The Tec*mseh Chieftain from Tec*mseh, Nebraska (2024)

Chlelialn. Tecumaoh, Nabr. Thursday, April 24, 1958 fresh, de Dinner Guests Assemble in St. Mary for Easter Sunday Former CooE Pastor And Parishioner Gel Church Assignments Rev. Orville Lehman, pastor of the American Lutheran church in Lincoln and former pastor of the Grace Lutheran church at Cook, has been elected to the board of parish education of the central district of the American Lutheran church.

Hie action was taken at the 28th annual convention held in Omaha. At the same time, one of Rev. Lehmans former parishioners, Lloyd Scheer of Cook, was chosen a lay-delegate to the national convention. Rev. E.

W. Philippi of Sheridan Lutheran church in Lincoln was elected clergy delegate to the national convention. Rev. Philippi is the guest missioner at the Grace Lutheran church in Cook during the mission sessions which are in progress this week and next on April 21, 22, 23, 27 and 28. Nothing Chiaftaln Photo Mr.

and Rigg Celebrate 50th Anniversary Lelien to The CUellain Hospital Talk from Missouri Robertson, Mo. I have changed my address from 8849 Telwood Drive, St. Louis 21, to 634 Lynn Haven, Robertson, Mo. Please send The Chieftain to this address. Congratulations on your new county hospital.

DONALD MATTOX. Returning to the States USNMC B-4, Co. F.P.O., New York, N.Y. I am receiving your newspaper that my father had sent to me. At present, I am overseas and the paper take from three to four weeks to get here.

I would appi ho it if you would kindly hold up sending the paper with the issue of the 17th of April. I am being transferred it a new station in the States approximately the middle of May. I do not know the address of the new station, but will notify you of the address as soon as I know it. ERVEN J. BUSS, CD2.

Leader In Textiles From the icon history, led in textile making. of Amer-iusetts has North Side Square Over Jewelry Harry K. Livingston Attorney at Law Titles Examined ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Phoae 323 "Thai Won'l Happen Again, By Golly!" Theres a fool-proof way to make sure you won't lose, misplace or have valuable papers stolen from you a SAPE DEPOSIT BOX! Not only safety from theft or loss, it gives you a nice feeling of security. Stop in and see how inexpensive such protection really is. ST.

MARY HAPPENINGS Mrs. Frank Slaffcl Fh. Marital TIM (Racaivad April IS) Enter Sunday dinner gueata of Mr. and Mrs. H.

Puchalla and Clco included Mr. and Mis. Sylvester Schuster and children of Plattanouth, Mr. and Mis. Ed T.

Goracke' and children, Mr. and Mis. Elmer Puchalla and children and Mr. and Mis. Roy Puchalla.

Mr. and Mis. Larry Schram and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jensen and children of Papillion spent Easter Sunday with Mr.

and Mis. Ralph Lempka. Mr. and Mis. Peter Hupka had number of their children with them for Easter.

Their gueata were Mr. and Mis. Gerald Hupka and sons, Mr. and Mrs. William Anson, Mr.

and Mis. Harold Brinkman and children, Mr. and Mis. Carl Behrens and daughters and Mr. and Mis.

Fred Carlson and son of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lempka and son, Kenneth, of Denver. visited his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence lempka and his brothers and sisters and other friends during Easter time. Mi Marie Neukirch. who is employed in Lincoln, spent Easter at the home of her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Neukirch. On-Eaetcr Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Neukirch and Catherine entertained Mr.

and Mrs. Gilbert Goracke and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Bramann and children, Mr. and Mrs.

Loren Krantz of Lincoln, Mr. and Mis. Ambrose Neukirch and children, Mr. and Airs. Charles Neukirch and son and Mr.

and Mis. Lawrence Neukirch and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wiebe and children of Boone, Iowa, spent Easter with Mr.

and Mrs. John Hinders, the parents of Mrs. Wiebe. Her brothers and sisters and their families also were at home for a family dinner. Mr: and Mrs.

John Schmidt spent Good Friday in Beatrice with their son, Lyle, and his wife. Easter Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Eden and son at Nebraska City. Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Pella and daughters spent Easter in Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fred-ell. BGsa Mary Ann Masur was Immia from futif Mr.

sum! Mrs. Joe Sobotta had Easter dinner with their son, Clarence Sobotta, and his family in Lincoln. Other members of their children's families also were there. Mr. and Mrs.

Leo Pientka had their eon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mis. Clarence Goracke, and children of Oakland as guests over Easter. Mrs. Pientka returned home with them for a few days.

Mrs. Frank Siegel and Carmen Acosta spent Sunday afternoon and evening, March SO, with Mr. and Airs. William Wrobliski. Folks from St.

Mary attended the opening and dedication of the new Johnson county hospital at Tac*msah Sunday. Matt Masur of Cheyenne, came to Sf. Maty from Ax tell, where ho visited his sister, Mis. fknmett Feechel, and her husband and sons. Here he visited the Leonard and Mark Masur1 and other relatives and friend.

yiji On of tha greatest bald faced attempts In all history to mulct the taxpayer is now underway. This la tfea litre I get Cm-(tea to vote area Mgier sad Mfger ferelga give sways. a Or as Rep. Otto Passman, terms it, a big now Job is now underway. a Professional lab Ik tstratleas of tb peat twenty years have sealed up vart- bureau c7w7Harie eratle prameUoual drives, art also apearbeadlag this ana.

This new organisation Is termed the Committee for International Economic Growth. It Iras brought fate being on January 29th, and contributions to it are presum. ably tax exempt on basis sriUng people on giving away more Is major benefit to nation, Bet gen. Geer re Maleney ef Nevada has nther view. Be ays "the nimtaMratka to sheet te sieve ta with Cmy'i army af TOO to 100 peruse tatimi-date Csagrea.

I thtak we eeghft to rwa them eut ef Washlagtea as is rwa 1 2JE nee Of course, on analysis. It can peihdVa be surmised why there Is such a drive la certain quartan. to tap an taxpayers to give nds to build up -the foreign nations. I Mrs, Manr Siegel, Aghes Siegel and John Gresham made a bust no trip to Syracuse on Thursday. ANOTHER YEAR OLDER Hm Chieftain Often Its Bast Wlatiao ahd ConiratulsUonal (By Hopewell Correapondenl) In observance of the 17th birth anniversary of Barbara Unvert Friday, April 11, three young friends from Adams were supper guests at her home and spent the evening in Lincoln.

see (By Johnson Correspondent) Mr. and Mis. Ralph NorveTl Jr. and Denny were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Hahn, Saturday evening, April 12. The occasion honored Mrs. Norvell who was observing a birth anniversary. see (By Johnson Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs.

Alvin Bohling honored their daughter, Meredith, on her 10th birth anniversary at a party in their home from o'clock Thursday afternoon, April 17. Guests were Linda Hull, Pamela Mathies, Carol Bob rends, Mary Ann Speckmann, Marcia Burr, IJnda Kay Knippclmeyer, Aian Swanson, Barbara La pipe and Deanna Schuette. The children enjoyed party games, and a birthday supper. i By Steinauer Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Obrist, Larry, Harold and Mary Jo and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neukirch, Kathy and Ronnie took a basket supper to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey at Tec*mseh Monday evening.

It was a sur-rise for Mrs. Morrissey on her irih anniversary. see (By Hopewell Correnondent) Guests in the Keith Joekel home Wednesday evening, April in observance of the fifth birth anniversary of Kenneth Joekel were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hibbert and children, Mr.

and Mrs. Clark Finkner and children and Rev. and Mrs. Dillon L. Hess and sons.

Bad roads prevented having the party on the actual date of April 4. Refreshments were served. (By Marlin Corraapondawt) The ninth birth anniversary of Donna Schmidt was celebrated in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt, Saturday afternoon, April 12.

The actual date of the anniversary was the next Tuesday, but Mrs. Schmidt thought the girls of Donna's class would enjoy the party in the home on Saturday. The girls brought nice gifts for Donna. Garnet and the traditional birthday greeting song, plus a lunch with a birthday cake made pleasant afternoon. Gueata were Judy Bretthorst, Lola Horatman, Bette Kelle, Jeannette Safari Virginia Shea, Alyce Schmidt and Janet Walters.

(By Graf Oorraapondant) Friday, April 11, was the birth anniversary of Mrs. LaVerae Buss. In the evening, she was guest of honor at a fish fry supper at Nebraska City. Others at the supper were her husband, La-Veme Buss, also Mr. and Mrs.

M. A. Rathbone, and Mr. and Mrs. 'MMt? Houser, chairman af gears bock, I aaetker great aappeiter af foreign give-aways.

The fact Bears has stares la. far eign nations may or may be factor la kite seal to ater foreign eceaemlee with gifts of U. fi. taxpayers dollars. William Kaktaaaa, president of Coca-Cain, Is another great tab thamp.

or far foreign gtva sways. Coca Cola baa been very active la their hdenatieaal division, Ther are many other Instances. But the Interesting fact seems to bo that nobody is kidding nobody any more about foreign give sways. Sea. Hemy Dworahak, Idaho, calls' attention to the fact that Communist Pols nd has tapped the W.

A tax. payers for almost 9100 million dollars. A few months ago Sen. Wm. W.

Knowltnd ef California, was accused of partisan disloyalty because bo blew the whistle on tapping U. S. taxpayers to send modern Jet fighters to Communist Tito hi Yugoslavia. And rere, th whole world knew when recently Ftancc killed off women and children la Utile town la fan African ealany that waste Independence, with massive air raid, that It was O. S.

bailt planet who carried tha ferae la aa attack hams on tha dcfraseleaa vfllagers. Thus, there are angry Congressmen on this foreign, give away Issue. And the circus tactics being used to try and stampede them Is not appreciated. la ether words. It's getting more and mere dlfflcnM to kid anybody on the ceaUaaattan ef these ferelga give nwsy pre-grams.

For voting thrMgh Nntteanl FMenttaa ad does it lilfe Seven-Up BONUS you get at Standard! Anti-knock octane raised in both Standard Gasolines to the highest levels in Standard history. You get extra octane that helps your engine develop full power qwd maximum rrriia- age. Its more of the BIG BONUS in Standard Gasolines that steps up performance, stretches mileage, len gthens engine life by cutting start-up wear. GOLD CROWN Super-Premium, restores full spark in moat fouled plugs after two tankfuls to give extra miles per gallon-proved in a 200, 000-mile test! RED CROWN King-Sis Regular, higher in octane number than premium grades of a few yean IS' lea aeai wttiejnm Smtori mMtigakt Service PRONE 395 TEc*msEH Anti-knock Octane raised again in Gold Crown Super-Premium and Red Crown Ring-Size Regular early years of his life were spent in Illinoi where he finished grade school. Except for 10 years in construction work, Mr.

Rigg has been a fanner most of his life. Jennie B. Putman was born March 2, 1889, in Mt. Sterling, 111. She was a daughter of S.

E. and Laura E. (Hill) Putman of Henman, 111. She attended grade school and took a two-year course in teaching at Rushville, 111. She was a teacher eretown, 111 Mr.

and Mrs. Rigg were married at Hersman April 16, 1908. They lived in Mt. Sterling until March, 1921, and have lived in the Tec*mseh vicinity since then. They became members of the Tc-cumaeh Baptist church in 1921.

Their four daughters were here for the golden wedding anniversary. They are Mrs. Frances Arnold of Tec*mseh, Mrs. Charles (Avonelle) Campbell of Chicago, and Mrs. Tom (Mildred) Pot-ter and Mrs.

Dan (Laura) Pfeifer of La Conner, Wash. Their nine grandchildren are Nadine Potter and Dan and Charles Oscar Pfeifer of La Conner, Gary and Janice Campbell of Chicago and David, Jean, Nancy and Carol Arnold of Tec*mseh. From the group to attend the celebration were Janice Campbell of Chicago, David Arndld who returned home here from hi. school work at Phillips University in Enid, and the three Arnold children at home. The three great grandchildren Billy Pfeifer and Mike and Jodene Nadine Reinstra of La Conner.

Mrs. Rigg has a brother, Murray H. Putman of Mt. Sterling, and two sisters, Mrs. Ana (Margie) Gray of Versailles, 111., and Mrs.

S.R. (7 Spokane, Wash. Mr. Rigg has (Zoe) Bnimm of a brother, John D. Rigg of Kansas City, and three sisters, Mrs.

Kathryn Year-Sin, Mrs. Ora Glasgow and Mrs. ffie Veith of Mt. Sterling. Mrs.

Veith and Mrs. Glasgow came for the celebration. Mrs. Veith returned home soon after the party, but her sister remained for a longer visit in the Rigg home. Also here for the occasion were Mr.

and Mrs. John Campbell of long- and Rigg attended school together. Other out-of-town guests at the party were Mr. Rigg's niece and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Bradley and daughter, Linda, of Kansas City, and Mrs. Riggs cousin, Miss Lora Peek of the Jonaa Baptist Home in Omaha. te And PAG. Hybrids can give YOU more com on your farm and mom profit Yes, thousands of witnessed Yield Checks have PROVEN the ability of PAG. Hybrids to outyield competitive corns '8 out of 10' times by better than 9 bushels of 2 shelled com per acre! Tiy them on your farm for MORE profit' JOE HUPKA TEc*msEH DON NEEMANN COOK MARVIN WELLENSIEK SYRACUSE VRTISKA BROTHERS TABLE.

ROCK Mr. and Mis. Charles A. Rigg of near Tec*mseh celebrated their golden wedding anniversary with open house in the Tec*mseh Baptist church during the hours of o'clock Sunday afternoon, April 20. The actual date of their anniversary was the previous Wednesday.

Over 150 adult guests called to congratulate the honored couple. Their granddaughter, Janice Campbell of Chicago, 111., was in charge of the guest book. Beautiful flowers included a large bou-uct of yellow and white snap-ragons, also forsythia and others. Mrs. Rigg wore a corsage of yellow roses and carnations.

Mr. IRigg had a yellow carnation boutonniere. Their daughters also wore yellow carnation corsages. Mrs. Lester Bradley of Kansas City, niece of Mr.

Rigg, took care of the gift table. Refreshments were served from a lace-covered table. On the table were a gold ceramic bowl for flowers end a matching pair of candleholders, a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Rigg from their daughter, Mrs.

Tom Potter of La Conner, Wash. White candles were used. Mrs. Wilson Field, a neighbor of Mr. and Mrs.

Rigg, baked and decorated the beautiful four-tier anniversary cake. It had white frosting and was decorated with yellow roses. Three white bells with gilded edges were placed on the fop of the cake. Other flat eakea were inscribed with the let-; ter The cake was cut by Mrs. Field, and Mrs.

Charles Hunt, another neighbor of the Rigg's, assisted with the serving. Waif aitresses ing refreshments were Ruth Ann Phillips, Betty and Elaine Ramsey and IO is Taylor, all of Tec*mseh. They wore attractive yellow organdy aprons, trimmed in gold. Pouring coffee were Mesdames Ora Glasgow and Effie Veith of Mt Sterling, III, sisters of Mr. Rigg.

Mrs. Clara Phillips of Tec*mseh served punch. A background of piano music was furnished by Jean Arnold of this city, another granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. lugg.

Rev. Ray L. Fortune, pastor of the church, offered prayer. Jim Baird of Tec*mseh sang a solo, Because." Mrs. Harry Baird of this city was the accompanist for the musical selections of the program.

She also read an interesting poem, Fifty Yean Ago." Rev. Fortune gave a talk. Duane Buersetta of Tec*mseh played, as trombone solos, Silver Threads Among the Gold, When You and I Were' Young, Maggie" and By the Light of the Silvery Moon. A quintette, composed of Jim Baird, Robert Shonerd, Hal Davis, Arnold Horn and Hany Baird, sang several numbers, including 'Church in Wildwood, Sweet Bye and Bye and Loves Old Sweet Song. The pastor gave the benediction in closing.

Charles Abner Rigg was bom at Mount Sterling, UL, April 23. 1886. He was a son of A. C. and Mary J.

(Singleton) Rigg of Mt. Elmer Armknecht The children had a good time, toa Kathle, Alien and Sharon Bum were with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buss. Linda Ann, Ronald and Stephen Frederick and Gary Armknecht their home.

a (By Graf Ooneopondcnt) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray entertained Sunday, April 13, at their home at Syracuse in honor of their daughters in observance of their birth anniversaries. The anniversary date of Mrs. Raymond Jacobsen was April 15 and Mrs.

Gilmer Frenchs was April 23. Dinner and lunch was served. Beautiful birthday cakes were served. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Swanson. Lonnie, Luan, Sue Ellen, Kenneth and Larry of this community. Mrs. Swanson also is a daughter of the Grays. The families of the guests of honor were Raymond Jacobsen, Kaye, Carpi and Donna of Syracuse, and Gilmer French, Joan, Judy and Monty of Douglas, see (By Graf OorreapondMit) Mr.

and Mrs. Keith Wagner were hoots at a birth anniversary In honor of their daughter. Sunday evening, April 13. A lovely birthdayceke and hinah were served. Guests who came to honor her were Mr.

end Hn Den Parker of Uncolm Mr. apfl Wtoner of cumeeh end Mrs. Ein Mr. and Mrs. Fred Unto, Mr.

Mrs- Ehner Lints and Tommy. plus complete, fpadaPia, ili'nli mS kaMary ranks Oaoa BIG of the Standard STREETS courteous Standard Sarvlct epw hlrlwOi Or repair 0 me teaan Trawl ManaaNsa ASatTIrw ASaa OaWarlaa tolwol rawala Oadietar rank SheWs FIRST AMD JACKSON 'V.

The Tec*mseh Chieftain from Tec*mseh, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.