Cereal Bars - Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe! (2024)

These homemade cereal bars need just 3 ingredients to make and taste better than anything store-bought! A healthy and kid-friendly snack.

Cereal Bars - Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe! (1)

Stop buying expensive pre-packaged cereal bars and make your own with this simple cereal bars recipe! It’s better than anything store-bought and so much healthier for you.

They make a healthy alternative to packaged snack bars. They take seconds to make and are seriously delicious!

Table of Contents
  1. Why this recipe works
  2. Ingredients needed
  3. How to make cereal bars
  4. Tips to make the best recipe
  5. Recipe variations
  6. Storage instructions
  7. More healthy snack recipes to try
  8. Frequently asked questions
  9. Cereal Bars (Recipe Card)

Why this recipe works

These bars may look impressive, but honestly, they are so simple to whop up.

  • Just 3 ingredients. Cereal, a sticky sweetener, and nut butter are all you’ll need.
  • Diet friendly. Easily make this gluten-free, vegan, and/or lower sugar.
  • Ready in 5 minutes. All you do is mix it up, transfer it into a pan, and wait for it to set.
  • Easy to customize. Change up the cereal, add flavor extracts, and use other nuts or seed butter: the possibilities are endless!

Ingredients needed

These cheerio bars are so easy; besides the cereal and syrup, there isn’t much else needed to make. Here is what you’ll need:

  • Cereal. Any crispy cereal works, including Cheerios, special K cereal, or even rice crispies.
  • Maple syrup. Binds everything together and adds some sweetness.
  • Almond butter. Smooth almond butter with no added sugar or salt.

How to make cereal bars

Homemade cereal bars are easy to make: just ensure you have a large enough bowl to mix everything in.

  1. Prep the ingredients: Add the cereal into a large mixing bowl. Next, add the maple syrup and almond butter into a microwave-safe bowl and microwave it for 20 seconds, or until the peanut butter has melted.
  2. Make the bars: Add the syrup/almond butter mixture to the mixing bowl with cereal and mix until combined.
  3. Set, slice, and serve: Transfer the cereal bar mixture to a lined pan and refrigerate it for 30 minutes or until it has firmed up. Once firm, slice them into bars.
Cereal Bars - Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe! (2)

Tips to make the best recipe

  • Use a crispy cereal. No one wants soggy or soft cereal bars, so make sure you start with fresh and crisp cereal. Check the expiration date and discard any crushed pieces.
  • Avoid overmixing. Similar to the earlier point about crispy cereal, another reason why the cereal could soften is due to overmixing. Prevent this by mixing everything together slowly and just until the cereal is mixed in.
  • Use a sharp knife. Always use a sharp knife when cutting these into bars to prevent them from crumbling or falling apart.
  • Line the pan. Even for non-stick pans, I always line them. It makes clean up a breeze and keeps everything in place.

Recipe variations

The beauty of this cereal bar recipe is just how easy it is to customize with other ingredients or even add some fun ones into them. Here is what we’ve tried:

Make it almond-free. If you can’t tolerate almonds or are allergic, switch it out for peanut butter, sunflower seed butter, or tahini.

Lower the sugar. Swap out the maple syrup for sugar free maple syrup or sugar free honey.

Keep it gluten-free. Use a celiac-friendly cereal like Gluten Free Cheerios.

Add mix-ins. Chocolate chips, raisins, and toasted coconut flakes are all great additions.

Storage instructions

To store: Avoid keeping these bars stored at room temperature as they are prone to becoming soggy. Instead, place them in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. They will keep well for up to two weeks.

To freeze: Place the bars in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Cereal Bars - Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe! (3)

More healthy snack recipes to try

  • Granola bars
  • Protein bars
  • Protein balls
  • Fruit leather

Frequently asked questions

Are cereal bars healthy for you?

Homemade cereal bars are much healthier than store-bought or packaged bars. They contain considerably less sugar, less fat, and fewer ingredients. They are also more cost-effective, too.

What cereal bars are good for diabetics?

Dependant on the individual, a general rule of thumb for choosing a cereal bar for diabetics would be ones that include healthy fats, fiber, and no added sugar.

Cereal Bars - Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe! (4)

Cereal Bars

5 from 550 votes

These homemade cereal bars need just 3 ingredients to make and taste better than anything store-bought! A healthy and kid-friendly snack.

Servings: 6 Bars

Prep: 1 minute min

Cook: 5 minutes mins

Total: 6 minutes mins

Rate This Recipe



  • 2 cups cereal gluten free, if needed
  • 6 tablespoons almond butter can substitute for peanut butter or sunflower seed butter
  • 6 tablespoon maple syrup can substitute for honey or agave nectar


  • Line a baking tray with baking paper and set aside.

  • In a large mixing bowl, add your dry cereal and set aside.

  • In a microwave safe bowl or stovetop, melt almond butter with your maple syrup and then pour the mixture into the crispy rice cereal and mix well.

  • Pour mixture into the lined baking tray and press firmly into place. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to firm up.


TO STORE: Avoid keeping these bars stored at room temperature as they are prone to becoming soggy. Instead, place them in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. They will keep well for up to two weeks.

TO FREEZE: Place the bars in a ziplock bag and store them in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Serving: 1BarCalories: 195kcalCarbohydrates: 21gProtein: 5gFat: 9gPotassium: 3mgFiber: 4gVitamin A: 3IUVitamin C: 3mgCalcium: 2mgIron: 3mgNET CARBS: 17g

Course: Snack

Cuisine: American

Author: Arman Liew

Tried this recipe?Give us a shout at @thebigmansworld or tag #thebigmansworld!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission for my endorsem*nt, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.

Cereal Bars - Easy 3 Ingredient Recipe! (2024)


How to make cereal bars stick together? ›

Honey – Along with the nut butter, it helps all these ingredients stick together! I love its warm amber flavor in this recipe. Vanilla extract – It amps up the bars' warm flavor. Sea salt – To make all the rich, sweet, and nutty flavors in this recipe pop!

What are cereal bars made of? ›

A cereal bar is a bar-shaped food product, made by pressing cereals and usually dried fruit or berries, which are in most cases held together by glucose syrup. Consumers choose cereal bars as an alternative to the less-healthy snacks, a quick source of energy before a workout, or a substitute for a meal.

What are the ingredients of cereal? ›

Cereal grains, mainly corn, wheat, rice, and/or oat, are the primary ingredients for breakfast cereals. Sweeteners and flavor are added during processing, while vitamins and minerals are added for fortification.

What does a cereal bar contain? ›

INGREDIENTS: Wholegrain cereals (whole oats (30%), wholewheat ), sultanas (14%), sweetened dried cranberries (9%) (cranberries, pineapple syrup, pineapple juice concentrate), glucose syrup, cereal crispies ( wholewheat flour, rice flour, sugar, malted barley flour, malted wheat flour, salt, rapeseed oil, emulsifier { ...

What is the best glue for granola bars? ›

While the oats and nuts bake, you can make the sticky glue that holds our bars together. You'll melt butter, honey, and brown sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar dissolves. Mix this sticky mixture with the toasted oats and nuts.

How to bind homemade granola bars? ›

Honey or maple syrup

These natural sweeteners also help bind the bars together, and make these bars deliciously sweet (though not too sweet). Or, make date paste from fresh Medjool dates. Dates offer additional fiber, while honey or maple syrup do not.

Are cereal bars OK? ›

BHF dietitian Victoria Taylor says:

Although breakfast bars, biscuits and milkshake drinks may have healthy ingredients like wholegrain cereals and milk, they often contain added sugar too, sometimes in large amounts. And although convenient, they can be an expensive option.

How do you wrap homemade cereal bars? ›

Instructions: For the granola bars, mix everything together in a big bowl and press it flat into a pan. We refrigerated it for a few hours to let it harden. Cut into desired size and put each into a bag. Roll up the bag and tape!

What are the top three ingredients in cereal? ›

Cereal is typically made of grains, such as wheat, oats, rice or corn. Sugar is added to some cereals to provide a sweet taste. Then, vitamins and flavors are added, and finally other delicious additions like fruits, nuts, and marshmallows.

How do I create my own cereal? ›

  1. Grind your grain of choice (or buy it ground)
  2. Add salt, sugar, flavorings to taste.
  3. Mix with water to create a thick slurry.
  4. Spread the slurry in a wide but shallow baking pan.
  5. Bake at low heat until the mixture is completely dry.
  6. Let cool, then crumble the dried mass.
  7. You now have breakfast cereal.
Mar 24, 2019

How to make cereal step by step? ›

  1. Place the dish you choose on a flat stable surface.
  2. Select the flavor of cereal of your liking.
  3. Pour cereal into the dish until you reach your desired serving.
  4. Next pour milk over the cereal until it is about 3/4 from the top.
  5. Mix the cereal slightly with a spoon.
  6. Use the same spoon to eat the cereal.

What are cereal bars? ›

Cereal bar may refer to: Energy bar, which contains cereal and other ingredients. Flapjack (oat bar), also known as a muesli bar. Granola bar.

Do cereal bars fill you up? ›

Cereal bars

If you are choosing a cereal bar, look for ingredients like nuts and oats, which will be a more filling choice and have more fibre than ones based on puffed rice or other refined cereals.

What was the first cereal bar? ›

The Original Granola Bar

Nature Valley was established in 1973 with the introduction of granola cereal. There was just one problem: it wasn't designed to be eaten outside. So we got to work creating the world's first-ever granola bar.

Why are my granola bars not sticking together? ›

Don't over measure your oats, nuts, and add-in's. If you measure the dry ingredients too generously the granola bars won't stick together because they won't be enough liquid ingredients to “glue” them together.

What helps granola stick together? ›

Maple Syrup: Pure maple syrup gives these clusters the most delicious flavor, and it's an unrefined sweetener. It also helps the granola stick together, cluster-style.

What is the binder in granola? ›

The binder is what helps the base ingredients clump together into clusters. Traditionally this is usually a sugar syrup, but it's possible to use any ingredient that has the power to bind. Egg - Egg whites are a great binder for granola if you are trying to avoid sugar.

What will cause cereal to be sticky and gummy? ›

The cooked wheat needs to be allowed up to 24 hours to temper before shredding. It's during this time that the moisture equilibrates and firms up from starch retrogradation. If there is insufficient tempering, the shreds will come out gummy, sticky, and crooked.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.