Do Like the Hellhounds Do - Leenden (2024)

“Happy f*ckin’ birthday, Mox,” Blitz hollered after kicking his office door open, spilling a tidalwave of balloons across the floor.

At his desk, Moxxie jolted, spilling his coffee down himself with a chittering hiss, “Sir!”

“No being pissy on your special day, foxy Moxxie,” Blitz said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “So, do you want presents first, cake, your spankies, it’s your call.”

Moxxie rolled his eyes, “I would have liked to have my coffee first, sir.”

“Coffee is so boring,” he said, sipping from his vente sugar volcano coffee. “So cake it is. Alright Millie, back it in, girl.”

Blitz made a beeping sound as the front office door popped open with Loona sloughing inside, Millie coming in next with a large sheet cake clutched in her hand. It could easily feed an office of twenty-five or more. There’d definitely be enough for leftovers to come home.

“Right over here, Mils,” Blitz ran around to the front of Moxxie’s desk before sweeping across the top, from corner to corner, dumping all of its contents onto the floor.

Moxxie stared at him. Speechlessly, his mouth hung gaped while his left eye twitched. Soon the contents of his desk was replaced by the large sheet cake, decorated with a nearly naked Blitz, a red ribbon over his genitals. He was holding a rose clenched between his teeth. Boldly it read, ‘Hapy Birtdae, Moksie. Use a gud font or Satin hel me, I’m gon full Caren!’

“Wow, sir, this is really something.”

“Isn’t it?” Millie giggled, bounding around the desk to wrap her husband up in a hug, “He really went all out.”

Blitz slipped up balancing a handful of wine glasses. Taking one, he scooped out the area where his dick was, on the cake, and passed it to Moxxie.

“Best part goes to the birthday boy.” He said, flashing him a smirk and a wriggle of his eyebrows.

“Sir, it’s nine AM. IT’s too early for cake or co*ck jokes,” Moxxie said.

Millie leaned in close, “Come on, Mox. It’s your special day and Ma always said ‘no being grumpy on your special day’.”

Moxxie sighed and took the wine glass of cake before diving in, “Mmm, is this Devil’s Food Cake.”

“With black cherry liqueur, yupper.” Blitz said, scooping up cake for everyone.

He made sure to get Loona’s scoop from the top right corner, “Here you go my Loonie-woonie, vanilla cake for you, so you don’t get a tummy ache.”

“God, you’re so f*cking embarrassing,” Loona barked, snatching the glass from his. When she took a bite, a faint smile crossed her muzzle, “This is good.”

Blitz watched her with a bright smile on his face as his tongue rolled out in a blep, “I thought you’d like it.”

Before she could snap at him, he hurried back to Millie, giving her a piece. “Alright, everyone eat up because presents are coming next.”

Millie settled in on the corner of Moxxie’s desk, making an almost lewd moan as she bit into the cake. It was delicious, lucious, maybe even the best cake Moxxie had ever gotten from the store and sure the decorations left a little to be desired, but it was so Blitz in its raw honesty.

“Ah f*ck it,” Blitz bubbled up with a pop, “I can’t wait. Here.”

Wading through the ocean of balloons back to his office, he came back with a small, roughly wrapped package and a card. He presented it like a cat bringing back a mouse to its owner.

“Thank you, sir,” Moxxie said, after swallowing down a mouthful of cake.

“No problem, Mox, anything for you.” Blitz said.

Moxxie took the gift and set it aside, so he could finish his cake. Blitz drew closer, kneeling to get on the same level as him. The smaller imp leaned away, unnerved by the growing closeness.

“Just open it whenever you get a moment.” Blitz whispered.

“O-kay,” Moxxie said. “I’ll open it when I’m done with my cake.”

“Sounds good.” Blitz nodded slowly. His gaze was still locked in on Moxxie, burning a hole in the side of his head.

“Shall I open it now,” he relented.

Much to Moxxie’s surprise, the gift contained a very nice fountain pen in a lush velvet laced box, complete with several ink refills. It was from The Devil’s Deal, the oldest and most premier manufacturer in all of the seven rings. They had an exclusive contract with Overlords and Sins. A very respectable gift.

“Oh, sir, this is so beautiful,” Moxxie said, unscrewing the cap to look at the signature silver tip, crafted from the silver used to cart souls across the river Styx – or so the ads on the televisions said.

“Well, you’re the one who’s always doing the paperwork around here. It’s only right that you have the right equipment for the job.” Blitz said, giving the smaller imp a rough hug. “I also have a coupon for ten more refills, so just let me know and I’ll get you squared away.”

Millie finished her cake before leaning in on her husband, “I got ya somethin a bit bigger, so you’ll have to wait for the big unveiling once we get home.”

“Ooh, do I get a hint?” Moxxie asked, his tail tip twitching excitedly.

“It's that big ass stereo you’ve been eyeing right, Mils?” Blitz belted out.

Millie’s mouth hung open as her eyes narrowed, “Well, I – uhm, yeah, Blitz. Yer right. It’s a new stereo, Mox. Surprise, happy birthday, darlin’.” Her tone dripped with sarcasm as soon as she spoke.

“Oh Millie, I’m sure I’m going to-.”

Loona interrupted, her lips red from icing, showering him with some cake crumbs as she spoke “I got you this.”

She thrusted a ‘Second Chances’ bag out towards Moxxie. He’d been there a few times himself and knew it was a famed second hand store down on the Sloth Ring; known for its low prices and its vast selection of rare and hard to find items.

Moxxie reached in and pulled the book out, glaring down at the yellow and white cover. In bold text across the top it read, “Dumb Dumb’s Guild to You and Your Hellhound”. Moxxie co*cked his head, reading the title for a second time before looking up at Loona.

She gave him a sharp smirk, “Happy bday.”

“Wow, Loona, this really means a lot to me,” Moxxie beamed.


“You really want me to learn about you and your species, something to bring us closer together.” He said, hugging the book to his chest.

“No no, don’t read too much into this.” Loona said, throwing her cake glass into the trash can with a shatter.

“You don’t have to put up those walls, girl,” Moxxie said, “I hear you loud and clear. I’ll read this cover to cover, so we can cross that bridge of friendship together.”

Loona growled and threw her hands in the air, “FML, I only bought it for you because it was a buck.”

“Shh,” Moxxi said, raising up to cover her lips with his finger, moving it half a second before she snapped at it. “No more projecting, friend. I got this.”

Moxxie sat back down in his chair, opening the book to put the first few pages behind him. As he slipped into reading mode, he could hear Blitz’s desperate cries as he chased Loona around the office.

“Why would you do that for him but not me, Loonie,” he wailed. “Why won’t you let me in?”

“f*ck, I just got it because it was cheap,” she yelled, being chased out of the office by the pursuing Blitz.

Millie was in the kitchen making her family’s three alarm chili, one of Moxxie’s favorite, when he came in with book in hand, a good third of the way through it.

“Wow, you’re really giving that book a good go, Mox.” Millie said, grinding pepper over the ground meat in the pot.

“Yeah, it’s really a fascinating read. Did you know that the primary concerns of a Hellhound are protector first, then friend, helper, and sometimes even lovers.” Moxxie paraphrased.

“Lovers, really?” Millie was only half listening as she was digging through the spice rake.

“It was considered taboo for hellhounds to date or marry outside of other hellhounds. That was until the Rosita Barks movement.” Moxxie said, grabbing the precise spices Millie needed without looking up from his book.

“You don’t say.” But she did say as she grabbed the spices from him, “And what exactly is that?”

“It was inspired by a famous quote – that I’m embarrassingly only learning about now, ‘I will no longer ride in the storage compartment as a thing, but I shall ride in the coach of the bus as a person’. It was the start of a long and arduous legal battle that ended with hellhounds being considered denizens of Hell and all the legal rights that come with it. That includes owning businesses and even marrying outside of their species.” Moxxie said, flipping a few chapters forward in the book. “Can you believe that hellhounds were considered second class citizens for that long?”

“Honestly, Mox, I never really thought about it much. Bein’ from Wrath, imps and hellhounds were all treated like second class citizens. In the same token, we never made a fuss about hellhounds and imps hookin’ up either.” Millie recalled. “My grandma had a friend who was married to a hellhound and nobody fussed much.”

“How progressive of y’all,” Moxxie smiled.

Millie giggled, “My parents weren’t the biggest fans of hellhounds. Sallie Mae dated one in Middle School. Panko was a good boy, but dating a hellhound comes with some stigmas.”

“Like what?”

Millie clicked her tongue, “I’m trying to get your birthday dinner read, Mox. You’re just gonna have to go Ogle it.”

With a flick of her wrists, she shooed Moxxie out of the kitchen and onto his own devices. He gathered the laptop and his headphones, setting up a research office on their small dining table. Popping the top, he opened his browser and got to work.

There were so many posts about Hellhound Stigma. Misinformation about fetishizing, bestial worship, and everything right down to maul-play, which Moxxie skipped for the most part. He’d happened across a page dedicated to hatred of those who dated hellhounds and it all left a sour taste in his mouth.

Only after enduring so much bad and he almost abandoned ship, he found a group on ReepIt called Doggone Lovers. Moxxie carefully navigated a rather friendly group of folks while ignoring the myriad of trolls, dropping their bad takes in the responses. Most of the Doggone Lovers were well informed and open with their relationships with their hellhound spouses.

There was even a full article about the Hellhound Stigma that put things into better perspective. A few of the first jobs offered to hellhounds were roles in p*rnos and as sex workers. There were a slew of people that had a specific kink for hellhound, thus the terminology Hellhound Stigma was born.

For a long time, it carried a bad connotation for someone who just likes Hellhounds, which was considered Taboo. It was only a few years ago that Hellhound Stigma was taken back and converted to a good terminology for those who love hellhounds.

“Fascinating,” Moxxie mused to himself, clicking another link marked ‘NSFW’.

‘The Heavenly Benefits to Hellhound Companionship’ the name of the page stated and it detailed certain key facts about hellhound anatomy and how delightful they were to behold. There were also certain things about their courtship that could be so intimate. There was something called ‘knotting’ which Moxxie didn’t click on because of the extreme warnings surrounding the link. There was some stuff about ‘Alpha-Beta’ behavior that could be so passionate with enough pre-play disclosure. The thing that caught Moxxie’s eye was something called ‘Scent Marking’. It bore some warnings, but nothing like the other two links, so he clicked it.

It took him to a page that immediately captured his attention. There were dozens of pictures hidden behind hazy sensitivity warnings. Ignoring the images, he scanned the page creating an image in his mind of what this might entail and halfway down the page, the words began to show themselves for what they truly were.

“A piss kink?” Moxxie said aloud.

“What was that, Mox?” Millie called from the kitchen.

“Oh nothing, just reading some fascinating stuff in here,” he chuckled nervously.

Clicking one of the images, it cleared and sure enough, it showed a beefy hellhound boy urinating on their imp lover. It was a bit grainy and a little out of focus, definitely amateur work. The hellhound was propped over her with his…sheath, Moxxie remembered it being called that in an earlier post, pulled back so just the tip was sticking out and he was urinating on her.

Statue pose; ‘Intimacy rating: four out of five bones’ the details at the bottom of the image stated. It’s a good way to assert dominance in the relationship and showing other hellhounds that this is your mate. Moxxie felt a twinge in his pants, a little bounce as his pecker was taking on blood flow. There may be something to this.

A little further down, he clicked another image called ‘the hike pose’. This time a female Hellhound was propped up like a tripod with a leg hiked high, she was urinating on a smaller shark girl. They both seemed to be enjoying it. ‘Intimacy rating: four out of five bones’.

This picture caused a tingle deep into Moxxie’s groin. It kinda resonated with him. Could he secretly be into this kind of thing? With a nervous lip bite, he went to the next one, labeled ‘The Squat Pose’, its intimacy rating was a perfect five out of five and for good reason. It involved the pairing from the first picture. Except it was the Imp lady taking the lead. She was squatting over the Hellhound, peeing on his chest. Their eyes locked together in a romantic notion.

This time the reaction was unmistakable. Moxxie was full mast and it only got worse when he saw that next picture called ‘the squat thrust’ it involved one of the partners being inside the other while one or the other peed. The end of the post was a quote from Rosita Barks, ‘At the end of the day, there’s no better reward than being called a good girl’, followed by a quote from the post writer. ‘Make sure you tell a hellhound that they’re good boys and girls, they all deserve to hear it’.

“Should be six out of five bones for that one,” Moxxie murmured.

“What was that?” Millie said, coming out of the kitchen.

Moxxie slammed the laptop closed, sitting up straight in his seat, “Nothing, I was just reading about hellhounds on Reepit.”

Millie smirked, leaning on the table playfully. “Caught a little bit of that Hellhound Stigma didja?”

Moxxie blushed, “Maybe.”

“What was it that tickled your fancy? Was it the knotting, the Alpha-Beta play?” Millie said, tiptoeing her fingers across the wood and up Moxxie’s arm.

“Promise not to make fun of me?” Moxxie asked.

“I may laugh, but I’m not gonna make fun of you. Now pour that tea on me,” she giggled and wrapped him up.

“Scent marker,” he said quietly.

“What was that?” Millie could barely hear him over his mumbling.

Moxxie repeated himself, this time a little louder and Millie stopped in her tracks. Her eyes wide and locked on him.

“Scent marking?”

“Yeah, it’s when-”

“I know what it is, Mox,” she said, her face shifting to a smile. “That’s one of my Stigmas too.”

“Wait, you’re into hellhounds?” Moxxie felt silly that he hadn’t known this beforehand.

“Yeah, have you seen them? Their f*ckin’ adorable and hot at the same time,” Millie giggled. “So on a scale of one to ten, how into scent marking are you?”

Moxxie swallowed hard and pulled the front of his lounge pants down showing off his thick little chode, drooling a mess in his boxers.

“Wow, Mox, looks like ten out of ten bones easily,” she teased. “Well, we got about an hour before the chili’s ready. How about we open one of your presents early.”

“Oh, what did you have in mind?” Moxxie asked.

Millie took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom. They were barely inside before she pushed him up against the door roughly, closing it with a slam. She kissed him with a fiery passion, while fighting to get her shirt off. They parted long enough to shuck their clothes, coming together in another heated kiss.

They fumbled into the shower, it was cold inside against their heated bodies, but neither of them cared. They were too absorbed in the thrill of passion to think of anything else. That feeling didn’t dwindle when they broke free of the kiss. They stared at each other panting and heaving with a lustful heat.

“Now, Mox, be a good boy and lay down.”

There was an air of force behind Millie’s words that pressed him to obey. Hey lay out against the sloped back of the tub looking up at her. From this angle, he could see her puss* through her trimmed pubes. It was swollen, with her hooded cl*t poking free, dripping wet with want for him. Slowly, she squatted down over him, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly desire.

“My favorite pose,” she whispered, swiping his quivering co*ck tip through her thick folds.

They both let out a coarse moan, but Millie silenced Moxxie by grabbing one of his horns, lifting his face to hers. His eyes grew heavy as he felt the warmth running down his co*ck, soaking his curly white pubes, running down over his balls and his inner thighs to pool beneath him on the once cold tub.

As the stream subsided, Milling leaned in closer, her lips touching his forehead as he whispered hotly against the wet spot, “You’re mine, you hear me?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said.

“Show me how much,” she ordered.

Focusing all his energy on his bladder, his mind was filled with different sources of running water. He struggled to pee with an erection even at the best of times, but buried in his wife’s puss* was almost impossible.

“Don’t disappoint me now,” she said, licking his lips.

“Of course not,” Moxxie whimpered, focusing even harder.

A few staggered squirts was all he could muster, but she felt it and when she did, she cooed, hugging his face in between her breasts, stifling his moans as she rode him mercilessly. The slap of her wet soaked backside against his urine-coated lap echoed loudly in the shower. Slap, slap, slap and it was met with a harsh grunt between gritted teeth. He knew Millie had cum. Moxxie wasn’t about to let her stop, he started humping back against her. It brought a ragged whine from her lips.

“f*ck, Moxxie.” She cried.

“I - I - I know,” Moxxie moaned hard, silencing herself on one of Millie’s offered nipples as he came inside of her.

The slapping got louder for a second before dying off entirely. Weak in the knees, Millie toppled down on Moxxie with her chin resting between his horns. He lavished the resting spot against her chest, kissing softly her sweat soaked skin.

“Looks like I’m as much yours as you are mine,” Millie sighed, her legs trembling as she stood up, letting his cum drip free from her snatch and down onto his belly.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Moxxie said, letting her help him up.

Millie giggled at how cute and sincere the smaller imp was. She pulled him into a deep kiss, basking in yet a few more reasons she was the luckiest imp in all of Hell.

“So how’d that book treat you?” Loona said with a smirk.

Moxxie took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and sauntered up to her like an imp with a plan, “Loona, I just have one thing to say to you…”

Loona let her phone dip as she stared at him, her ear twitching with anticipation.

“I know we’ve had some struggles in the past, but I want you to know that after all of it, I still firmly believe with all my heart that you’re a good girl.” Moxxie said with the most sincere smile.

A blush flushed over Loona’s face as she sat up taller in her chair. “What did you say to me?”

“I said ‘you’re a good girl’.” He repeated.

The hellhound stared at him with wide eyes, while her traitorous tail wagged behind her crazily. She was at a loss for words and reeling to recover. With the air of silence hanging between them, Moxxie took his triumph back to his desk, where he began to shuffle through his paperwork. New fountain pen and hand and happy to be surrounded by his friends.

Do Like the Hellhounds Do - Leenden (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.