The Tec*mseh Chieftain from Tec*mseh, Nebraska (2024)

of of of of of of of of MA MA AT, P.E.O., Meets at Auburn Club Reporter) On Tuesday P.E.O., of this week, ter AT, went to the of Mrs. Frederic Kiechel in Auburn where Mrs. Kiechel and her mother, Mrs. Nellie Fitzsimmons, were hostesses to the group from Tec*mseh for their regular meeting. After the business meeting, Mrs.

Lucille Irwin of Chapter Wymore, gave a fine report of the supreme P.E.O. convention which met recently in Philadelphia, and which Mrs. attended. She was a delegate from this district. Mrs.

Irwin was accompanied Auburn by Mrs. Laughlin of Wymore. Mrs. Myra Henry of San Bernardino, also was a guest at the meeting. At the close of the meeting, refreshments were served from a beautifully appointed tea table.

The chapter enjoyed going to A Auburn and are most grateful to Mrs. Kiechel. Makes Plans for Christmas Party (By Club Reporter) The Thursday Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lois Campbell with a good attendance. Two guests were present.

The last lesson on bedding was given by Mildred Brock. In connection with the lesson everyone brought something pertaining to bedding, which was very interesting. Several ladies brought antiques. Plans were made for the Christmas party. The Tuesday Project Club the Thursday Project Club always have their Christmas party together.

The Thursday Club entertains the other year at the home of Mrs. Lewish Thompson. At the close of the meeting, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Henry Howarth, served nice refreshments. AL ADEN FAMILY HAS THANKSGIVING GUESTS Mr.

and Mrs. George Aden and Mrs. Lucille Meyers and daughter, Janet Lee, of Sterling and Mrs. Alta Allen of Nebraska City were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Al Aden and son in this, city. Aden is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Aden and Mrs. Aden is a daughter of Mrs.

Allen. HAD DINNER AT UNADILLA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wisley and son, Steve, of Trenton, Mr. and Mrs.

L. T. Little and children of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Little of Kansas City, had Thanksgiving dinner at the home of their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Harry C. Little, at Unadilla. THANKSGIVING GUESTS AT DEERINGER HOME Mr. Mrs.

Fred P. Zimmerman and children, Annette and and Mr. and Deeringer Christina, of Kansas, City, and children, Joyce and Virginia, of Falls City were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.

L. Deeringer of this city. Mrs. Zimmerman and Mr. Deeringer are children of H.

L. Deeringer. I GROUP FROM HERE WILL SAIL TO OLD COUNTRY Henry Dieckhoff of Tec*mseh, Paul Ritter Johnson and Bill Bostelmann and twin daughters, Doris and Dortha, of Sterling left Omaha last Saturday morning enroute to Germany. They arrived in New York City, N. Sunday and sailed on Wednesday of this week.

gentlemen were' all born in Germany. Mr. Dieckhoff, who called at this office, stated he left Germany when he was three years old. He lived in Otoe county 12 years before coming to Johnson county 50 years ago. his first trip back to the old country.

He has a number of cousins living there: He also stated that Mr. Ritter has four brothers and four sisters living in Germany. Mr. Dieckhoff did not know anytivesthing about Mr. Bostelmann's relatives there.

plans tore be gone about hegroua a half months. MRS. ELDON BADERTSCHER WERE GUESTS OF MR. AND. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Badertscher and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Badertscher and son, William Badertscher who is home on furlough, all Tec*mseh and Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Hiedeman and son of Elk Creek were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Badertscher, who live southwest of this city. GARDNER CHILDREN SPEND WEEK END WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs.

George Gardner of Oklahoma City, arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Gardner of Tec*mseh last Thursday for the Thanksgiving week end.

Miss Zola Gardner, who teaches in the Lincoln schools, also was a guest at the home of her parents for the holiday week end. ARTHUR BARTELS FAMILY GUESTS OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bartels and children of Elk Creek, Miss Oleta Bartels of Grand Island and Mr. and Mrs.

Edsel Bartels, of Shelby were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giesler of Lincoln. Mrs. Giesler is a daughter of Elk Creek couple.

Miss tels and Edsel Bartels also are children of the couple. ARE THANKSGIVING GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mitchell of this city had as Thanksgiving. Day guests and family of.

Beatrice, and Mrs. Effie Watkins of this city. Mrs. John Mitchell is a daughter of Mrs. a Watkins.

Mrs. Watkins accompanied them home last Thursday everting and remained there until Sunday. THANKSGIVING GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Edson Irwin and daughter, Sarah, of Elk Creek and Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Baird and Mrs. Sybil Baird of this were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Miss Nora Irwin of this city. SPENDS VACATION HERE Miss Adelene Baum, who teaches in the Fremont high school, with spent her parents, Thanksgiving Mr. vaca- and Mrs.

August Baum of Tec*mseh. She returned to Fremont on Sunday afternoon. F-1905 THE LETTERS To Santa Claus ARE BEING DELIVERED TO The Tec*mseh Chieftain SEE THE COLUMN THIS WEEK The Youngsters Are Enjoying It. Help Them Get Their Letters Written and Mailed NOW! Only Three More Chieftain Editions Before Christmas. THE TEc*msEH CHIEFTAIN THE NEWSPAPER WITH A POPULAR CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT MR.

AND MRS. BATES VISIT IN TEc*msEH Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bates of Mr. and arrived Mrs.

at Clyde the Phillips of Tec*mseh on Tuesday of last week, and visited them and other relatives here and in Linco coln Friday. Thanksgiving Day guests at the Phillips home besides Mr. and Mrs. Bates were Mr. and Mrs.

Spencer Bates, Fred Bates and Mrs. Robert Bates and daughter of Tec*mseh and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brunner and of Auburn. Willard Bates son sons.

of Fred Bates and a brother of Spencer Bates, Mrs. Clyde Phillips and Mrs. Lawrence Brunner. COOK PEOPLE ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Dieckand daughters of Cook entertained the following people at Thanksgiving, and dinner: Mr. and Mr. Mrs. and Carl Kuhl and Sammy of Tec*mseh, Miss Marlene Kuhl of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Kuhl and Kenneth, Mr. Mrs. Otto Damm and Jack and Mr. and Norman Antholz and Diane, of Elk Creek and Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Kuhl and daughters of Burchard. CHIEFTAIN WILL PUBLISH CONTEST WINNERS' NAMES Because of the unusual interest shown in the guessing contests offered by Tec*mseh merchants and other business men on Pancake Day, The Chieftain will endeavor to publish the names of the winners. various, merchant who conducted a guessing contest Wednesday and wishes to have. the results of his contest published, should furnish the list by Monday for publishing next week. WHERRY CHILDREN SPEND VACATION WITH PARENTS Miss Mary Wherry, who teaches school at Wilber, Arthur Wherry, who is attending college at Hastings and Miss Ann Wherry, who is attending college at Tarkio, spent their Thanks- giving vacation with their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Tom Wherry. Miss Helen Rife of New Concord, Ohio; who also is a student at Tarkio, came home with Miss Wherry fee tine Thanksgiving re- cess. GUESTS OF WHERRY'S Mr. and Mrs.

Ronald Wherry and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wherry of this city had as Thanksgiving dinner guests Mrs. A. H.

Wherry of Pawnee City, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Wherry and children of Pekin, Dr.

Mrs. L. C. Barr children of Albert Lea, the Misses Ruby, Alberta and Cleo Butler of Omaha and Miss Helen Rife New Concord, Ohio. MAS.

HATTIE ROSAKRANS MOVING TO LINCOLN Mrs. Hattie Rosakrans of this city is moving to Lincoln, Saturday. She has secured employment in Lincoln and has bought a house at 3281 street in that city. Mirs. Rosakrans has been employed at the gas office in this city for the past four years.

GUESTS IN FRICKE HOME Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fricke and Linda Kay near Graf were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell and daughters of Crab Orchard, Ben Himberg, Arthur Himberg, Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Weible and son, Mrs. Emma Weible, Floyd Weible and Fern Weible of Tec*mseh and Mr. and Mrs. George Block and children of Unadilla.

STAY AT LITTLE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Little of Topeka, spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Val Little, while Don Little was in the hospital. They returned to their home Monday.

WERE IN DENVER, COLO. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mandery and daughter, Carolyn Sue, of this city were Thanksgiving Day and week-end guests of her sister, Mrs. Jerry Rose, husband and son at Denver, Colo.

BIRTHS Bray (By Johnson Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bray are the parents of a son who was born Tuesday, November 20, 1951, at the Holman Memorial hospital in. Humboldt. He and has weighed 8 pounds and 4 ounces been named Sterling Leonard.

Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hahn and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bray.

This is the Hahn's first grandchild and the first great grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Boellstorff. Bohling (By Johnson Correspondent) A son, Lonny Ryon, was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Rudolph Bohling at the Holman Memorial hospital in Humboldt on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22, 1951. Neukirch A son, Gregory Richard, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neukirch at Beatrice on Tuesday, November 20, 1951. Mr.

Neukirch is at the present time. overseas, Mrs. Louis Meyer of Beatrice and Mr. Mrs. Paul Neukirch of St.

Mary are the grandparents. Kettelhake A son, Harold Edwin, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kettelhake of Steinauer at the Tec*mseh hospital on Wednesday, November 21, 1951. He weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces.

Olmsted Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Olmsted of Tec*mseh are the parents of a 6 pound 10 ounce girl. She was born Friday, November 23, 1951, at the Tec*mseh hospital and has been named Beverly Diane. Charles Arthur Hunt Charles Arthur Hunt, farmer living three and one-half miles southwest of Tec*mseh, succumbed to a heart attack at 8:30 p.m., on Tuesday, November 27, 1951.

He had reached the age of 66 years. Mr. Hunt was born at Tec*mseh on December 25, 1884, a son of Mary (Hammond) Hunt and Hiram Hunt. He was educated in the state college at Peru and at Cotner College in Lincoln. Farming had been his life's vocation, and during the years spent near Tec*mseh he had served as a member of the school.

board in district No. 49 since 1924 and had been the Maple Grove precinct assessor 26 years. He was a member of the local lodge of Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Hunt was married to Eva Morton at Cook on April 20, 1919, and she, with the five children born to them, are living.

The children are Mrs. Rachel Workman of Omaha; Mrs. Marilyn Rummel, wife of Capt. L. N.

Rummel of Roswell, N. Mrs. June Anderson, wife of Aubrey Anderson of Fort Worth, Mrs. Janet Horton, wife of Marvin 1 Horton of Lincoln; and Miss Jeanne Hunt, at home. Two sisters, Miss Mamie Hunt of Beatrice and Miss Frances Hunt of Omaha, are other survivors.

Funeral services will be held at the Wherry chapel on Friday' of this week at 2:00 p.m., with Dr. R. N. Spooner, pastor of the Tec*mseh Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in the Tec*mseh cemetery.

Erich J. H. Boschen DEATHS member of the Long Branch Baptist church. She was married to Samuel Jefferson Stover at Elk Creek on February 22, 1886. He passed away January 14, 1928.

To this couple, two children born. They are Mrs. Olda C. (Frances Gardner of Tec*mseh and Arthur E. Stover of Elk Creek, both of whom Others to survive are one brother, Grant Brown of Hopkins, one sister, Mrs.

Amy Fuller of Lincoln, seven grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, and one great great grandchild. Mouneral of services this week were at held the on Wherry chapel in this city. Burial was in the Tec*mseh cemetery. Sarrah Mary Story Mrs. Sarrah Mary of Nemaha passed away Saturday, November 17, 1951, at Falls City of a cerebral hemorrhage.

She had been in failing health for two years. Mrs. Story was a daughter of Louis and Kathren (McGee) Frederick. She was born at Rulo on December 11, 1875. Her childhood and early womanhood days were spent in Rulo until she married Charles Warren Story.

They lived in Rulo and later lived in Preston, Wymore and in 1913 they moved to Tec*mseh. A few years of her life were spent on a farm near Nemaha until a year ago when her husband passed away. She then made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Allen Krouse of Tec*mseh, until about a month ago when she was taken to the home neice. Mrs.

Story was a -long member of the Catholic church. On August 20, 1897, was united in marriage to 'Mr. Story at Hiawatha, Kans. He passed away at Nemaha on September 10, 1950. To this union eight children were born, seven of whom survive.

Those to survive are Mrs. Anna Krouse of Elk Creek, William and James Story of Lincoln, Mrs. Betz Wagner of Lander, Charles Story of Pinedale, Henry Story of San Antonio, and Story of Ainsworth. Two brothers, Ben and Peter Frederick of Rulo also survive. Funeral services were held at the Catholic, church in Rulo on last week.

Burial was in the Catholic cemetery at Rulo. Pallbearers were John Krouse, Charles Story, Billy Story, Maynard Stokes, Marvin Ward and Larry Vognel, all grandsons of Mrs. Story. Those to attend the funeral from Elk Creek were Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Lillich, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Balke and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Webb of Tec*mseh.

Frederick Sheldon Stinson Frederick Sheldon Stinson, 33, of York died unexpectedly Friday, November 23, 1951, in the family automobile while enroute home from a visit with relatives in this city. He had been in failing health for six months and had undergone surgery at the York hospital about a year ago. Since that time, he had been taking treatments at other hospitals. His health failed rapidly during the last six weeks of his life. Mr.

Stinson was a son of. Mrs. Elberta (Rice), Stinson and the late Raymond Stinson of this city, was born May 19, 1918, at Sterling. He spent his early years of life at Sterling, Tec*mseh and York. Mr.

Stinson attended the Sterling high school and the. Nebraska School of Barbering. Fred He was Barber employed Shop at the, Henning York until failing health forced him to retire. He was a member of the Methodist church and the American Legion. He entered the Army on July 6, 1945, and received his discharge on' April SOFT 1946.

Mr. Stinson was married to Anne Brammann at Seneca, on July 16, 1939. To this union five children were born, three of whom survive. Those who mourn his death are his wife, three sons, Robert, Gerald and Gene; his mother, Mrs. Raymond Stinson of this city; five brothers, Dale, Donald, Kenneth, Edgar and Jack Stinson of Tec*mseh; and three sisters, Mrs.

Marjorie Geer of Minneapolis, Mrs. Lois Martin of Iowa City, and Miss Margaret Stinson of Lincoln. Funeral services were held Sunday at Methodist church at York. Rev. John P.

Brooks had charge of the services. Mrs. M. O. Strand was the soloist and Mrs.

Robert was the accompanist. Pallbearers were Maurice Shockey, Burdette Bauers, Fred Henning, Clarence Bryant, Harold Spradley and Gene Carty. Interment was in the Greenwood cemetery at York. Out of town relatives to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Brammann Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stinson, Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar Stinson. Mrs. Raymond Stinson, Kenneth and Jack, and Robert Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd Brott, Darlene and Carl of Tec*mseh, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spradley and Miss Margaret Stinson of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindner and Carol and Mr.

and Mrs. LeRoy Johnstone and children of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin of Iowa City, Mr. and Mrs.

Donald Geer of Minneapolis, and Mr. Mrs. Henry Brammann Jr. and children of Juaniata. Mrs.

Catherine Shaughnessy Mrs. Catherine Shaughnessy, pioneer and former resident of this county, died at Sheridan, Saturday, November 17, 1951. Mrs. Shaughnessy was born at Elkhart, on August 6, 1863. At the age of five years, she came with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Martin Nestor, to Johnson county. She attended the rural schools and sisters school at Council Bluffs, Ia. She taught in the rural schools until her marriage to John Shaughnessy of Tec*mseh in 1887. After residing in city for a number of years, these moved to Moorcroft, in 1895.

Mr. Shaughnessy had a number of relatives and friends engaged in railroad work there and SO helped him secure work in this line. Mr. Shaughnessy passed away in March, 50 years ago. She assumed the burden of carrying on.

She also filed on a homestead. She occupied the section house, the only house in the town of Rosett, Wyo. It was used for all public. meetings as it was for a school. To this union five girls and one boy were born, all of whom survive.

Her daughters live in Gillette, and her son lives in Carson City, Nev. One sister, Mrs. John Burke of Lincoln, and one brother, Philip Nestor Sr. of Tec*mseh, survive. Funeral services were held at St.

Matthew's Catholic church in Gillette. on Tuesday of last week. Services were conducted by Pall- the pastor, Father Powers. bearers were grandsons of Mrs. Shaughnessy.

Burial was Mr. in Nestor the cemetery near attended Gillette. the funeral. city THANKSGIVING GUESTS AT C. M.

AITKEN HOME Mrs. Richard Piersol and children of this city and Court Miner of Omaha were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M.

Aitken of Tec*mseh. Mrs. Piersol is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aitken.

In the afternoon the Aitken's talked on the telephone to another daughter, Mrs. V. S. Cook of Ogallala, who is in Omaha staying with her husband, who was in a recent accident. He is at the Methodist hospital in that city and is slowly improving according to reports received last Thursday.

Mrs. Cook is staying with her sister, Mrs. J. H. DeBoer, while she is in Omaha.

WARREN CHRASTIL ENLISTS IN THE ARMY AIR CORPS Warren L. Chrastil of this city has enlisted in the Army Air Corp. He reported to Omaha on November 15 and is now stationed at Lackland Air Base, San Antonio, Tex. He is a son of Ben Chrastil of this city but has been raised in the home Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Osterthun of this city since his mother passed away when he was 15 months old. His father also lives with Mr. and Mrs. Osterthun. Warren is a half-brother of Mrs.

Osterthun and Ben Chrastil is her father. "Fresh up WITH Tup ENJOY THANKSGIVING DINNER IN OMAHA A Thanksgiving dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Seidl and children of Omaha last Thursday. Those present were Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Schweitzer and daughters, Linda Lane and Susan Ann, and Mrs. Buckman of Nebraska City, Clifford Lovejoy of Red Cloud and grandchildren, Gary and Shirley, of Wahoo, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ed Eilers of Sterling and Baird and children of this.

city, Mrs. A. W. Blackford, Mr. and Mrs.

Bob Blackford and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckman of Omaha. The latter Mrs. Buckman is a daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Seidl. In the afternoon, Pfc. Walter Blackford, who is in the Army at Atlanta, surprised his parents by coming home unexpectedly. For bliss at the Nimas give eternal beauty of Tru Blu DIAMONDS Buy with confidence.

with security. Every Tru-Blu Diamond ring is protected by insurance policy issued FREE of extra cost at the time of purchase. Tru Blur 83 BLU BY PROTECTED Lady Adele from $75 WEDDING RING $17.50 Including fax BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WEAR WITH SECURITY KIRKMAN JEWELER Accurate, Dependable Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing Personalize Your Gifts with Engraving Nachtigall Rexall Drug Christmas Gift Ideas from your REXALL druggist $5.00 Value WHITE MINK 2-Piece Gift Set Cologne and stick 3.00 Cascade PEN and PENCIL SET $1.95 Value! ONLY Kitchen Fresh COTTAGE CHOCOLATES POUND BOX (2-lb. Box 2.20) 1.10 WOOD NUT BOWL With nutcracker and four 1.49 DON'T FORGET to Register Your Boy or Girl in the ANNUAL REXALL BOYS AND GIRLS CONTEST Contest Starts December Ist Last 'Day to Register--December 10th TRIPLE VOTES ON Prescriptions Rexall Products Eastman Kodak Supplies Veterinary Supplies Wallpaper and Paint Nebr. 1951 Nebr.

1951 Erich J. H. Boschen of Tec*mseh passed away in the Lutheran hospital at Beatrice on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22, 1951. had been in failing health four months and had been bedfast since September 30. His death was caused by cancer.

Mr. Boschen was taken to the Lutheran hospital at Beatrice on October 2 and submitted to surgery on October 16. His home is four and one-fourth miles southwest of this city. Mr. Boschen was born at Stollkamm, Oldenburg, Germany, on February 19, 1898.

He was a son of Heinrich and Louise (Schroeder) Boschen. He came to the United States at the age of 15 with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder, with whom he lived for several Iowa. He lived in Chicago, for 20.

years and spent three and one-half years in Michigan. He moved to Tec*mseh in February, 1948. He was married to Millie Heinzes at New York City, N.Y., on September 30, 1926. To this union one child was born. Mr.

Boschen worked as a mail clerk on the C. B. railroad for approximately years at Chicago, Ill. After that time, he began farming due to his doctor's advice. He farmed for about seven years in Michigan and Nebraska.

Those who survive are his wife and a daughter, Miss Louise Boschen Lincoln. One brother, Franz Boschen of Stollkamm, Oldenburg, Germany, and his mother, also of Germany, are other survivors. Mrs. Frieda Wooge of Crab Orchard and Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Schroeder and children of Milford, are Mr. Boschen's. only other living relatives in the United States. Mr. and Mrs.

Schroeder are his uncle and aunt. Funeral services were held Sunday at the Wherry chapel in this city with Rev. H. Trawny of Sterling conducting the services. Pallbearers were Herbert Fred Schroeder, Walter Schroeder, Ernest Schroeder, Gustav Schroeder and Herman Wooge.

Burial was in the Tec*mseh cemetery. Ira Otis Bash A heart attack proved fatal to Ira Otis Bash of Yuma, while attending the Yama- Wray, football game on Monday, November 12, 1951. Mr. Bash lived here for many years before moving to Colorado. He had reached the age of 77 years, six months and 18 days.

He collapsed in the stadium and was carried out and, placed on a stretcher that been brought to the field for the game. A physician, who was called from the sidelines, pronounced him dead. Ira Otis Bash was, a son of Martin and Phidella Bash. was born April 25, 1874, at Wabash, Ind. Mr.

Bash was married to Myrtle E. Halker on October 18, 1899, at Adams. Thirty-five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Bash and their children moved Colorado and have since made their there.

Those who survive horns, wife, six daughters, Mrs. Ada Flack of Greeley, Mrs. Edna Kuhrt, of Spokane, Mrs. Mary Kelso and Mrs. Betheen Kelso of Denver, Mrs.

Elda Mulder and Mrs. Ellen Goeglein of Yuma, and two sons, Ira Bash of Otis, and Edward Bash of Gering. He also is survived by one sister, Grace Fuller of Burbank, and two brothers, Floyd of Dallas, and Walter of Denver, 17 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church Yuma with Rev. K.

D. Moore in charge. Sarah Alice Stover Mrs. Sarah Alice Stover passed away at her home east Tec*mseh of a coronary thrombosis on Saturday, November 24, 1951, at 7:30 a.m. She was born near Glasford, in Peoria county on November 2, 1865.

Mrs. Stover was a daughter of Ezekiel A. and Ruth (Fuller) Brown. The family moved from Illinios to Johnson county by covered wagon when she was eight years old. Mrs.

Stover attended the rutal schools in this county. She lived her entire life on a farm and was a..

The Tec*mseh Chieftain from Tec*mseh, Nebraska (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.