Not so Cursed - Leenden (2024)

A swirling portal opened in the wall of the I.M.P’s office. A high pitched scream could be heard from the other side and it was growing closer and closer by the second until the mud sled hit the bottom edge of the portal, slingshotting Moxxie through. He hit the brown Berber carpet hard, tumbling end over end until coming to a sharp stop at his desk, hard enough to shudder everything on top of it.

“Moxxie!” Millie called out to him, darting through a few seconds later.

A worried look came over her face as she knelt beside him, pulling him into her lap. Carefully, she caressed along his face, making sure he was alright. Relief washed over her when he opened his eyes, the iris’s shifting to look at her.

“Blitz was wrong…” Moxxie groaned. “The mud sled wasn’t fun at all.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Mox,” Blitz was laughing as he stepped through the portal with Loona right behind him. The portal whooshed shut behind them.

“Yeah, we both thought it was hilarious.” Loona said, hitting replay on the video she’d just posted on Sinstigram.

Moxxie winced as he heard his tinny screams echoing from her phone. He didn’t know exactly what part she started recording at but rest assured it was terrible, the whole ride down the mountain had been terrible.

“It was kinda funny, Mox.” Millie tittered, gathering up his arm and giving him a boost up onto his little hooves.

“I’m glad you all enjoyed it.” Moxxie moaned, stabilizing himself on the edge of the desk.

“At any rate, the mission was a success, this f*cking homewrecking stone did it’s job, and I’m ready to call it a day.” Blitz yawned and stretched. “Ready to head home, Loonie?”

When he turned around, she was gone, in her place was a small post-it note. He plucked it off the floor and read it over aloud, “Meeting up with Octavia and her dad for a movie. Don’t wait up.” It was even marked with a little ‘-L’. She was getting so good at disappearing without a trace. As sad as he was that she was spending the night with Octavia and her dad, he was proud of her for escaping unnoticed.

“What about you two? What are we getting up to tonight?” Blitz asked.

“Nothing, unfortunately,” Moxxie said, getting a gentle slap on his shoulder. “Ow, sorry, Mils. We’re having dinner with her parents tonight.”

“That’s right mister and you’re going to be your nice, charming self or else.” Millie said, giving him a wink.

“Oh, wow, that sounds…just swell, you two. Go off, have a nice time with your folks, I’ll be fine. Not the least bit lonely at all.” Blitz said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“That was oddly specific, but really good to hear nevertheless, sir. I think you’re growing by leaps and bounds.” Moxxie said, giving his shoulder a muddy slap.

“He’s right,” Millie said, kissing Blitz’s cheek. “You’re doing wonderfully, hon.”

“That really means a lot, you guys,” Blitz said, pulling them both into a hug.

“Right,” Moxxie groaned and squirmed away. “We should really head out. I have to take a shower and change.”

“Yeah, and ma doesn’t like it when we show up late.” Millie sighed.

“But your dad hates it if we show up early.” Moxxie reminded her as the two headed for the door.

“Oh right, he is kinda particular about it. We’ll just have to do our best.”

Blitz could hear Millie say from out in the hallway as their voices faded. Once they were gone, he was reminded of just how alone he was. With a shallow breath, he got to work closing down shop before heading home for another lonely evening.

Shuffling up his stairs, Blitz rounded the landing to his apartment. His world was turned upside down when he noticed a package laying on his welcome mat. The pink and white tape around it sent a spike of excitement through him. His BooTooz package had finally arrived. It had been stuck in Lust Ring’s customs for almost a month.

Quickly, he picked up the package, balancing it with trembling hands as he tried to unlock the door so he could rush inside. Closing the door, he chained it, locked it, and locked the deadbolt for good measure. His lonely evening was melting away by the second as he hurried over to the kitchen table.

Setting the package down on the table, he stripped down to his pants and tank top, getting cozy for the unboxing. Blitz drew his knife and carefully cut the tape on the box and dug around the packing material. His fingers graced something soft, he closed his hand around it and pulled it out.

As he extracted the stuffed imp, a smile rushed to his lips. It was larger than he expected, almost fifteen inches or so with big beautiful eyes and a pair of shimmering red irises swam in the yellow pools. His fluffy white hair was all mussed up from being stuck in the box with plastic bubble wrap. It gave way to his perfectly curved black and white striped horns. Everything was perfect from the tip of his cute little hooves to his dapper black suit and red bow tie. It even had a poseable tail.

“Moxxie.” Blitz whispered as he caressed the face of the impish plushie.

The Moxxie plush looked so accurate to the photo he’d sent in to BooTooz’s for their limited custom plushie pre-order. He’d stayed up all night to be one of the first ones to nab a slot. Seeing it in person, that two hundred big ones was a steal for the quality.

After clearing out the box of the contents, he found the order form that rang up to three fifty. A big chunk was the special ‘Adult’ alteration he’d purchased, which was where the foam insert came in. It was wrapped in a small plastic bag with an instruction leaflet.

“To clean your intimate buddy tube, rinse contents with warm water, making sure to use an antibacterial soap. Soak for ten minutes, wring out, rinse, and repeat until water runs clear. Air dry only.” Blitz read, turning over the paper. “Ah, here’s the instructions.”

Blitz gave it a quick read, tossing it over his shoulder when he was done. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a red slip of paper slide out from the pamphlet and flutter down beneath the table. He thought to pick it up and check it out, but excitement got the best of him. With a shrug, he put the idea out of his head. It was a stuffed imp, how dangerous could it be?

Flipping over the beautiful Moxxie plushie, he raised an eyebrow. No hole, why wasn’t there a – oh, he felt the indent beneath the sewn trousers. He pulled his little pants down and there was the hollow of the Moxxie plush’s asshole. Carefully, he watched the elastic hole yield with the swell of the foam insert.

When he flipped Moxxie back around, a small chain wrapped around one of his horn, slapped his cute impy face. The tag stated, in red text against the pink BooTooz tag, ‘Remove before using’.

“No problem there,” Blitz smirked, tugging the tag and ripped it free.

In the silence of the room, there was a hushed whisper that passed by. A cold chill wafted by Blitz cheek, prickling his skin with gooseflesh. He snapped around quickly, looking behind. Nothing.

“Huh, weird, thought the refrigerator was open for a second.” He mused quietly.

Another moment of looking for the source of the breeze and he shrugged, giving the Moxxie plush a salacious look. “Hey there, Mox. Looks like you’ve had a little too much to drink tonight. Wanna stay over?”

He pitched his voice a few octaves and did a horrible Moxxie impression, “Oh, thanks, Blitz. What would I do without you?”

“I ask that same question everyday, what would you do without me, Mox?” He carried the plush around to the front of the couch, flopping down on the bowed cushions that have seen better days.

“Never be sexually fulfilled again, teehee.” Blitz’s Moxxie voice only got worse.

With his normal voice, it spiked angrily, “Mox, what a mean thing to say. I know Millie is doing her best.”

“But she’s no you – what the f*ck am I doing?” Blitz dropped the falsetto voice for his own as he looked at the plushy.

There was a nervous tremble running through him as he looked at the Moxxie plushie. So cute, just like the real thing. If only he could – with a coarse sigh, he pushed the thought away. His breakup with Stolas had turned him into an overthinking bitch. This wasn’t a date…it was, well it was sex with familiarity. He was healing, that’s all that mattered. No one could judge him for wanting to have sex with someone that genuinely cared about him, right?

Exasperated, he tugged at his belt and undid his pants and fished his co*ck out, surprised to see how hard he was. The anticipation of rocking plush Moxxie’s little body; the guilty party. Normally something like this would make him feel stupid, but the cute look on Moxxie’s face told him it was okay. The imp was down to clown and that was enough for him.

Tugging plushy Moxxie’s little trousers down, he positioned the foam protected hole over his co*cktip and took a deep breath, “Just say when, beautiful.”

“And I was like, when can we see those kinds of results.” Moxxie said, finishing his slightly embellished story, rewarded by a rugged laugh from Joe and a titter from Lin.

Ever since he confronted them about Striker, after the Harvest Moon Festival, they’d been so much more accepting of him and his quirkiness. Millie was overjoyed by the overall interactions they shared, which was why dinner get-togethers were becoming a common thing at her folk’s house.

And tonight, Dinner was already a roaring success, considering ma and pa only had one beer a piece. Usually, ma and pa needed at least two before Moxxie became amusing. They were finally taking to her husband like she’d always hoped. What a relief?

Moxxie reached for his frosted beer glass for a sip, that was when he felt the first wave. Something swelling up inside of him. It brought a tingling pleasure that radiated through his groin in the sweetest way. It slipped free again, as if a tickling gas pain that he hoped was gone for good. He exhaled only to jolt again as it rushed deep into his guts. The pleasure forced him to grip the edge of the table as he held the beer glass with a shaky hand.

Hopefully, no one noticed him acting out of sorts, but Millie always watched him like a hawk when they were visiting her folks. It was more for his safety than theirs.

“Mox, are you okay?” She whispered, cupping her hand to her mouth to add an edge of privacy.

“What’s that?” Joe asked, wiping the beer foam from his mustache.

“Nothing, sir,” Moxxie’s voice spiked as he felt the rush plunge home again. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think it was a little – “Just a little stomach discomfort.”

Millie gave him a longer look over. Blushing cheeks, tightly crossed legs, sweat beading up along his hairline. This wasn’t just ‘nothing’.

“Moxxie, do you need to be excused?” Millie asked with a smile, her eyes narrowing.

“Yeah, that’s it. I just didn’t want to be RU-de.” He closed his eyes for a second and exhaled as if trying to will away the sensation, relieved that it drained away once again. “But I need to step away for a moment, sorry.”

“Ah hell, I know that look. Best use the downstairs bathroom, the plumin's better,” Joe said, shaking his head.

“It’s not that.” Moxxie winced and pushed himself away from the table. “Thanks all the same.” Quickly, he rushed away from the table, disappearing around the corner.

Once Millie heard the bathroom door close, she gave a little shrug and a nervous giggle. “Blitz wanted Taco Bell for lunch, I really wish he’d listened to us, when we begged him to go somewhere else.”

Joe just chuckled and ate a huge spoonful of his creamy mashed potatoes.

Moxxie locked the door and rested his hands on the edge of the sink. Relieved the sensation had passed, thank Satan. With a shaky hand he turned on the cold water and bent down to splash water on his hot and sweaty face. What the hell was happening? He didn’t feel sick, it felt too good for that. At any rate, at least it felt like it was passing.

Blitz fell back against the couch panting hard. The Moxxie plush settled on his stomach with a smug look on his pretty little face. The lanky imp couldn’t help but smirk at Moxxie’s moxy.

He waggled a finger at the plush and laughed. “Damn, you’re good. Almost got me to pop off early. No way. I paid a hefty sum for that booty, we’re gonna pull an all nighter.”

Curling his tongue over his upper lip, he hovered the plushie over the tip of his dribbling co*ck again before giving a sharp tug.

“Oh…” Moxxie moaned as his knees buckled, sending him to the floor. “Gosh, it feels so good.” They weren’t the words he wanted to say, but right now his faculties weren’t all there.

On all fours, he arched his back, his hips doing a little shimmy, which Millie always managed to get out of him when she was pegging him. The delicious feeling of being so full, the pumping of something deep inside of him. His dick was so hard, it felt like it might tear through his jeans if he didn’t do something about it. And just what was he going to do about it? Jerk off in his mother and father-in-laws bathroom? What kind of animal – f*ck. He choked back the words by biting his bottom lips. The pace was increasing…whatever was happening, it was building to a climax. Just please let it be – oh-ver soon.

There was no way he was going to be able to hold it together. Falling back on his heels, he unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, fishing out his co*ck. It stuck to his slicked up boxers with so much precum. To make matters worse, his co*ck was so hard it hurt to touch. The upside was, at this rate, it wouldn’t take too long, he hoped.

Moxxie started pumping his co*ck, trying to match the rhythm of the invisible pounding he was taking, but it was going too fast. Each thrust tickled him deep in his guts, causing him to flinch which broke up his rhythm. At least a sweet release was already on the horizon.

There was a knock at the door, it startled him so hard he toppled onto his side on the woven rug. Soon, Millie’s voice came through the door, a worried hint tucked into her warm drawl, “Mox, honey, are you alright?”

“Never b-better,” He moaned, slapping his hand over his mouth. “I’ll be out soon.”

Millie’s eyebrows furrowed as she gave the door the side eye. The voice on the other side wasn’t her ‘nice, charming husband’. She reached above the door and grabbed a small pin with the misshapen head of a key on it. It slid into the pinhole lock and the knob turned easily.

When she stepped into the room, Moxxie was laying out on the rug masturbating. She let out a sharp squeak and closed the door behind her, locking it again. Moxxie’s eye snapped open wide, mouth hanging lax as he had clearly been caught with his hand in the penis jar.

“Moxxie, what the hell are you doing?” She whisper-yelled at him.

“I can explain.”

“You better because if I’m being honest, I can’t imagine what joke you told in there was good enough to jerk off too.” Millie shook her head.

“It’s not that,” Moxxie huffed. “You see-”

“God damn, Moxxie, you have a tight little bunt,” Blitz groaned with a ragged chuckle.

He held the plush over the arm of the couch, doggystyle. His dick holstered all the way to his swollen balls. His legs were quivering, threatening to give out. Another break, the only thing keeping him from blowing his load too fast.

It had been a long time since he’d been with anyone, his sexual fortitude was in the dump, so he knew it was asinine to think he was going to last a whole nother bout. It would be best to just ride it out and then try again later.

“Well, you sweet little imp, are you ready for a showstopper?” Blitz sighed, licking his sweaty upper lip as he began a gentle cantor into the Moxxie plush.

“That’s it, Mils, I promise. I just feel this feeling in my guts and-” He groaned, gripping Millie’s shoulders hard.

His eyes slipped shut as he let out a soft pant and fell into her arms. Millie wrapped him up in her arms, holding him tightly. He was trembling all over, making the sweetest little mewlings that he saved just for her. If she didn’t know any better, she could swear he was being f*cked silly by something, but there wasn’t anyone there.

“Millie, oh my gosh, it feels so good.” Moxxie said, kissing her neck.

He brazenly took her hand and put it to his throbbing co*ck. With a wispy gasp she gave him a slow tug, spilling his precum all over her palm. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt it so hard and dribbling pre-cum like their honeymoon night. Even with them being in her parent’s bathroom at a dinner gathering, she was way into it.

“I got ya, Mox,” she whispered, kissing him softly as she dropped to her knees on the floor in front of him, coaxing him closer.

Moxxie insides were loose, tingling with every thrusting sensation, it was only made more heavenly sensitive by Millie going to work on his co*ck. Holding him all the way in her mouth, she grinded her tongue against the underside all the way to the base, nursing on it just like he liked. He could feel her mouth growing taut around him with each swallow of his building pre-cum. That’s what brought him closer to a release.

Blitz pounded the Moxxie plush so hard, he was worried the stuffing was coming out. The thought fell away as he reached the precipice of the best org*sm he’d had in a long while and Moxxie was gonna be the one to take the third or fourth coming of his virginity.

“f*ck.” Blitz groaned, biting his bottom lips as his body went rigid.

His co*ck bounded hard, soaking the foam insert. At first, he was worried about staining Moxxie’s little trousers, ruining them, but no, the insert was extra absorbent. It was worth every extra penny he’d spent as it swallowed his full load.

Losing his footing, Blitz fell to his knees and gripped the arm of the couch, leaving the poor Moxxie plush impaled on his dick. It bounced in time with his heartbeat, looking kind of ridiculous, if Blitz was in a laughing mood, but no. The wanton sensation was over and Blitz felt clean of every impure thought of Moxxie, he’d been carrying around. He’d f*cked them all into the plushy of him. Three-fifty was worth every penny for a good lay.

Moxxie leaned, with his hands, on the edge of the sink again. Millie was sitting beneath him, her hands cupping his backside, where his jeans had shimmied down. He was still buried in her mouth, even though she’d swallowed all the cum he could have possibly produced. As his fullness subsided, he flinched and took a step back.

“Mox, that was so f*cking hot,” she panted, wiping at her saliva and cum soaked chin and neck. “If I would have known you were into this kinda sh*t, we woulda fooled around at my folks’ house sooner.”

“It’s not that. It’s…”

Moxxie’s words dropped off as he felt himself empty out of whatever had filled him up, now it was completely gone. He felt a chill run up his spine. A lonely feeling, that happened sometimes when Millie pulled out after pegging him, washed over him, but it felt so much worse, as if he’d been discarded altogether. No longer useful.

“Millie,” he whispered. “Tell me you love me.”

Millie co*cked her head, using the sink to stand herself up. “Of course I love you?”

“No, I mean kiss me, hold me, make me feel like I matter. Please.” Moxxie whispered, taking her hands.

“Why are you – wait, this is the kinda talk you do when I’m done pegging you. Oh my stars, your were-”

Moxxie nodded. “That’s what I was trying to tell you. It’s like someone was…” He made a gesture that was nowhere close to what he was trying to convey, but Millie still nodded anyway.

Millie’s back went straight as her eyes slowly roamed around the bathroom suspiciously. She gestured to Moxxie to pull up his pants.

“What is it?”

“Shh,” Millie said, pulling Moxxie behind her protectively. “Gay Uncle Amos, if you’re still here, I warned you about this. So help me, if you don’t leave my husband alone, I’ll call a young priest and an old priest faster than you can say, ‘old summer time hoedown and flea market.”

“Your gay uncle?” Moxxie whispered.

“Yup, he died a few summers ago. He was notorious for fondling the male guests that came to visit. Sallie May said he’s still here.” Millie explained.

“Still here?! Like he haunts this house?” Moxxie whispered, clutching the front of his shirt tightly over his chest as if he’d just been violated – which wasn’t far from the truth.

“It’s best not to talk about it.” Millie said, opening the door and hurrying out with Moxxie on her tail.

Blitz finished cleaning up the foam tube and hid it in the same cabinet that he hid the Moxxie plush. It looked so sad and lonely, discarded in the bottom of the cabinet. Blitz shook the stupid idea out of his head as he closed and locked the cabinet.

It was just a plush, he punctuated the thought with a ‘tch’ as he hurried to the bathroom to clean himself up. He stopped long enough to undo the chain and the deadbolt, just in case Loona got back before he got out.

Which she did.

Loona walked into the apartment and called out, “Back from the movie, Blitz. I brought you some stuff.”

The hellhound had half a bag of popcorn, a freshly refilled large root beer, and half a box of Reese’s pieces she brought from the theater. Setting them on the table, she took a sniff of the air. It smelled like the blue dish soap Blitz liked to use. It brought a smile to her face.

“Hey, you did some dishes for a change. I’m proud of you.” She said, making sure it was loud enough to hear throughout the apartment.

She heard the sound of a flushing toilet and the standard few seconds of Blitz washing his hands before the imp emerged from the bathroom.

“Loonie, you’re back! I missed you. Did you have fun at the movies? What did you see?” Blitz asked.

“Oh, we saw this weird RomCom that wasn’t very…” Loona’s voice dipped as she knelt down and picked something up from the floor, beneath the table.

It was the red warning paper that had slipped out of the pamphlet earlier. Somehow, Blitz had missed it when he did his cursory clean up check. She looked at the front and mumbled something, then turned it over.

“A BooTooz Voodoo Plush, Limited Series. That’s f*cking metal.” Loona smirked.

Blitz hurried over and snatched the paper away, “Huh, weird, it must have fallen out of the pile of mail, when I brought it in.” His eyes stared at the word ‘Voodoo’ for a long beat.

“Still very cool, I should get one of Moxxie, so when he pisses me off and he isn’t around, I can punch it anyway.” She snigg*red and headed to her room.

“One of Moxxie, that’s ah – that’s a good one, Loonie.” Blitz forced a laugh as he looked at the paper again. A sick feeling roiled in his stomach. “Oh f*ck me, what have I done?”

Not so Cursed - Leenden (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5264

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.