here comes Garcia. Slugfest to start. Fight spills to the outside as Garcia sends Yuta headfirst into the steel steps. Big boot back inside the ring and Garcia locks in a choke over the turnbuckle, which forces Yuta to grab the rope, which constitutes a rope break now and Yuta is down to two. Genius move here. Garcia now locks in a surfboard over the bottom rope which against constitutes a rope break. Yuta has 1 rope break left now. Kravat by Garcia and a punt to the back. Yuta is fired up but Garcia strikes the injured throat and Yuta is down. Deathlock by Garcia who then stomps Yuta’s head (SUPER DRAGON!). Garcia looks for a Saito suplex but Yuta holds on to the head. Inverted atomic drop by Yuta followed by an enziguiri. Yuta goes up top but Garcia catches him with a chop to the throat coming off. Dragon sleeper with the hooks in now by Garcia! Yuta has to go to the ropes and that’s his third rope break. The next time Yuta goes to the ropes, the referee will *NOT* break the hold. Rull up by Yuta gets two. Yuta up top now with a diving forearm. Kip up by Yuta but the throat still isn’t 100%. Garcia rolls through with a sweep and Garcia locks the in the Dragontamer! Yuta reaches back and grabs Garcia’s neck, locking in the crossface. Garcia rolls through for a cradle that gets two. Open hand strikes back and forth now. Missile dropkick by Yuta off the top rope. Snowplow by Yuta and both men are down. Garcia tosses Yuta to the outside but Yuta rebounds under the second rope and hits a German suplex on Garcia, followed by an arm trapped Angle Slam. Two count! Piledriver by Garcia gets two. Sharpshooter by Garcia now but Yuta is in the ropes and it doesn’t matter… no more rope breaks for Yuta! Yuta tries to crawl through the outside and gets halfway, grabbing the neck of Garcia again. forcing him to let go. Both men are on the apron now and Garcia looks for the piledriver but Yuta back body drops him instead. Back in the ring and Yuta has Garcia up for a tombstone, but traps the ankles and drops him! Two count! Yuta locks Garcia in the crucifix position and rains down 12-6 elbows… Garcia is out! Referee calls it!

Winner and NEW ROH Pure Champion: Wheeler Yuta

Rating: ***3/4. Two absolute wrestling machines here, and in the Pure rules world, it really opens up some fun storylines. Not quite on the level of their last match, but a fun story here with Garcia out-game planning Yuta with the rope breaks.

Post-match, Yuta extends his hand for the Code of Honor and Garcia slaps it out of the way, dropping the belt in the process. Garcia picks up the Pure title… and hands it to Yuta.

Match #6. Double Dog Collar Match for Ring of Honor World Tag Team Titles: FTR (c) vs. The Briscoes

Goosebumps. “Holy sh*t” chants ring out through the arena and we haven’t even touched yet. HERE. WE. GO. Mark and Cash are attached to each other as Dax and Jay are attached on the other side. Mark comes off the apron to Cash but Cash catches him in the stomach with the chains. Split screen here is a great touch. Jay misses a big chain shot and Dax launches a chair in to FTR’s face. Mark is busted open already and Cash is choking him with the chain. Dax and Jay brawl through the crowd as Cash and Mark are on the ramp. Dax throws a soda in Jay’s face and then beats him with a pole found at ringside. Mark with a running somersault senton off the ramp to Cash. Jay and Dax are back in the ring as Jay misses a handful of chain to the face and Dax back suplexes him on the chains. Twice. Cash is trying to murder Mark as he chokes him around the ring post. Dax lost his tooth somehow but still drives the chain into Jay’s eye. Mark catches Dax from behind as Jay now beats on Dax with a fistful of chain. Deuling “Dem Boys/Top Guys” chants from the crowd as everyone is on their feet. Dax is busted open now as Jay is beating on him in the corner. Dax throws Jay headfirst into a chair that was propped up between the turnbuckles. Cash was outside and yanked Mark down as the chain was draped over the middle rope. Jay is busted wide open here as FTR beat Mark in the stomach with the chain. Doomsday Device by FTR with the chain but Mark is out at 2.99! Cash has Mark in a Gory Special and then puts the chain around his neck, as Dax whips Mark in the exposed stomach with the chain! Cash now hanging Mark over the top rope. Jay throws Dax into the outstretched chain from Cash’s hanging of Mark. Rude Awakening by Jay to Cash. Froggy Bow by Mark to Cash… with the chain! One, two, no! Mark now sets up a table on the outside and suplexes Cash, landing on the floor on the opposite side. Jay sets Dax up on the top rope now looking for a superplex, but Dax fights him off and Jay crashes to the ground. Dax wraps the chain around his head and comes off the middle rope with a diving headbutt! Dax wraps the chain around his hands and beats on a prone Jay. Referee Mike Posey is checking on Jay and Jay pulls him in front of Dax’s right hand! Posey is busted open now too. Doc Sampson tends to Posey at ringside as Jay and Dax square up in the center of the ring. Big boot by Jay and a back suplex as both men are down. Cash and Mark are on the apron now and let’s not forget the table is set up not too far way. Back suplex by Cash to Mark on the apron! That was a HARD landing. Cash lays Mark on the table and heads up top. Mark meets him on the apron and uses some Red Neck Kung Fu to send Cash to the ground. Spicy dropkick by Mark now as Mark sets Cash up on the table. Jay puts Cash on his shoulders and Mark goes up top but Cash pulls Mark FROM THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR COVERED IN CHAIRS ON THE OUTSIDE. HOLY S. Back in the ring… Jay Driller on the chain! One, two, NO! TWO COUNT! Jay and Dax are in the ring now and Jay has a chair. Hard chair shot to Dax’s back. Make that two. Jay now looking for the Jay Driller on the chair but Dax goes low! Piledriver on the chair and he STUCK him! 2.99999999999999! Cash “Effing muder him!” Dax now hard a sea of chairs in the ring as he sets Jay up on the top rope. Dax looking for a top rope piledriver! Jay fights Dax off and pulls the chain, effectively low blowing Dax! Jay has Dax up top SUPERPLEX ON TO THE SEA OF CHAIRS! Cash is trying to get in the ring but Mark is dead weight holding him back! One, two, no! Jay now with a crossface in the mouth of Dax and he’s ripping his face open! Cash can’t make the save because Mark is holding the chain around the ring post on the outside! Dax taps!!!!

Winners and NEW Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoe Brothers

Rating: ****3/4. No words for this one. Two of the absolute greatest tag team of the last 20 years. One of the most violent (for a reason), insane, brutal, hard hitting matches I have ever seen. Every bit as great as the Piper vs. Valentine dog collar match and the Blanchard vs. Magnum TA I Quit match. This match should be looked at in the same regard. It’s time FTR go after those AEW World Tag Team Titles, and hopefully we see the Briscoes on AEW TV sooner rather than later.

The Briscoes hobble their way to the back as FTR struggle to their feet. The Ass Boys now hit the ring to attack FTR from behind! The Briscoes, slowly but surely, make the save for FTR but none of them are in great condition to be moving around. Dax can’t get to his feet, but he says their mission is to beat Ass Boys… asses. Code of Honor between the Briscoes and FTR as all men shake hands.

Match #7. Ring of Honor World TV Title: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Juice Robinson

This crowd deserves a standing ovation for being as lively as they are following that dog collar match, because I am exhausted. Juice opens up with some Juice lefts but Joe fires back with some Joe rights! Thumb to the eye by Juice and a big back suplex. Joe looks for the rear naked choke early but Juice sends him outside. Joe locks up the rear naked choke on the floor now but Juice throws himself back slamming Joe into the guard rail. Juice in control now and charges Joe in the corner but Joe responds with a rising uranage. Juice rolls outside and Joe follows with a suicide dive! Juice takes a seat in the corner now and Joe side swipes him with a big boot in the corner. Joe rolls Juice inside and gets a two count. Running body block by Joe. Headbutts and a big right round kick have Juice struggling to his feet. Joe with some jabs now but Juice responding with some of his own. Senton by Joe gets a two. Juice fights back with some right hands of his own and drops Joe in the corner. Running cannonball by Juice! Juice goes up top with a flying cross body that gets a two count. Joe looks like he’s doing playing around and plants Juice with a powerbomb, decides against the cover, and locks in the STF! Juice is in the center of the ring now but fighting hard to get to the ropes and does! Joe looks for the Muscle Buster but Juice rolls into a pinning attempt for two. Jumping scissor kick by Juice floors Joe. Juice goes up top again but Joe kicks his legs out, crotching Juice on the top rope. Joe takes advantage of the situation and Muscle BUSTAAAAHHHH gets it done!

Winner and STILL Ring of Honor World TV Champion: Samoa Joe

Rating: ***. Good showing here for Juice Robinson, who a majority of the crowd admittedly were not familiar with. Personally, I’ve been enjoying this run of Samoa Joe more than any run since TNA. Good match here, but tough to follow that dog collar match and they did a great job of keeping the fans invested.

Match #8. Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Title: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Claudio tries to adhere to the Code of Honor early but Jericho kicks him in the stomach and runs after Ian Riccaboni. Ian makes a made dash for it and Claudio catches Jericho with a running European uppercut on the outside. Claudio lays in some strikes before going into the ring and coming off the top with a cross body. Code Breaker attempt by Jericho early but it’s blocked. Judas Effect attempt is blocked too! Claudio has Jericho up… Neutralizer! One, two, no! Whew. Jericho on the apron now and Claudio follows, climbs up to the middle turnbuckle, and catches Jericho with a deadlift gut wrench suplex into the ring! Two count. Claudio military presses Jericho up and drops him on the top rope! Big boot by Claudio sends Jericho careening to the outside. Jericho ducks a cannonball from Claudio off the apron and Jericho is back in control now. Jericho sends Claudio back-first into the ring post. Back in the ring, snap mare and some boots to the back of Claudio before flipping off the entire arena. Back suplex by Jericho. Jericho charges but Claudio hits a pop-up European uppercut. Two count. Clothesline by Jericho and it seems like Claudio may have heart his throat or collarbone and Jericho is targeting the area. Jericho sets Claudio on the top rope and looks for the hurricanrana, but Claudio blocks it! Claudio holds Jericho with one hand and delivers ten punches to an upside-down Jericho. Claudio looks for the Ricola Bomb off the top rope but Jericho counters with a hurricanrana for two. Jericho sends Claudio into the ropes as he comes off with a springboard European uppercut but Jericho catches him with a Code Breaker, but Claudio blocks it! Big swing attempt but Jericho sends Claudio into the middle turnbuckle shoulder-first. Triangle dropkick attempt by Jericho but Claudio catches him with an uppercut. Both men on the apron now, jockeying for position. Jericho suplexes Claudio off the apron to the floor on the outside! Jericho in control now, laying in some heavy shots to the back of Claudio’s head and nick. Forearms by Jericho but Jericho runs into a big boot. Claudio runs into a boot from Jericho. Double clothesline and both men are down. Forearm and uppercut exchange in the center now as Jericho drops Claudio with a heavy chop. Claudio responds! Eye poke by Jericho and there’s no honor there. Double leg by Claudio but Jericho counters into the Walls of Jericho! Claudio fighting to get to the ropes but he can’t as Jericho pulls him back in the center of the ring! Claudio crawls again and makes it to the ropes! Jericho raises his hands, but Paul Turner tells him that he hasn’t won anything. Jericho complains but eats a European uppercut. Both men are down as the JAS arrive at ringside. Garcia distracts the referee and Menard slides in Floyd. Jericho connects to Claudio’s face! Jericho plays possum and slowly makes the cover. One, two, no! Inside cradle by Claudio gets a two count. Jericho up… Code Breaker! Jericho measures Claudio for the Judas Effect and misses! Deadlift into a double leg by Claudio and it’s Big Swing time! Five. Ten Fifteen. Twenty. Twenty five. THIRTY REVOLUTIONS! JERICHO TAPS IN MID-AIR!

Winner and NEW Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion: Claudio Castagnoli

Rating: ***3/4. Fantastic match here, as Jericho continues to deliver, no matter his age. Claudio is the perfect example of what Ring of Honor was and is about. Jericho brought out all the tricks in the book, but he lost to a professional wrestling. Jericho absolutely did his job in elevating not only the Ring of Honor World Title, but Ring of Honor itself.

Final Thought: Holy cow what a show. For a show that started off, well, decently, the back half was nothing short of magic. Most importantly, this did not feel like “AEW light”, as a matter of fact, this didn’t feel like AEW at all. This felt like the Ring of Honor we knew and loved, but on a bigger stage. It goes without saying but go out of your way to see Dem Boys vs. FTR. Nothing on this show was bad, everything spanned from good to amazing, and as a fan, you can’t ask for more than that. 9/10.


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.