Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Answers Key - AnswerKeyFinder (2024)

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Table of Contents

  • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Answers Key – Unit 1 to Unit 15 Revealed For Free
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 1 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 2 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 3 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 4 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 5 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 6 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 7 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 8 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 9 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 10 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 11 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 12 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 13 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 14 Answers
    • Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 15 Answers
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Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Answers Key – Unit 1 to Unit 15 Revealed For Free

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Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Answers Key - AnswerKeyFinder (1)

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 1 Answers

Q. adulterate
(verb) to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value
SYN: contaminate, pollute, sully
ANT: purify, purge, expurgate

Q. ambidextrous
(adjective) able to use both hands equally well, very skillful, deceitful, hypocritical
SYN: versatile, facile
ANT: clumsy, all thumbs, maladroit

Q. augment
(verb) to make larger, increase
SYN: enlarge, supplement, amplify
ANT: decrease, diminish

Q. bereft
(adjective) deprived of, made unhappy through a loss
SYN: bereaved
ANT: replete, well provided

Q. deploy
(verb) to position or arrange, to utilize, to form up
SYN: station, organized

Q. dour
(adjective) stern, unyielding, gloomy, ill-humored
SYN: harsh, bleak, forbidding, saturnine
ANT: cheery, inviting, genial

Q. fortitude
(noun) courage in facing difficulties
SYN: resolve, steadfastness, mettle
ANT: fearfulness, timidity, faintheartedness

Q. gape
(verb) to stare with open mouth, to open mouth wide, to open wide
SYN: gawk, ogle

Q. gibe
(verb) to utter taunting words;
(noun) an expression of scorn
SYN: ridicule, mock, deride, jeer
ANT: compliment, praise

Q. guise
(noun) an external appearance, cover, mask
SYN: costume, semblance, pretense

Q. insidious
(adjective) intended to deceive or entrap, sly, treacherous
SYN: cunning, underhanded, perfidious
ANT: frank, ingenuous, aboveboard

Q. intimation
(noun) a hint, indirect suggestion
SYN: clue, indication, inkling

Q. opulent
(adjective) wealthy, luxurious, ample, grandiose
SYN: rich, lavish, plentiful, abundant
ANT: poverty-stricken, wretched, destitute

Q. pliable
(adjective) easily bent, flexible, easily influenced
SYN: supple, adaptable, resilient
ANT: rigid, inflexible, recalcitrant

Q. reiterate
(verb) to say again, repeat
SYN: restate, rehash, recapitulate

Q. stolid
(adjective) not easily moved mentally or emotionally, dull, unresponsive
SYN: impassive, phlegmatic
ANT: emotional, oversensitive, high-strung

Q. tentative
(adjective) experimental in nature, uncertain, hesitant
SYN: provisional, inconclusive
ANT: definite, conclusive, confirmed

Q. unkempt
(adjective) not combed, untidy, not properly maintained, unpolished, rude
SYN: sloppy, disheveled, disordered, rough
ANT: well-groomed, tidy, neat, natty

Q. verbatim
(adjective, adverb) word for word, exactly as written or spoken
SYN: exact (adj.), precisely (adv.)
ANT: paraphrased

Q. warily
(adverb) cautiously, with great care
SYN: carefully, prudently, gingerly
ANT: recklessly, heedlessly, incautiously

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 2 Answers

Q. adroit
Definition:(adj.) skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind
Synonyms: clever, deft, slick, dexterous
Antonyms: clumsy, inept, all thumbs

Q. amicable
Definition:(adj.) peaceable, friendly
Synonyms: congenial, neighborly, cordial
Antonyms: hostile, antagonistic

Q. averse
Definition:(adj.) having a deep-seated distaste; opposed, unwilling
Synonyms: disinclined, loath
Antonyms: favorably disposed, eager, keen

Q. belligerent
Definition:(adj.) given to fighting, warlike; combative, aggressive; (n.) one at war, one engaged in war
Synonyms: (adj.) assertive, truculent, pugnacious
Antonyms: (adj.) peaceful, conciliatory, placid

Q. benevolent
Definition:(adj.) kindly, charitable
Synonyms: benign, well-meaning
Antonyms: malicious, spiteful

Q. cursory
Definition:(adj.) hasty, not thorough
Synonyms: quick, superficial, perfunctory
Antonyms: thorough, painstaking, careful

Q. duplicity
Definition:(n.) treachery, deceitfulness
Synonyms: double-dealing, chicanery
Antonyms: none

Q. extol
Definition:(v.) to praise extravagantly
Synonyms: glorify, applaud, acclaim, hail
Antonyms: criticize, belittle, disparage

Q. feasible
Definition:(adj.) possible, able to be done
Synonyms: workable, viable
Antonyms: unworkable, impractical

Q. grimace
Definition:(n.) a wry face, facial distortion; (v.) to make a wry face
Synonyms: (n.) pained expression, facial contortion
Antonyms: (n.) grin; (v.) beam

Q. holocaust
Definition:(n.) a large-scale destruction, especially by fire; a vast slaughter; a burnt offering
Synonyms: conflagration, devastation, annihilation
Antonym: deluge

Q. impervious
Definition:(adj.) not affected or hurt by; admitting of no passage or entrance
Synonyms: impenetrable, resistant, proof against
Antonyms: porous, permeable, vulnerable

Q. impetus
Definition:(n.) a moving force, impulse, stimulus
Synonyms: impulse, spur
Antonyms: curb, hindrance, impediment, constraint

Q. jeopardy
Definition:(n.) danger
Synonyms: risk, hazard, peril
Antonyms: safety, security

Q. meticulous
Definition:(adj.) extremely careful; particular about details
Synonyms: fastidious, fussy
Antonyms: careless, negligent, sloppy

Q. nostalgia
Definition:(n.) a longing for something past; homesickness
Synonyms: none
Antonyms: none

Q. quintessence
Definition:(n.) the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example; perfect example
Synonyms: paragon, exemplar
Antonyms: none

Q. retrogress
Definition:(v.) to move backward; to return to an earlier condition
Synonyms: revert, degenerate, decline
Antonyms: advance, evolve, progress

Q. scrutinize
Definition:(v.) to examine closely
Synonyms: inspect, pore over
Antonyms: scan, glance at

Q. tepid
Definition:(adj.) lukewarm; unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest
Synonyms: insipid, halfhearted
Antonyms: heated, enthusiastic

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 3 Answers

Q. adversary
(n.) an enemy, opponent
SYNONYMS: antagonist, rival, foe
ANTONYMS: friend, ally, supporter, confederate

Q. alienate
(v.) to turn away; to make indifferent or hostile; to transfer, convey
SYNONYMS: separate, drive apart, estrange
ANTONYMS: befriend, attract, captivate, reconcile

Q. artifice
(n.) a skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick; a clever skill; trickery
SYNONYMS: ruse, stratagem, contrivance

Q. coerce
(v.) to compel, force
SYNONYMS: pressure, bully, intimidate, constrain
ANTONYMS: persuade, cajole

Q. craven
(adj.) cowardly; (n.) a coward
SYNONYMS: (adj.) fearful, fainthearted, pusillanimous
ANTONYMS: (adj.) brave, courageous, valiant

Q. culinary
(adj.) of or related to cooking or the kitchen

Q. demise
(n.) a death, especially of a person in a lofty position
SYNONYMS: decease, passing away
ANTONYMS: birth, beginning, commencement

Q. exhilarate
(v.) to enliven, cheer, give spirit or liveliness to
SYNONYMS: stimulate, excite, gladden
ANTONYMS: discourage, dispirit, dishearten, inhibit

Q. fallow
(adj.) plowed but not seeded; inactive; reddish-yellow; (n.) land left unseeded; (v.) to plow but not seed
SYNONYMS: (adj.) unproductive, inert, dormant
ANTONYMS: (adj.) productive, fertile, prolific

Q. harass
(v.) to disturb, worry; to trouble by repeated attacks
SYNONYMS: annoy, pester, bedevil, beleaguer

Q. inclement
(adj.) stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action
SYNONYMS: blustery, tempestuous, implacable
ANTONYMS: mild, gentle, balmy, tranquil

Q. liquidate
(v.) to pay a debt, to settle an account; to eliminate
SYNONYMS: reconcile, pay, cancel, exterminate
ANTONYMS: invest, collect

Q. muse
(v.) to think about in a dreamy way, ponder
SYNONYMS: meditate, contemplate, daydream

Q. negligible
(adj.) so unimportant that it can be disregarded
SYNONYMS: trivial, inconsequential, insignificant
ANTONYMS: significant, crucial, momentous

Q. perpetuate
(v.) to make permanent or long lasting
SYNONYMS: continue, preserve, prolong indefinitely
ANTONYMS: discontinue, abolish, abandon

Q. precedent
(n.) an example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action
SYNONYMS: guide, tradition, model

Q. punitive
(adj.) inflicting or aiming at punishment
SYNONYMS: penalizing, retaliatory

Q. redress
(v.) to set right, remedy; (n.) relief from wrong or injury
SYNONYMS: (v.) rectify, correct, mitigate

Q. sojourn
(n.) a temporary stay; (v.) to stay for a time
SYNONYMS: (n.) visit, stopover, brief stay

Q. urbane
(adj.) refined in manner or style, suave
SYNONYMS: elegant
ANTONYMS: crude, uncouth, boorish

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 4 Answers

Q. affiliated
(adj., part.) associated, connected
Syn.: attached, related, jointed
Ant.: dissociated, unconnected

Q. ascertain
(verb) to find out
Syn.: discover, determine, establish

Q. attainment
(noun) an accomplishment, the act of achieving
Syn.: achievement, fulfillment
Ant.: failure, defeat, frustration

Q. bequeath
(verb) to give or pass on as an inheritance
Syn.: transmit, bestow, hand down

Q. cogent
(adj.) forceful, convincing; relevant, to the point
Syn.: persuasive, compelling
Ant.: weak, unconvincing, ineffective, irrelevant

Q. converge
(verb) to move toward one point, approach nearer together
Syn.: meet, unite, intersect, merge
Ant.: diverge, separate

Q. disperse
(verb) to scatter, spread far and wide
Syn.: break up, dispel
Ant.: collect, congregate, assemble, muster

Q. esteem
(verb) to regard highly; (noun) a highly favorable opinion or judgment
Syn.: (verb) respect, admire, honor, revere
Ant.: (verb) disdain, scorn; (noun) contempt

Q. expunge
(verb) to erase, obliterate, destroy
Syn.: delete, efface, annihilate
Ant.: insert, mark, imprint, impress

Q. finite
(adj.) having limits; lasting for a limited time
Syn.: bounded, measurable
Ant.: unlimited, immeasurable, everlasting, eternal

Q. invulnerable
(adj.) not able to be wounded or hurt; shielded against attack
Syn.: impregnable, impervious, immune
Ant.: exposed, unprotected, defenseless

Q. malevolent
(adj.) spiteful, showing ill will
Syn.: malicious, wicked, sinister, malignant
Ant.: kind, benevolent, compassionate

Q. nonchalant
(adj.) cool and confident, unconcerned
Syn.: composed, unruffled, indifferent, blase
Ant.: perturbed, agitated, disconcerted, abashed

Q. omniscient
(adj.) knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding
Syn.: wise, all-knowing
Ant.: ignorant, unknowing

Q. panacea
(noun) a remedy for all ills; cure-all; an answer to all problems
Syn.: universal cure, easy solution

Q. scrupulous
(adj.) exact, careful, attending thoroughly to details; having high moral standards, principled
Syn.: painstaking, meticulous, conscientious
Ant.: careless, negligent, remiss, dishonest

Q. skulk
(verb) to move about stealthily; to lie in hiding
Syn.: lurk, slink, prowl

Q. supercilious
(adj.) proud and contemptuous; showing scorn because of a feeling of superiority
Syn.: snobbish, patronizing, overbearing
Ant.: humble, meek, deferential, servile

Q. uncanny
(adj.) strange, mysterious, weird, beyond explanation
Syn.: eerie, inexplicable, spooky

Q. venial
(adj.) easily excused; pardonable
Syn.: excusable, forgivable
Ant.: inexcusable, unforgivable, unpardonable

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 5 Answers

Q. altruistic
(adj) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others
Syn.: selfless
Ant.: selfish, self-centered

Q. assent
(verb) to express agreement; (noun) agreement
Syn.: (verb) concur, consent, accede
Ant.: (verb) disagree, differ, dissent

Q. benefactor
(noun) one who does good to others
Syn.: patron, humanitarian
Ant.: misanthrope, malefactor

Q. chivalrous
(adj) marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly
Syn.: gallant, civil, valiant
Ant.: crude, uncouth, churlish, loutish

Q. clemency
(noun) mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness
Syn.: leniency, forbearance, gentleness
Ant.: harshness, severity, cruelty, inflexibility

Q. dearth
(noun) a lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine
Syn.: insufficiency, want, paucity
Ant.: surplus, oversupply, glut, abundance

Q. diffident
(adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved
Syn.: timid, bashful, unassertive, withdrawn
Ant.: bold, brash, audacious, self-confident, jaunty

Q. discrepancy
(noun) a difference; a lack of agreement
Syn.: disagreement, divergence, inconsistency
Ant.: agreement, convergence, consistency

Q. embark
(verb) to go aboard; to make a start; to invest
Syn.: commence, launch, begin, board

Q. facile
(adj.) easily done or attained; superficial; ready, fluent; easily shown but not sincerely felt
Syn.: effortless, assured, poised, specious
Ant.: labored, awkward, halting

Q. indomitable
(adj.) unconquerable, refusing to yield
Syn.: unbeatable, invincible, unyielding
Ant.: surrendering, submissive, yielding

Q. infallible
(adj.) free from error; absolutely dependable
Syn.: unerring, certain
Ant.: imperfect

Q. plod
(verb) to walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly
Syn.: lumber, trudge
Ant.: scamper, skip, prance

Q. pungent
(adj.) causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting
Syn.: sharp, spicy, piquant, caustic, racy
Ant.: bland, unappetizing, colorless, insipid

Q. remiss
(adj.) neglectful in performance of one’s duty, careless
Syn.: negligent, lax, slack
Ant.: scrupulous, dutiful, punctilious

Q. repose
(verb) to rest; lie; place; (noun) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness
Syn.: (verb) sleep; (noun) tranquillity, respite
Ant.: (noun) exertion, wakefulness, tumult, bustle, ado

Q. temerity
(noun) rashness, boldness
Syn.: recklessness, foolhardiness, effrontery
Ant.: timidity, fearfulness, diffidence, humility

Q. truculent
(adj.) fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive; scathingly harsh
Syn.: brutal, savage, belligerent, vitriolic
Ant.: gentle, mild, meek, unthreatening

Q. unfeigned
(adj.) sincere, real, without pretense
Syn.: genuine, heartfelt
Ant.: insincere, simulated, phony

Q. virulent
(adj.) extremely poisonous; full of malice; spiteful
Syn.: venomous, noxious, baneful, hateful
Ant.: innocuous, harmless, benign

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 6 Answers

(verb) to yield to; to assume an office or dignity
Syn.: consent, concur, comply, assent
Ant.: demur, balk at

(verb) to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion
Syn.: swing, shake

(verb) to include or contain; to be made up of
Syn.: compose, constitute, encompass
Ant.: exclude

(adj.) skillful, nimble
Syn.: dexterous, adroit, proficient, clever, masterful
Ant.: clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept

(adj.) deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in
Syn.: wanting, devoid, impoverished, penniless
Ant.: rich, wealthy, luxurious, bountiful, full, replete

(adj.) definite, clearly stated
Syn.: distinct, forthright, unambiguous, clear
Ant.: vague, ambiguous, implied, implicit

(verb) to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally
Syn.: uproot, eradicate, wipe out, excise
Ant.: implant, sow, foster, nourish

(adj.) coming at a bad time; not appropriate
Syn.: ill-timed, inconvenient, inappropriate, unsuitable
Ant.: timely, convenient, felicitous, opportune

(adj.) suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens; given to irony, sarcastic
Syn.: incongruous, satiric, sardonic, wry
Ant.: straightforward, unequivocal

(adj.) stale, moldy; out-of-date
Syn.: hackneyed, antiquated
Ant.: fresh, sweet-smelling, up-to-date, brand-new

(adj.) meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority
Syn.: meddlesome, prying, impertinent, obtrusive
Ant.: reserved, diffident, timid, aloof

(adj.) unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen
Syn.: unpropitious, inauspicious, portentous
Ant.: propitious, auspicious, promising

(noun) a high peak or point
Syn.: apex, acme, summit, apogee
Ant.: nadir, perigee, low point

(adj., part.) considered beforehand, deliberately planned
Syn.: preplanned, rehearsed, calculated, prearranged
Ant.: unplanned, spontaneous, impromptu

(adj.) growing without check, running wild
Syn.: widespread, unrestrained, extravagant, prevalent
Ant.: controlled, restrained

(noun) comfort, relief; (verb) to comfort, console
Syn.: (verb) soothe, reassure, cheer up
Ant.: (verb) vex, aggravate, upset

(adj.) dignified, majestic
Syn.: grand, magnificent, imposing
Ant.: lowly, humble, servile, abject

(adj.) bending easily; bending with agility; readily adaptable; servile
Syn.: flexible, limber, pliable, pliant
Ant.: stiff, rigid, unbending, hidebound

(verb) to stop by force, put down
Syn.: subdue, crush, stifle, squelch, quash, silence
Ant.: provoke, spur, arouse, incite, instigate

(adj.) open to or marked by bribery or corruption
Syn.: dishonest, bribable, corruptible, mercenary
Ant.: honest, incorruptible, scrupulous

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 7 Answers

Q. abhor
(verb) to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply
syn.: detest, despise, abominate
ant.: admire, cherish, respect, relish

Q. amend
(verb) to change in a formal way; to change for the better
syn.: modify, improve, correct

Q. buffet
(verb) to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one’s way with difficulty;
(noun) a slap, blow
syn.: (v.) sock, thump, pummel, toss about

Q. chaos
(noun) great confusion, disorder
syn.: anarchy, turmoil, pandemonium
ant.: order, regularity, tranquillity

Q. commodious
(adj.) roomy, spacious
syn.: comfortable, ample, capacious
ant.: cramped, claustrophobic, insufficient

Q. corrosive
(adj.) eating away gradually, acidlike; bitterly sarcastic
syn.: caustic, mordant, acidulous, spiteful
ant.: bland, mild, benign, amiable

Q. discern
(verb) to see clearly, recognize
syn.: perceive, detect, distinguish
ant.: overlook

Q. extant
(adj.) still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost
syn.: surviving, in existence
ant.: extinct, defunct, vanished

Q. implicate
(verb) to involve in; to connect with or be related to
syn.: incriminate, entangle
ant.: absolve, exculpate

Q. inter
(verb) to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion
ant.: unearth, exhume

Q. martinet
(noun) a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules
syn.: taskmaster, slave driver

Q. obviate
(verb) to anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of
syn.: preclude, forestall, ward off

Q. renegade
(noun) one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw;
(adj.) traitorous, unconventional, unorthodox
syn.: (noun) turncoat, defector, heretic
ant.: (noun) loyalist, patriot

Q. reprehensible
(adj.) deserving blame or punishment
syn.: objectionable, blameworthy, culpable, odious
ant.: commendable, blameless, meritorious

Q. somber
(adj.) dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit
syn.: mournful, dismal
ant.: bright, sunny, lighthearted, cheerful, jaunty

Q. squalid
(adj.) filthy, wretched, debased
syn.: dingy, sordid, foul, vile, abject
ant.: neat, spruce, exalted, lofty

Q. turbulent
(adj.) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy
syn.: tumultuous, unruly, agitated
ant.: calm, placid, tranquil, still

Q. vociferous
(adj.) loud and noisy; compelling attention
syn.: clamorous, uproarious, blustering
ant.: quiet, soft-spoken, muted, subdued

Q. voluminous
(adj.) of great size; numerous; writing or speaking at great length
syn.: bulky, massive, copious, plentiful
ant.: scant, meager, brief, succinct

Q. waive
(verb) to do without, give up voluntarily; to put off temporarily, defer
syn.: decline, relinquish, forgo
ant.: claim, accept

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 8 Answers

Q. animosity
(noun) strong dislike; bitter hostility
Synonyms: enmity, rancor, antipathy
Antonyms: affection, fondness, rapport, amity

Q. apathy
(noun) a lack of feeling, emotion, or interest
Synonyms: indifference, disinterest, detachment
Antonyms: enthusiasm, fervor, ardor, concer

Q. apprehensive
(adj.) fearful or anxious, especially about the future
Synonyms: worried, nervous, fretful, jittery
Antonyms: unworried, assured, confident, certain

Q. commend
(verb) to praise, express approval; to present as worthy of attention; to commit to the care of
Synonyms: applaud, entrust
Antonyms: abhor, loathe

Q. compatible
(adj.)able to get along or work well together; capable of use with some other model or system
Synonyms: harmonious, in agreement, like-minded
Antonyms: mismatch, incongruous, antagonistic

Q. condolence
(noun) an expression of sympathy
Synonyms: commiseration, solace, sympathy

Q. consecrate
(verb) to make sacred, hallow; to set apart for a special purpose
Synonyms: devote, dedicate, sanctify
Antonyms: desecrate, defile, profane, dishonor

Q. decrepit
(adj.) old and feeble; worn-out, ruined
Synonyms: infirm, broken-down, rickety, dilapidated
Antonyms: vigorous, robust, sturdy

Q. deride
(verb) to ridicule, laugh at with contempt
Synonyms: mock, scorn, disparage, jeer at
Antonyms: praise, extol, acclaim, applaud

Q. ingenuous
(adj.) innocent, simple; frank, sincere
Synonyms: naive, artless, guileless, candid
Antonyms: artful, crafty, worldly, sophisticated

Q. multifarious
(adj.) having great variety; numerous and diverse
Synonyms: varied, manifold, heterogeneous
Antonyms: unvaried, uniform, hom*ogeneous

Q. obsolete
(adj.) out-of-date; no longer in use
Synonyms: outmoded, antiquated, passe, old hat
Antonyms: current, up-to-date, brand-new

Q. omnivorous
(adj.) eating every kind of food; eagerly taking in everything, having a wide variety of tastes
Synonyms: all-devouring, voracious

Q. parsimonious
(adj.) stingy, miserly; meager, poor, small
Synonyms: Frugal, nigg*rdly, penny-pinching, cheap
Antonyms: generous, openhanded

Q. quandary
(noun) a state of perplexity or doubt
Synonyms: confusion, dilemma, predicament

Q. recalcitrant
(adj.) stubbornly disobedient, resisting authority
Synonyms: unruly, obstinate, contrary, ornery
Antonyms: obedient, docile, cooperative, compliant

Q. reprisal
(noun) an injury done in return for injury
Synonyms: retaliation, revenge, retribution

Q. revel
(verb) to take great pleasure in
(noun) a wild celebration
Synonyms: (v.) to relish, savor, bask in, carouse
Antonyms: (v.) abhor, loathe

Q. stultify
(verb) to make ineffective or useless, cripple; to have a dulling effect on
Synonyms: smother, stifle, neutralize, negate
Antonyms: arouse, excite, inspire, stimulate

Q. suave
(adj) smoothly agreeable or polite; pleasing to the senses
Synonyms: sophisticated, urbane, polished
Antonyms: crude, clumsy, unpolished, oafish, loutish

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 9 Answers

Q. allocate
(verb) to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute
synonyms: assign, allot, distribute

Q. ardent
(adj) very enthusiastic, impassioned
synonyms: intense, fervent, avid
antonyms: indifferent, stolid, phlegmatic, apathetic

Q. assiduous
(adj) persistent, attentive, diligent
synonyms: industrious, unremitting, sedulous
antonyms: lazy, lackadaisical, shiftless

Q. brash
(adj) prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent
synonyms: rash, impetuous, brazen
antonyms: prudent, wary, circ*mspect

Q. capricious
(adj) subject to whims or passing fancies
synonyms: impulsive, fickle, unpredictable, mercurial
antonyms: constant, steady, unwavering

Q. chastise
(verb) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely
synonyms: discipline, censure
antonyms: commend, reward

Q. copious
(adj) abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose
synonyms: ample, profuse, bountiful
antonyms: inadequate, meager, scanty, concise

Q. deviate
(verb) to turn aside; to stray from a norm;
(noun) one who departs from a norm;
(adj.) differing from a norm, heterodox, unconventional
synonyms: (verb) diverge, veer, swerve
antonyms: (verb) conform to, abide by; (adj.) orthodox

Q. emaciated
(adj., part.) unnaturally thin
synonyms: withered, shriveled
antonyms: plump, fat, obese, corpulent

Q. exult
(verb) to rejoice greatly
synonyms: revel, glory
antonyms: mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament

Q. gnarled
(adj) knotted, twisted, lumpy
synonyms: knotty, misshapen, contorted
antonyms: smooth, unblemished, straight

Q. indemnity
(noun) a payment for damage or loss
synonym: compensation, reparation

Q. inkling
(noun) a hint; a vague notion
synonyms: clue, intimation, suggestion

Q. limpid
(adj) clear, transparent; readily understood
synonyms: lucid, intelligible
antonyms: murky, opaque

Q. omnipotent
(adj.) almighty, having unlimited power or authority
synonym: all-powerful
antonyms: powerless, impotent, weak

Q. palatable
(adj) agreeable to the taste or one’s sensibilities; suitable for consumption
synonyms: edible, appetizing, attractive
antonyms: inedible, distasteful, disagreeable

Q. poignant
(adj) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell
synonyms: heartrending, melancholy
antonyms: unaffecting, bland, vapid, insipid, funny

Q. rancor
(noun) bitter resentment or ill-will
synonyms: animosity, enmity, bitterness
antonyms: goodwill, harmony, rapport, amity

Q. sophom*oric
(adj) immature and overconfident; conceited
synonyms: pretentious, superficial, fatuous
antonyms: mature, judicious, knowledgeable

Q. spontaneous
(adj) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance
synonyms: unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptu
antonyms: premeditated, planned, contrived

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 10 Answers

Q. acquiesce
(verb) to accept without protest; to agree or submit
SYNONYMS: comply with, accede, consent, yield
ANTONYMS: resist, protest

Q. allure
(verb) to entice, tempt; to be attractive to; (noun) a strong attraction; the power to attract, charm
SYNONYMS (verb): beguile, tantalize; (noun): temptation, enticement
ANTONYMS (verb): repel, turn off; (noun): repellent

Q. askew
(adj., adv.) twisted to one side, crooked; disapprovingly
SYNONYMS: awry, lopsided, co*ckeyed
ANTONYMS: straight, symmetrical

Q. blithe
(adj.) cheerful, lighthearted; casual, unconcerned
SYNONYMS: carefree, nonchalant, indifferent
ANTONYMS: glum, morose, despondent, depressed

Q. contentious
(adj.) quarrelsome, inclined to argue
SYNONYMS: argumentative, disputatious, combative
ANTONYMS: agreeable, amiable, affable, pacific

Q. covet
(verb) to desire something belonging to another
SYNONYMS: crave, yearn for, hunger for
ANTONYMS: disdain, scorn, despise

Q. crestfallen
(adj.) discouraged, dejected, downcast
SYNONYMS: despondent, disconsolate
ANTONYMS: elated, cheerful, self-satisfied, co*cky

Q. disheveled
(adj.) rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder
SYNONYMS: untidy, disarranged, tousled
ANTONYMS: tidy, well-groomed

Q. exponent
(noun) one who advocates, speaks for, explains, or interprets; (math) the power to which a number, symbol, or expression is to be raised
SYNONYMS: defender, champion, interpreter
ANTONYMS: critic, adversary, faultfinder, detractor

Q. garrulous
(adj.) given to much talking, tediously chatty
SYNONYMS: talkative, loquacious
ANTONYMS: reticent, mum, taciturn, laconic

Q. insuperable
(adj.) incapable of being overcome
SYNONYMS: invincible, insurmountable
ANTONYMS: surmountable, conquerable

Q. lamentable
(adj.) to be regretted or pitied
SYNONYMS: deplorable, regrettable, distressing
ANTONYMS: praiseworthy, commendable, laudable

Q. misnomer
(noun) an unsuitable or misleading name
SYNONYMS: misnaming, malapropism

Q. profess
(verb) to affirm openly; to state belief in; to claim, pretend
SYNONYMS: assert, proclaim, purport
ANTONYMS: disclaim, disavow, repudiate

Q. respite
(noun) a period of relief or rest
SYNONYMS: interval, intermission, lull, breather

Q. retribution
(noun) a repayment; a deserved punishment
SYNONYMS: recompense, requital, just deserts

Q. sinuous
(adj.) winding, having many curves; lithe and flexible
SYNONYMS: twisting, convoluted, supple
ANTONYMS: direct, unbending, stiff, rigid

Q. sonorous
(adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style
SYNONYMS: resonant, resounding, grandiloquent
ANTONYMS: tinny, reedy, harsh, grating

Q. vanguard
(noun) the foremost part of an army; the leading position in any field
SYNONYMS: forefront, cutting edge, trailblazers
ANTONYMS: rear guard, stragglers, laggards

Q. wastrel
(noun) a wasteful person, spendthrift; a good-for-nothing
SYNONYMS: loafer, idler, profligate
ANTONYMS: skinflint, tightwad

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 11 Answers

Q. allude
(verb) to refer to casually or indirectly
Syn.: suggest, insinuate, intimate

Q. clairvoyant
(adj.) supernaturally perceptive;
(noun) one who possesses extrasensory powers, seer
Syn.: (adj.) insightful, discerning, uncanny; (noun) visionary
Ant.: (adj.) blind, unseeing, myopic, dense

Q. conclusive
(adj.) serving to settle an issue; final
Syn.: decisive, convincing, definitive
Ant.: unsettled, provisional, indefinite

Q. disreputable
(adj.) not respectable, not esteemed
Syn.: disgraceful, discreditable, shady
Ant.: honest, aboveboard, respectable, creditable

Q. endemic
(adj.) native or confined to a particular region or people; characteristic of or prevalent in a field
Syn.: indigenous, restricted to
Ant.: alien, foreign, extraneous

Q. exemplary
(adj.) worthy of imitation, commendable; serving as a model
Syn.: praiseworthy, meritorious, sterling, illustrative
Ant.: infamous, notorious, scandalous, disreputable

Q. fathom
(verb) to understand, get to the bottom of; to determine the depth of
(noun) a measure of depth in water
Syn.: (verb) grasp, figure out, plumb

Q. guile
(noun) treacherous cunning, deceit
Syn.: trickery, chicanery
Ant.: candor, artlessness, naivete, plain dealing

Q. integrity
(noun) honesty, high moral standards; an unimpaired condition, completeness, soundness
Syn.: rectitude, probity
Ant.: dishonesty, corruption, turpitude

Q. itinerary
(noun) a route of travel; a record of travel; a guidebook
Syn.: schedule, program

Q. misconstrue
(verb) to interpret wrongly, mistake the meaning of
Syn.: misjudge, misinterpret

Q. obnoxious
(adj.) highly offensive, arousing strong dislike
Syn.: disagreeable, repugnant, hateful, odious
Ant.: agreeable, pleasing, engaging, personable

Q. placate
(verb) to appease, soothe, pacify
Syn.: satisfy, mollify, allay, conciliate
Ant.: vex, irk, provoke, exasperate, annoy

Q. placid
(adj.) calm, peaceful
Syn.: undisturbed, tranquil, quiet, serene
Ant.: stormy, agitated, turbulent, tempestuous

Q. potent
(adj.) powerful; highly effective
Syn.: mighty, formidable, forceful
Ant.: weak, inept, f*ckless, powerless, ineffective

Q. pretext
(noun) a false reason, deceptive excuse
Syn.: pretense, cover story, rationale, evasion

Q. protrude
(verb) to stick out, thrust forth
Syn.: project, bulge

Q. reparation
(noun) a payment made for a wrong or an injury
Syn.: compensation, damages, redress

Q. stark
(adj.) harsh, unrelieved, desolate
(adv.) utterly
Syn.: (adj.) sheer, downright, grim, bleak; (adv.) absolutely
Ant.: (adj.) bright, cheerful, embellished, ornate

Q. superficial
(adj.) on or near the surface; concerned with or understanding only what is on the surface, shallow
Syn.: skin-deep, insubstantial, cursory, slapdash
Ant.: deep, profound, thorough, exhaustive

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 12 Answers

Q. abjure
(verb) to renounce, repudiate under oath; to avoid, shun
Synonyms: forswear, retract, abstain from
Antonyms: affirm, avow, aver, profess

Q. acrid
(adj.) harsh in taste or odor; sharp in manner or temper
Synonyms: irritating, stinging, bitter, caustic
Antonyms: gentle, soothing, mild

Q. august
(adj.) majestic, inspiring admiration and respect
Synonyms: stately, dignified, exalted, venerable
Antonyms: humble, base, mean, lowly, abject

Q. callous
(adj.) emotionally hardened, unfeeling
Synonyms: insensitive, unsympathetic, thick-skinned
Antonyms: sensitive, compassionate, tenderhearted

Q. clandestine
(adj.) secret, concealed; underhanded
Synonyms: covert, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy
Antonyms: open, overt, undisguised, aboveboard

Q. compunction
(noun) remorse, regret
Synonyms: scruple, qualm, misgiving, contrition
Antonyms: shamelessness, insouciance, nonchalance

Q. conflagration
(noun) a large destructive fire
Synonyms: holocaust, wildfire
Antonym: deluge

Q. elated
(adj., part.) in high spirits, jubilant; extremely pleased
Synonyms: overjoyed, ecstatic, tickled pink
Antonyms: depressed, crestfallen, despondent, blue

Q. indelible
(adj.) not able to be erased or removed; memorable
Synonyms: lasting, permanent
Antonyms: erasable, impermanent, ephemeral

Q. indulgent
(adj.) yielding to the wishes or demands of others
Synonyms: permissive, tolerant, liberal
Antonyms: strict, severe, hard-nosed

Q. inveterate
(adj.) firmly established, long-standing; habitual.
Synonyms: persisting, chronic, dyed-in-the-wool.
Antonyms: sporadic, intermittent, occasional.

Q. irrelevant
(adj.) not to the point, not applicable, or pertinent.
Synonyms: inapplicable, immaterial, beside the point.
Antonyms: pertinent, material, apropos, germane.

Q. nocturnal
(adj.) of or occurring in the night; under cover of darkness.
Synonym: nighttime.
Antonyms: daytime, diurnal.

Q. platitude
(noun) a commonplace, stale, or trite remark.
Synonyms: cliche, truism, bromide.
Antonyms: epigram, quip, witticism, bon mot.

Q. quell
(verb) to subdue, put down forcibly.
Synonyms: pacify, squelch, quash, crush.
Antonyms: incite, provoke, arouse, foment, stir up.

Q. quiescent
(adj.) inactive; at rest.
Synonyms: still, inert, motionless, tranquil.
Antonyms: active, thriving, bustling, volatile.

Q. ruminate
(verb) to meditate, think about at length.
Synonyms: ponder, reflect, mull over, muse.

Q. tacit
(adj.) unspoken, silent; implied, inferred.
Synonyms: unexpressed, unvoiced, understood, implicit.
Antonyms: explicit, express, specific.

Q. tangible
(adj.) capable of being touched; real, concrete.
Synonyms: perceptible, actual, evident.
Antonyms: immaterial, imperceptible, insubstantial.

Q. trenchant
(adj.) incisive, keen; forceful, effective; cutting, caustic; distinct, clear-cut.
Synonyms: penetrating, cutting, telling, acute.
Antonyms: dull, bland, insipid, vapid, imperceptive.

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 13 Answers

Q. antipathy
(n.) a strong dislike, hostile feeling
Syn: hostility, enmity, aversion, bad blood
Ant: attraction, appeal, allure, sympathy

Q. applicable
(adj.) capable of being applied; relevant, suitable
Syn: appropriate, fit, apt, apposite
Ant: inappropriate, unsuitable, irrelevant

Q. asset
(n.) something of value; a resource; an advantage
Syn: property, possession, holding, endowment
Ant: drawback, handicap, liability

Q. beset
(v.) to attack from all sides; to surround, hem in; (adj., part.) harassed, troubled; studded (as with jewels)
Syn: (v.) assail, harass, badger, pester, torment

Q. compassion
(n.) sympathy for another’s suffering; pity
Syn: concern, commiseration, empathy
Ant: indifference, callousness, heartlessness

Q. decorum
(n.) proper behavior, good taste; orderliness
Syn: seemliness, good form, propriety
Ant: impropriety, bad form, bad taste

Q. duress
(n.) compulsion by threat; forcible confinement
Syn: intimidation, coercion
Ant: persuasion, coaxing, sweet talk, cajolery

Q. exuberant
(adj.) high-spirited, enthusiastic, unrestrained; excessive, abundant
Syn: lively, ebullient, irrepressible, lavish
Ant: depressed, despondent, sulky, restrained

Q. facsimile
(n.) an exact copy
Syn: replica, duplicate, reproduction, clone
Ant: variation, modification, permutation

Q. imbibe
(v.) to drink; to take in, absorb
Syn: swallow, gulp, quaff, assimilate, digest
Ant: eject, emit, expel, discharge

Q. implacable
(adj.) not to be satisfied or pacified; unyielding
Syn: relentless, inexorable, unappeasable
Ant: lenient, indulgent, permissive, flexible

Q. infinitesimal
(adj.) so small as to be almost immeasurable; minute
Syn: tiny, minuscule, microscopic, unnoticeable
Ant: vast, immense, huge, infinite

Q. innocuous
(adj.) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant
Syn: feeble, impotent, unobjectionable, insipid
Ant: harmful, dangerous, pernicious, toxic, virulent

Q. militate
(v.) to have effect or force on or against someone or something, fight against
Syn: counter, oppose, work against

Q. patent
(n.) exclusive rights over an invention; copyright; (v.) to arrange or obtain such rights; (adj.) plain, open to view; copyrighted
Syn: (n.) exclusive, license; (adj.) evident
Ant: (adj.) concealed, hidden, secret, clandestine

Q. prowess
(n.) distinguished bravery; superior skill or ability
Syn: valor, courage, heroism, mastery, proficiency
Ant: cowardice, incompetence, ineptitude

Q. sedate
(adj.) quiet, settled, sober; (v.) to administer a tranquilizer
Syn: (adj.) unruffled, composed, cool and collected
Ant: (adj.) loud, brash, flashy, flamboyant, garish, flighty

Q. stentorian
(adj.) extremely loud
Syn: thundering, booming, deafening, earsplitting
Ant: hushed, inaudible, whispered, mute

Q. stipulate
(v.) to arrange specifically; to require as a condition of agreement
Syn:specify, contract, provide for

Q. ultimatum
(n.) a final proposal or statement of conditions
Syn: final terms

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 14 Answers

Q. alacrity
(noun) a cheerful readiness; brisk and eager action
syn: promptness, willingness, dispatch, celerity
ant: reluctance, unwillingness, hesitancy

Q. alleviate
(verb) to relieve, make more bearable
syn: lesson, lighten, allay, mitigate, assuage

Q. antithesis
(noun) the direct opposite, a sharp contrast
syn: contrary, antipode

Q. appall
(verb) to fill with dismay or horror
syn: shock, stun, stupefy, horrify
ant: please, cheer, gladden, elate, exhilarate

Q. bellicose
(adjective) warlike in manner or temperament; quarrelsome
syn: aggressive, combative, belligerent
ant: amicable, peaceable, conciliatory, pacific

Q. disparage
(verb) to belitte, speak slightingly of; to undervalue
syn: degrade, decry, run down, underrate
ant: praise, extol, laud, plug

Q. dissonant
(adjective) not in harmony; disagreeing, at odds
syn: grating, strident, unmelodious, irreconcilable

Q. droll
(adjective) amusingly odd
syn: comical, humorous, whimsical, zany
ant: humorless, solemn, dour

Q. edict
(noun) an order issued by someone in authority
syn: command, decree, proclamation

Q. elucidate
(verb) to clarify, explain
syn: interpret, expound, explicate
ant: obscure, becloud, muddy, obfuscate

Q. laud
(verb) to praise
syn: hail, extol, glorify, exalt
ant: criticize, censure, belittle, disparage

Q. loll
(verb) to act in a lazy manner; to lounge; to recline, droop
syn: loaf, loiter, sag, dangle

Q. loquacious
(adjective) talkative, wordy; fond of talking
syn: gossipy, voluble, garrulous, long-winded
ant: silent, reticent, closemouthed, terse, taciturn

Q. magnanimous
(adjective) generous in forgiving, above small meanness
syn: unselfish, charitable, noble, bighearted
ant: petty, selfish, unforgiving, spiteful

Q. mandatory
(adjective) required, obligatory
syn: compulsory, requisite, imperative
ant: optional, voluntary, discretionary

Q. nondescript
(adjective) ordinary, not outstanding; not easily classified
syn: plain, unremarkable, unimpressive
ant: distinctive, remarkable, vivid, prepossessing

Q. phlegmatic
(adjective) slow-moving, sluggish; unemotional
syn: lethargic, indolent, torpid, stolid, impassive
ant: emotional, sensitive, thin-skinned, excitable

Q. rescind
(verb) to repeal, cancel
syn: withdraw, revoke, retract, annul, abrogate
ant: affirm, endorse, uphold, ratify

Q. vivacious
(adjective) lively, sprightly, full of energy
syn: spirited, animated, ebullient
ant: dull, spiritless, listless, indolent, languid

Q. whet
(verb) to sharpen, put an edge on; to make keen or eager
syn: hone, excite, stimulate
ant: dull, blunt, deaden, stifle, dampen

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop LEVEL E Unit 15 Answers

Q. abrasive
adj.) causing irritation, harsh; grinding or wearing down;
(n.) a substance used to smooth or polish
syn: (adj.) chafing, grating, rasping, erosive
ant: (adj.) smooth, polished, satiny, oily

Q. acclimate
(v.) to adapt a new climate, environment, or situation
syn: accustom, learn the ropes

Q. chagrin
n.) irritation or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration;
(v.) to cause such a feeling
syn: (n.) vexation, mortification; (v.) abash, mortify
ant: (n.) jubilation, exultation, triumph; (v.) exult, delight

Q. complacent
(adj.) self-satisfied; overly content
syn: smug, unconcerned
ant: discontented

Q. concur
(v.) to express agreement, approve
syn: agree, assent, ratify, sanction
ant: disagree, differ, part company

Q. defamation
(n.) slander or libel
syn: vilification, calumny
ant: salute, tribute

Q. explicate
(v.) to make plain or clear, explain; to interpret
syn: elucidate, untangle, spell out
ant: confuse, bewilder, obscure, obfuscate

Q. fracas
(n.) noisy quarrel or brawl
syn: row, altercation, rhubarb, brouhaha
ant: agreement, accord, unanimity, harmony

Q. grotesque
(adj.) unnatural, distorted; bizarre
syn: fantastic, outlandish, ugly, deformed
ant: appealing, attractive, comely

Q. pandemonium
(n.) a wild uproar, din, or commotion
syn: chaos, bedlam, three-ring circus
ant: order, calm, tranquility, peace, repose

Q. raucous
(adj.) disagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly
syn: boisterous, clamorous, strident
ant: placid, tranquil, peaceful, serene, pastoral

Q. receptive
(adj.) open and responsive to ideas or suggestions
syn: open-minded, tolerant, amenable
ant: narrow-minded, intolerant, hidebound

Q. renounce
(v.) to give up or resign something
syn: repudiate, disown, abdicate
ant: retain, secure, affirm, assent, aver

Q. repress
(v.) to hold back; to put down or check by force
syn: subdue, curb, stifle, bottle up
ant: liberate, set loose, provoke, excite

Q. reticent
(adj.) not inclined to speak; reserved; reluctant
syn: taciturn, closemouthed, tight-lipped
ant: talkative, garrulous, voluble, long-winded

Q. savory
(adj.) tasty, appetizing; pungent or salty, not sweet; inoffensive, respectable
syn: delectable, flavorful, aromatic, piquant
ant: distasteful, unpalatable, malodorous, bland

Q. somnolent
(adj.) sleepy, drowsy; inducing sleep
syn: groggy, soporific
ant: alert, lively, wide-awake, stimulating

Q. vehement
(adj.) intense, forceful, powerful
syn: emphatic, vigorous, impassioned
ant: apathetic, lukewarm, subdued, muted

Q. voluble
(adj.) characterized by a ready flow of words; glib, fluent
syn: loquacious, garrulous, long-winded, prolix
ant: uncommunicative, reticent, terse

Q. zealous
(adj.) eager, earnest, devoted
syn: ardent, fervent, devout, dogged, gung ho
ant: reluctant, unwilling, averse, tepid

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About Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level E

Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level E is designed to help students gain a comprehensive understanding of vocabulary and language. This program helps students expand their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Through this program, students can learn the meanings of certain words as well as acquire effective strategies for using them both orally and in written form.

Additionally, the program provides a variety of activities and exercises that are both engaging and informative. These activities range from fill-in-the-blank practices to word puzzles, all of which help students improve their understanding of language structure and usage.

Finally, the program also offers detailed guidance on how to approach each activity, ensuring students get the most out of their learning experience.

All in all, Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level E is an effective tool for improving language proficiency and expanding vocabulary knowledge. It provides a comprehensive program that helps students build the language skills they need to succeed.

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Thomas Busch

Hi, I’m Thomas, and I’ve been a teacher for over 10 years and have taught students at all levels. I created this blog to really help students get ahead of their exams as well as provide helpful guides on various courses.

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What grade level is the Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop? ›

With Vocabulary Workshop Achieve for Grades 6–12+, teach 10 words at a time while incorporating essential elements of vocabulary instruction that enable you to help your students achieve academic success. See what makes a rich vocabulary achievable.

What grade level is level D vocabulary workshop? ›

Vocabulary Workshop Enriched Student Edition Grade 9 (Level D)

When Washington refused to serve a third term as president, he set a N.? ›

Final answer: George Washington set a precedent by choosing not to seek a third term as president, an example that was followed until the Twenty-Second Amendment in 1951 made the two-term limit law.

When something is commended to the care of another, it is? ›

when something is commended to the care of another, it is... dedicate.

What is level 3 vocabulary? ›

Tier 3 words are commonly defined as low-frequency, subject-specific words. It is common practice to teach these words as part of content-specific lessons.

What grade level is a level Z? ›

This system classifies reading levels alphabetically from A to Z, with A corresponding to the earliest readers and Z falling in line with texts at or above an eighth grade level.

What grade level is a level G? ›

Level G is a level that appears in some i-Ready Reading and Math lessons. Level G is equivalent to 7th Grade in the U.S. In these i-Ready lessons, many characters appear. Older lessons were being replaced by new lessons without characters as of 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Is Level D 5th grade? ›

Level D is a Grade Level featuring 4th grade work.

Which president tried to serve 3 terms? ›

1940 election. President Roosevelt defeated Republican Wendell Willkie in the 1940 presidential election. The two-term tradition had been an unwritten rule (until the ratification of the 22nd Amendment after Roosevelt's presidency) since George Washington declined to run for a third term in 1796. Both Ulysses S.

Why did Washington only serve two terms? ›

Mindful of the precedent his conduct set for future presidents, Washington feared that if he were to die while in office, Americans would view the presidency as a lifetime appointment. Instead, he decided to step down from power, providing the standard of a two-term limit.

Which president broke the no third term rule? ›

Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected in 1944 for a fourth term amidst the United States' engagement in World War II but died shortly afterwards in office. The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1951, formally establishing in law the two-term limit—although it did not apply to the incumbent Harry S.

Which word is an antonym of flexible Quizlet? ›

Synonyms: flexible, limber, pliable, pliant. Antonyms: rigid, unbending, hidebound.

What grade is Sadlier C? ›

8th Grade vocabulary is taken from the Sadlier Oxford program. 8th graders will be using level C.

What are the levels of vocabulary learning? ›

Those with mature vocabularies and age-appropriate literacy skills understand and use words from all three tiers. This handout discusses the three tiers of vocabulary, Tier 1—Basic Vocabulary, Tier 2—High Frequency/Multiple Meaning, and Tier 3—Subject Related. Tier one consists of the most basic words.

What are the 4 levels of vocabulary? ›

Researchers often refer to four types of vocabulary
  • listening vocabulary-the words we need to know to understand what we hear.
  • speaking vocabulary-the words we use when we speak.
  • reading vocabulary-the words we need to know to understand what we read.
  • writing vocabulary-the words we use in writing.

What are Tier 1 vocabulary words 3rd grade? ›

Tier one consists of the most basic words. These words rarely require direct instruction and typically do not have multiple meanings. Sight words, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and early reading words occur at this level. Examples of tier one words are: book, girl, sad, run, dog, and orange.


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