Hazbin & Helluva: The Hell's Fiery Unicorn - Chapter 9 - RainbowMoonstone21 (2024)

Chapter Text

In 27th of March 2020, at the hotel, Charlie was sleeping in her and Vaggie’s bed.

Since last month, Charlie was dreaming about that night in Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s Night, after Vaggie give her the charm bracelet of them that Blitzo helped her out before Charlie gave her that pyjamas that Vaggie love.

But later on, Charlie visited Alastor after he told her that he too had a gift as well and that was a golden heart-shaped necklace with a apple gemstone on it. Sure, it’s a locket but it written by his own handwriting says, ‘Keep smiling and helping others ‘till they accept your kindness.’

He then sang a song which lead them to dance…


🎶I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart🎶

As both of them dance with the dark room lits up with candles, Vaggie could only watch them along with Angel Dust and Husk while Nifty started to write something in her notebook that wrote ‘Charlastor - Friendship or Something’. Millie and Moxxie were too watching them while Loona recorded them, Blitzo was just talking to Stolas on the phone before he went out to see but not before taking a picture of Charlie and Alastor’s dance.

🎶In my heart, I have but one desire
And that one is you, no other will do🎶

Mrs Mayberry was enjoying her piece of cake along with Loopty and Lyle while listening to Alastor’s song, the cherubs were getting very tearful when they watched the magic happen along with Dazzle while Razzle was enjoying a bit.

🎶I’ve lost all my ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love
And with your admission that you feel the same
I’ll have reached the goal I’m dreaming of
Believe me

I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart…🎶



Charlie suddenly woke up by the sound of smashing glasses, she groaned with her demon eyes glow slightly.

Not again…’ Charlie thought as she knew what was the reason–

BLITZO!!!” Vaggie yelled out from outside of her bedroom.

THE O IS SILENT, BITCH!!!” Blitzo yelled back.

“Jesus, they’re never going to be friends at this point.” Charlie replied, getting out of bed with a yawn.


Charlie stepped out of the bedroom and sighed just to relax herself from frustration, “Hey guys! Hope you slept well, even though it’s six o’clock. Sorry for interrupting your conversation buuuut–“

“Okay,” Blitzo said. “Firstly, we only slept together one time! And secondly, we’re not actually dating! And if we were, then that would be called a love affair which we’d rather not go further! So, would you MIND YOUR f*ckING BUSINESS, vagin*?!

“How would I mind my business?!” Vaggie said as she rubbed her hand against her head, “You’re cheating on your girlfriend with a prince! Even if you two slept once and not dating, seeing each other is still having an affair!”

“And what do you know?” Blitzo asked, crossing his arms.

“Seriously, you expect me to explain this to you?” Vaggie asked.

“I’m not expecting you, I’m listening to you!” Blitzo pointed out.

“Okay, okay!” Charlie spoke as she stepped between the two. “What’s the problem here and who’s prince you’re seeing with?”

“Blitz-O is having an affair with Prince Stolas!” Vaggie replied while pointing at the imp.

“I am NOT having an affair with him!” Blitzo spoke, “We’re just seeing each other and we may have once slept together, but that’s in the past!”

“Which is doesn’t matter if it’s in the past or not!” Vaggie snapped.

“Guys, come on, don’t you think it’s getting ridiculous now with all the fighting you two are having every week?” Charlie asked.

“Every Tuesday and Wednesday of the week, Princess.” Blitzo pointed out.

“It’s Saturday,” Vaggie pointed out.

“Whatever,” Blitzo said.

“Look,” Charlie spoke. “You two have been arguing for far too long, that’s when you leave me no choice: Vaggie, you will be spending a whole day with Blitzo until you two make up and be friends.”

“What?” Vaggie asked, “Why would I be friends with this imp? And it may going to take a week to be friends with with him when it’s not going to happen.”

“Okay, how about this?” Charlie said, “If you spend a whole day together without any fighting, you won’t be at each other’s throats and become good friends.”

“And if we don’t?” Blitzo asked, feeling a bit worried.

“Then Vaggie will tidy up yours, Moxxie, Millie and Loona’s rooms while you will tidy up mine and Vaggie’s, and maybe the rest of the staff and guests/clients.” Charlie explained, folding her arms.

“Wait, hold on!” Blitzo spoke, “There’s no way I ain’t going to let vagin* go and tidy my room and my employees’, and there’s no way I ain’t cleaning everyone’s rooms as well.” He then muttered under his breath, “Especially I’ve heard Angel got too many sex toys that would get my horny as f*ck.

“Then spends a day with each other, and try to make friends.” Charlie replied, “And if you be able to be friends, there will be a surprise.”

“Princess…” Blitzo replied.

“Charlie…” Vaggie replied.

But then, Charlie was given them puppy eyes. “Please?

Ugh, fine!” Blitzo and Vaggie groaned as they couldn’t say no to those eyes.

Charlie then walked away with a smile on her face, both Blitzo and Vaggie looked at each other. This had got to be a busy day for them and hoping that they would pretend to try and get along in the hope of avoiding tidying each other’s rooms.


Later on this morning, Blitzo, Vaggie and their friends were driving their gray van through the street as Blitzo had something he need to get some his old building and Vaggie had to tag along with Angel Dust and Nifty as Charlie asked them to join in. Just in case there’s no fighting, of course.

“I love this song!” Blitzo said as he began to sang to ‘Mustang Dong’ in a poorly way.

Loona was sitting in the passenger seat next to Blitzo, looking mildly annoyed at his singing. Moxxie, Angel Dust and Vaggie covers their somehow non-existing ears in the back while Millie and Nifty rolled down their window and smiled as the wind blew their hair.

They drive into an old crowded parking lot when, all of a sudden, a pink car pulled into the remaining parking space.

OH, sh*t, f*ck!” Blitzo slammed onto the brakes and the van skids to a stop, he turns off the radio and glared at the person in the pink car. He glances at the license plate, which reads ‘SUCKS-4-LIFE’.

“Oh, you ‘suck for life’, do ya?!” He asked before pulling out a megaphone and yelled into it. “Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tit* out of my parking spot!”

The passenger stepping out of her front car seat with black high heels that got hot pink gemstones, she was wearing a black and white short dress with light pink fluffy coat that matched her long hair.

Blitzo, suddenly recognise who it was, lowers the megaphone in shocked. “Oh, sh*t! Verosika!” ‘My f*cking girlfriend!’ He thought to himself…

Verosika blew a bubble of pink gum before it popped, “Blitz.”

“I should have known you'd be here,” Blitzo replied. “Although, I could smell fish for miles which is odd because I believe the nearest ocean is...” he fell out of the van and faceplant onto the ground before standing up. “…three rings down!”

“And I should have known you'd be here when I heard the Amber Alerts,” Verosika said.

“Oh, yeah…” Blitzo then realised something else. “Wait a second, I'm surprised they let your out of the rehab. I can see you're still drunk slightly, clutching onto that Beelzejuice bottle!”

“They let me out because I, still famous,” Verosika said while flip her long hair. “Come on, you should know that rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups.” She then took a drink from her flask and wiped her mouth with her thumb. “So, your sister says hi.”

Blitzo was still having problems with his girlfriend when it comes to her drinking addiction to Beelzejuice while being famous, but he thought that rehab would work. But seemed like it didn’t…

“Why are you parkin’ here?” Blitzo asked while stepped in front of Verosika. “This is the only parking spot my company has!”

“Actually, Blitz.” Verosika spoke, “Since you are no longer worked her company building and moved to that tacky hotel, it now has my name on it.” She pointed down to her name that was written in purple spray paint by their feet as the I.M.P logo was crossed out on the ground.

“I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building...” The pop star explained to her boyfriend.

“Is that what I think she is?” Angel Dust asked as he and Loona watched from the van.

“No way…” Loona spoke.

“...and they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break.” Verosika finished.

“A WEEK?!” Blitzo asked, “No, you are NOT parking here for a f*ckin’ week!”

“Awww, but don’t you think it’s a fair thing to do, Blitz?” Verosika asked while removing her sunglasses. “Not to mention that it took me two months to forgive you for running off while leaving someone else to pay for the hotel room, steal their car and...”

“…run three rings to Wrath and max MY credit cards on sh*tty horse riding lessons?!” Both the couple said at the same time.

“Goddamn it, Rosi!” Blitzo spoke while stamping his feet on the ground, “After forgiving me, you still have NOT let that sh*t go!”

“Two can play that game, babe.” Verosika said while trying not to chuckle and walked away, Loona and Angel fearfully lowered their heads in the van.

HOLD ON!” Blitzo yelled while following his girlfriend, “You better move that Pinkie Pie’s wagon right now, or I'm gonna...”

A towering muscular Hellhound, Vortex with a scar on his eye, appeared behind Blitzo and growled, “You’ll what?”

“Or I’ll…” Blitzo stuttered in fear while glancing around, “Uh… uh… I… I’ll call HR!”

After a second of awkward silence, Verosika Blitzo and Vortex laugh as if in a sitcom.

“Anyway,” Verosika replied. “Meet my new Hellhound, Vortex. He does his job very well, unlike your adopted daughter, no offence.” She leaved with her bodyguard, she glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll text you later, baby pony.”

“Ugh,” Blitzo growled. “I don’t know why I’m still with that hot pop star…”

Loona kicked the van door open as she and Angel Dust stepped out, “VEROSIKA MAYDAY IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!

“Huh?” Blitzo felt his face was blushed up in embarrassment, “Oh, yeah. She’s my girlfriend, yeah…”

“Is it before or after she became a pop star?” Millie asked.

Moxxie opened the van door as he and Vaggie stepped out, “YOU’RE DATING A POP STAR?!

“You’re absolutely lucky that she has a bodyguard,” Niffty said. “He’s so hot!”

“Okay, why are you all acting like that's such a shock?” Blitzo asked.

Hellooo, it's Verosika Mayday?” Loona asked.

“It’s you?” Millie asked.

“Does she know about your secret admirer?” Vaggie asked.

“What secret admirer?” Angel Dust asked and when Vaggie looked at him, he knew exactly what she’s on about. “Oh, him…”

“I just…” Moxxie spoke while scratching his head, “Is she blind?? Suffering some form of brain damage???”

“Should I go check on her and let you know?” Niffty asked.

“No need to, Niffty,” Moxxie replied.

“Okay, look,” Blitzo replied. “You are all making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't pry into your stupid personal lives.”

“Excuse me?!” Vaggie asked angrily while pulling few of her hair out, “YOU DO SPY OUR PERSONAL LIVES!

“You do that all the time, sir!” Moxxie snapped.

“Come on,” Millie spoke. “You kinda do that.”

“You totally do that,” Loona said while crossing her arms.

“What was sex with her like?” Millie asked as she grinned mischievously, her eyelids lowering.

“Millie!” Moxxie said while taken aback.

Whaaaat?!” Millie said, “It's a pop star! You'd wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like.”

Moxxie about to scold Millie but changed his mind, “…Touché.”

“You seriously now?” Vaggie asked.

“Okay, look, let's just drop it!” Blitzo spoke, “Millie, Niffty, Angel, find a temporary spot for that truck.” He then tossed the keys to Millie, who gleefully catches them before she ran to the driver's side while Nifty and Angel Dust goes to the van. “Okay, Loonie, Vaggie, Moxxie, let's go handle this sh*t.”


Vaggie, Loona, Moxxie and Blitzo stepping out of an elevator.

Loona walks nervously forward, “Do you think they saw me? f*ck! I did my makeup sh*tty today!”

“Oh, you look perfect, Loonie!” Blitzo smiled at her with shining eyes, “Like always…”

Loona narrowed her eyes and scowled, “Shut up, da…”

Blitzo looked at her with adoration on his face, Loona catched herself almost referring to Blitzo as ‘dad’ and shoves him aside.

“Urgh, Blitz!” Loona replied as she checked her face in a handheld mirror, stepping over Blitzo before accidentally bumping into Vortex, she looked up in embarrassment. “Oh… Woah…” Vortex glanced down at Loona.

Blitzo smiled at Loona before he gasped in shock as he noticed her blushes and wags her tail, so Blitzo then moved between Loona and Vortex, his arms out. “Hi, big man. Where's your boss who’s my girlfriend?”

“She’s in her office,” Vortex replied as he was nearby room with neon pink hearts over double doors, ‘V’ and ‘M’ were spray-painted on the door windows across from the I.M.P. office room. “There wasn't room on the second floor, so they rented one here on this one. It's cheaper.”

“Oh, come on!” Blitzo groaned.

Vortex just scoffed, smiling before walking away. “Sorry, man.”

“Oh, no you don’t, bitch…” Blitzo muttered, sighing before he spoke up. “Alright, you three go and handle this sh*t while I’m going to go and get my stuff from our former office.”

“Sir,” Moxxie spoke. “Before you would go and collect our stuff, how about you let me go in and try to reason with her? I don't really listen to what's classified as ‘pop genre’ music, so her status to me is name recognition alone. In my opinion, her music is a bit derivative of–“

“Moxxie,” Blitzo interrupted him. “Shut the f*ck up and do your sh*tty reason!” Blitzo went over to his former I.M.P office.

“Alrighty, then…” Moxxie headed over to Verosika's office, pushing open the doors and goes inside.

Vaggie looked at Loona who goes to her phone which made her goes to her phone and saw the text from Charlie who showed her a picture of Collin and Razzle eating donuts and laughing at Keenie being chased by Dazzle.

Charlie: Just wanna let you know that Razzle and Collin were enjoying eating donuts together while Dazzle was chasing Keenie around just for fun. Sooo adorable! 🥰

Vaggie smiled and was about to text her back when there were a scream from Verosika’s office, she rushed towards the room and opened the two doors when she saw this bitch and her crew sexually assaulted Moxxie, kissing and touching him all over his body before they were about to go lower where he pants was.

She saw red at this point before pulling out her spear, “WHAT THE f*ck ARE YOU DOING?! LET HIM GO!!!

Blitzo was getting the stuff that he and the others left behind when he heard a blood-chilling and yet dramatic scream coming from Verosika’s office which made run out of the room and head to the other room, Loona texted Angel Dust about Vaggie’s outburst to the pop star and telling him to get over here.

Blitzo kicked both doors open, causing Vaggie, Moxxie, Verosika and her gang to notice. He saw Moxxie in a mess with lipstick kisses all over his face and he clothes were nearly torn off, Verosika was on the floor with Vaggie on top of her as they were pulling hair out of each other while the gang looked on. While the gang were looked annoyed, Apple looked worried.

Oh, are you f*cking kidding me now?!” Blitzo asked as he stomped towards his girlfriend. “You just have to be sh*tty to one of my employees and the princess’ girlfriend.”

“She f*cking started it!” Verosika exclamed.

“Yeah, as if!” Vaggie said, getting off of pink ‘imp’. “You was sexually assaulted Moxxie when he’s married, bitch!”

“It’s true,” Apple replied whe her friends looked at her. “I tried to tell them to stop but they won’t listen.”

“Uh, hello?” Milky spoke. “We are the Mayday Crew, and succubi demons, baby!”

“That’s it!” Vaggie groaned in frustration, “I challenge you bitches a demon duel!”

“f*ck, where did you get the idea of a demon duel?” Blitzo asked, looking a bit confused and surprised at Vaggie’s knowledge of a demon duel which she might never heard of before.

“I told her when I was at the Strip club where two hotties were fighting over me to have sex!” Angel Dust said as he arrived in the room, “I thought she might not listen to me at that part.”

Mmmm…” Kiki smiled, “I think a demon duel would do us better than the sh*tty catfight.”

“I think so,” Verosika said as she stood up. “What's the game then, vagin*-slu*t?”

“What?” Vaggie asked as she realised that a demon duel was like a betting game and she doesn’t know how to play it. “I–I don’t know how to play this game…”

“How about this?” Blitzo asked while rolling his eyes, “Every year, you STD spreaders go up topside for easy pickin's while spring break is a prime time for crime of all kinds! So I bet... you girls and boys can't f*ck as many people as we can off by the end of the day.”

The succubi can only laugh which made Blitzo and Vaggie glared in determination and got them to stop laughing.

“Oh, you're serious?” Verosika asked.

“Of course, we’re serious!” Vaggie said.

“Well, then.” Verosika said while leaning closer to Vaggie’s face. “Game on… bitch.”


Later at Hazbin Hotel, Blitzo stood in front of the whiteboard. Behind him was an easel with drawings on papers. The other I.M.P members and Hazbin employees were sit at a table and listen after Vaggie explain to others what happened at the old building where they met Verosika Mayday and hell’s break loose when she was about to sexually assault Moxxie.

“Alright,” Blitzo spoke. “You’re better shut your assholes! Here's how we're gonna do this sh*t! First, we find a f*ck ton of clients. We portal up, we have our fun murder time as per usual. We pile all the bodies into a big f*ckin' canoe. We push said canoe into some water. We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles 'n sh*t. Maybe a goose, too! f*ck it! They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet... We rub it in that bitch's drunken whor*-ass face...” He finished it up with the drawings of Blitzo and I.M.P members and Hazbin employees give Verosika several middle fingers who bursts into tears. “Do you have any questions?”

“While you guys are doing the bet competition with your pop star girlfriend,” Lyle Lipton spoke. “What are we supposed to do?”

“Stay here and looked after the little ones and the creatures,” Mrs Mayberry spoke.

“But I’d love to enjoy visiting with the people we know on Earth!” Loopty Goopty said. “But then again, I don’t mind being the animal-sitter.”

“Okay, but I got a question.” Moxxie raised his hand as he had a fresher clothes after had a shower, “Why was that nonsense?”

“That’s wasn’t a question,” Blitzo said as he walked over to Moxxie.

“And that wasn’t a plan,” Moxxie spoke.

“An utterly ri-ri-ridiculous plan,” Collin spoke up.

“I'm sorry,” Blitzo apologised as he put his hand over Moxxie’s shoulder, “but that was a flawless presentation of what we should do, you two. It's not my fault you, Moxxie, got a smooth little brain upstairs.”

“A what now?” Moxxie asked while raising his eyebrow.

“I'm callin' ya slow, Moxxie.” Blitzo said while rolling his eyes, “God, why don't you learn to take criticism, you talentless baby dicked troll?!” He poked at Moxxie’s chest as Angel Dust began laughing at the last part.

“Well, why don’t you…” Moxxie pointed at Blitzo as he climbed onto the table in anger, “…take an art class?!”

“Why don’t you see how EXPENSIVE they are?!” Blitzo asked in anger as he grabbed Moxxie’s and threw him back in his chair.

“Hey, is there a way I can come with you guys this time?” Loona asked.

“You got human disguise, sweetie?” Blitzo asked.

“Well, yeah.” Loona replied, “Alastor said that us demons got human disguise if you’re a sinner or hellborn. I actually research about hell-hounds and it said that I can have human disguise with a normal colour but when night falls, I would end up with the demon colour I am now.”

Alastor could only chuckled and narrowed his eyes while smiling. “Hell-hound is still sounds like a hell-dog, I dislike the idea of a breed…”

“I don’t see why though,” Cletus replied.

“Neither do I,” Keenie said.

“Wait a second,” Charlie spoke up while raising her hands, “Why not Loona bring the guys to us and we’ll do the rest?”

“As if that would–“ Vaggie began to speak when Blitzo interrupted her.

“You know what?” Blitzo spoke before he quickly scribbled on a piece of paper and hanging it on the easel, it showed Loona surrounded by humans with hearts around them. “This might work as a new plan of the Princess of Hell herself as her ideas are better than mine, to be honest.”

“Your ideas are good too,” Charlie said. “Especially with a bet when Vaggie doesn’t have any idea how to play this demon duel that Angel Dust talked to us once. That is a good start for trying to getting along by–“

“I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir.” Moxxie raised his hand as he spoke, “I mean, my apologies for interrupting, Princess. But isn’t it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going up to massacre!”

“We got these people to kill,” Blitzo said. “Especially Alastor!”

“Yeah, Alastor would kill everyone if he want to,” Husk said. “He was once a murderer of New Orleans in 1930s that lead him to the power Radio Demon of Hell.”

“Oh, stop it.” Alastor said while smiling, “I’m just that kinda guy who is still smiling and appreciate your kind words.”

“And he’s a kind gentleman once you get to know him well,” Niffty said.

“I bet he is,” Millie said while giving Nifty’s a ruff on the hair that made her giggle. “I bet he is…”


At the beach in the human world, people happily walk around, relax and talk. While the I.M.P and Hazbin team hid behind a coral-covered rocks under a dock. Alastor and Husk were in their human disguise, and the rest were wearing costumes.

“Now, remember, we can't be seen this time, alright?” Blitzo spoke, “Especially what happened on Valentine’s Day. Loose shots will likely cause a panic, so Loona can help with leading targets to a better spot to off 'em.”

“You got the list, Loona?” Vaggie asked.

Loona skimmed a long list in her hands and gives it a sniff, “Got it.”

Loona stood up and in a swirling flash of blue light, she transforms into a human version of herself with dirty blonde hair and milk chocolate brown eyes with a hint of red.

“Oh, Loonie, look at you.” Blitzo said while he and the others stared in surprise. “You look just someone I once met, I am so proud.”

Loona could only give him a question look before rolling her eyes.

“Now, fetch!” Blitzo spoke and Loona peered in front of her.

Her target humans outlined in red in her vision, Loona smirked and strolling over to a tall man wearing sunglasses. She moved a finger toward his chest and gives him a flirtatious grin, she motions behind her and to a private alleyway. Loona leads him into the alleyway and leans against the wall, the man reached out to grab her in lust but was shot in the head by Blitzo spying on the roof. He gave Loona a thumbs up.

In the next shot, a blonde man ran to her in an alleyway with a hungry lustful look on his face. He was caught in a black noose by Alastor. On a rooftop, a brown haired man leaned in to kiss Loona, but Millie knocked him off the roof with a kick. The man fell into a dumpster that Moxxie and Angel Dust slammed shut. Loona walked with a fat man down the sidewalk and a flower pot crashes into his head by Niffty. Blitzo killed a woman with a knife, Millie kills a white haired woman with a spiked baseball bat, another woman gets shot in the head by Angel Dust.

Blitzo and the gang were putting the bodies in bloodstained dark trash bags, closing them. While they were doing it, Millie and Nifty were jumping on another body.

“That's nine kills in the bag!” Blitzo said while dusted his hands off, “I like to see that pinkie demon ass cry over that–“

“Alright, spring breakers!” Verosika suddenly spoke up on the stage as her silhouette appeared in the smoke, “Y'all ready to get f*cked up and make some BITCHIN' BAD CHOICES?!”

The audience noticed this and began cheering.

A fan boy ripped his shirt that has her name written in pink on his chest. “Verosika!”

“This is your final boarding call,” Verosika said as she stepped out of the smoke to reveal her human form with caramel hair and nearly pastel pink eyes. She was wearing hot pink performance outfit with white stars. “All aboard~” She saluted them and ‘f*ck You Vaggie-Bitch’ appeared on the screens.

Vaggie growled like nearly a rabid animal, fire appeared in her eyes. Angel Dust tried to hold back his laughter, followed by Niffty.

🎶Pack your bags, sun’s out
Take a vacay, babe
Take t straight to a Bonetown🎶

The humans make out with others around them; they kiss, they hug, and then grind on each other.

🎶V-time, free time, baby relax
Self-care, no hair, Brazilian wax
Hornt up succu-bus to the beach
Catch some rays while catching some D🎶

A disguised Milky shows a human a popsicle with sem*n-like saliva on it as several other succubi and incubi grin and sneak up on the humans as Verosika continued singing.

🎶Pack your bags, sun's out
Take a vacay, babe
Take it straight to Bonetown🎶

“Are you f*cking kidding me now?!” Vaggie asked angrily.

“Yup, that bitch started her goadish mating call!” Blitzo spoke. “Now, she's gonna win all these sex maniacs! We gotta pick things up, guys!”

“Why did you have to go and get that dump idea for a demon duel?!” Vaggie asked again, glaring at Blitzo.

“You don’t even know what a demon duel actually is!” Blitzo snapped.

🎶Hot dog, hot bod, sausage and buns
Threesome, fivesome, having some fun
Back to my place, welcome to Hell
Sun's out, hormones out, how does it smell?🎶

While those two arguing, Loona somehow got distracted by looked at Vortex guarding the stage and Angel was texting to Valentino about why he wasn’t at work today.

“You know what?” Blitzo spoke, “We really need to get this sh*t going instead of arguing like dumb bitches. Alright, next one Loonie, c'mon! Loonie?” Blitzo glanced around to find Loona out of nowhere in sight, her outline flashed and he was panicking.

“Wait, where–? Wha– Wha– Wh–“ Blitzo was now distraught with tears in his eyes, “WHERE'S MY BABYYYYYY?!?!

“Look!” Charlie pointed to the stage.

“Over there!” Millie, too, also pointed to the stage.

Loona was seen walking towards Vortex, Blitzo noticed this and his fatherly dread quickly turned to seething anger.

🎶Pack your bags, sun's out
Take a vacay, babe
Take it straight to Bonetown🎶

Loona checked her makeup as two men French kissing fall to the ground at her feet, and someone offscreen thrown their bikini top which lands on Loona's head.

The fanboy ran toward Verosika on stage as she sang, but Vortex noticed and punched him into the ground, head first. He dragged the man away in the distance.

Loona walked over toward Vortex, avoiding a French-kissing couple and tossing aside a bra, but was stopped by Josh, who smirks at her and eyebrows raised. She rolled her eyes and backhands him hard.

Verosika was still on the stage as she drank her Beelzejuice bottle, “Now, who wants a piece of this?!”

She tossed her bottle to the ocean–

Suddenly, someone caught her bottle before it got a chance to hit the water. The hand was belong to Steven in his human form, his clothing was a same except the different colours of brown, pale blue and black. He looked at the bottle before he took a sniff, his sky blue eyes glowed blue with a hint of gold as he glared at the pop star.

He then took out the angelic weapon which was a pistol and aimed at her…


Loona walked over nervously toward Vortex. “Heyyyy…” Loona spoke nervously before gently punch his arm, “You…!”

“Oh, hey.” Vortex spoke, “You're the hound workin' for my boss's freaky boyfriend.”

“Yeah,” Loona chuckled. “Sorry if that’s weird…”

“It’s cool,” Vortex replied.

“Yeah,” Loona said nervously before pulling a but of her hair back to her ear. “Yeah, I’m Loona.”

Vortex couldn’t help but chuckle, “Okay.” He replied before he mimicking her nervous tone and smile, just to make her feel better. “I'm Vortex.”

“That's hot...” Loona spoke before she was blushing, and try to get her thoughts in her head and what she said. “I mean, like, literally, y'know, 'cause vortexes... y'know, they give off heat. Probably. Right?”

Vortex chuckled again, “Yeah. I guess, but my friends call me Tex.”

“Oh, yeah?” Loona asked, “ My friends are complicated. I mean... Well, I mean, I don't... I... I don't know if they are good friends as one of them are too pure for the heart, but she’s cool.”

Blitzo suddenly arrived and stood between them, “Am I... interrupting something?”

“Nah, man.” Vortex replied, “Just having a conversation.”

“Conversation, huh?” Blitzo asked, “Conversation leads to HPV!”


Moxxie suddenly felt his phone ringing, he pulled out to check and he nearly dropped his phone when he received a text… from a friend…

RattleSnake Cowboy: Hope you’re doing alright, little man. Can’t stop thinking about you every time I hear your favourite music when it comes to classic or even opera.

Moxxie: It’s been a while since you last texted me since Valentine’s Day. What happened? Is everything okay? Don’t know why I ended up worrying about you as you are easy to deal with whatever you got yourself into. 😓

RattleSnake Cowboy: I had important business to attend with, but everything is under control. No need to worry about it. Though it still cute that you’re still worry about my safety, little dude. 😂😉

Moxxie: Don’t even think about calling me that. I’m kinda in the middle of doing some stupid bet.

RattleSnake Cowboy: Well, seems like I have to let you do that. Text you tonight? Xx

Moxxie felt his heart beating and his face blushed after seeing two X(s). He was about to reply when…



Everyone and everything seems to stopped at that moment when the gun fired towards the sky.

“Who the f*ck got the nerve to interrupt my performance?!” Verosika asked, her eyes were fire up as she didn’t like someone who dared to ruin her concert. “You better show yourself if you don’t wanna be f*cked by me!”

Everyone stayed silent or muttered quietly, but then Steven stepped out of the crowd and head towards the stage. Everyone saw him and was wondering who was he or why he would interrupt their famous pop star’s performance.

“Oh, sh*t!” Verosika said before she purred, “We got a hot cowboy in this town.”

Steven rolled his eyes while giving the serious look on his face, “I know what you are. I’m married and have a daughter, and I’m afraid that I’m going to shut down this party.”

“Already?!” Milky asked as she stopped herself from making out with a guy she’s hooked up.

“No way!” Coco said, stomping her foot onto the sandy ground.

“You can’t do that!” Kiki replied while crossing her arms.

“Did we do something wrong?” Ace asked, raising his eyebrow.

“Don’t ruined the fun, dude.” Josh said while rubbing his face after he got punched.

“It’s not over ‘til I say it’s over.” Verosika said.

“Then you’ll be arrested for disturbing the peace and bring illegal drugs that are hell-ish tonic,” Steven said before he finished the rest of the Beelzejuice from the bottle. “So cancel the party or you’ll spend in cell.”

The pop star walked up to the sheriff, “Why are you even care about what I do in my career? No coppers had ever had a problem with me as I am famous! Why don’t you find somewhere else to arrest something.”

“Actually, Miss Mayday.” Steven said, “You are highly intoxicated with you making others f*cked in a public beach while drugging yourself uncontrollably. I heard that you thought you could escape the rehab by acting like you are famous who is selfish and don’t care about the loved ones she has no idea how lucky she is.”

“Take that, bitch.” Vaggie said while she was enjoying the show of this man roasting the pop star.

“The f*ck?” Blitzo ask as he and the other two hellhounds came to Vaggie’s sides.

“Yeah,” Loona said. “Like the f*ck, Blitz, you should get out of here. You're gonna get us all into sh*t!”

“Just let me watch this,” Blitzo said.

“What’s going on here?” Husk asked as he, Alastor and Niffty came back from killing more people with bags in their hands.

“My boss getting roasted by the weird-looking cop,” Vortex said.

“Looks like a hot-looking cop to me,” Angel Dust said.

Husk looked over the guy who was talking to Verosika and he suddenly felt his own world of Hell suddenly fall apart again…

“What the f*ck?” Husk replied as his eyes widened in terror before it turned rage through his demons eyes, “What the f*ck?! That son of the bitch!”

Steven heard Husk’s voice and turned to see him, “Henry?”

“It’s Husk to you, bastard!” Husk snarled.

Alastor looked at Steven and his smiled suddenly dropped into rage as well, “STEVEN!!

Steven looked at Alastor next to Husk, “Adam?”

“Alastor is now my name, bitch!” Alastor said, gritting his teeth while avoiding eye contact with him.

“You two know him?” Niffty asked.

“Do we know that son of the bitch?” Husk asked, “That’s our cousin!”

“Cousin?” Charlie, Vaggie, Moxxie and Millie asked.

“Cousin?” Apple asked.

“Drama,” Angel Dust said as he got himself a strawberry smoothie.

“What the f*ck you think you’re doing here?!” Husk asked.

“I should be asking you the same question,” Steven replied. “You guys came to Earth which you should not suppose to do that, I know what you’re up to since Valentine’s Day. I’m surprised you got friends.”

“That’s because we are friends,” Niffty said.

“It’s complicated,” Angel Dust said.

“We’d like to explain why we’re on Earth,” Blitzo explained. “But right now, we have a parking spot on the line!”

“Which is a bet between Blitz and his girlfriend,” Angel Dust said.

“But killing and f*cking the people?” Steven asked, “You demons are disgrace.”

“Sorry that you feel that way,” Charlie said but her mouth was covered by Vaggie who shook her head.

“I told them it’s a bad idea but won’t listen,” Apple spoke but her mouth was covered by Kat and Milky.

“Well, that’s what you get when you turned against the Gods themselves.” Husk said to his cousin while crossing his arms, “You f*cked up to protect someone and then you got a second chance by killing a serial killer!”

“Husk, my friend.” Alastor spoke, “Let’s not talk about the past in front of our friends. Don’t want them to ask now, do we?”

“After all these years, I thought you two should know better by now.” Steven said, crossing his arms.

“It’s not like Hell would change us otherwise,” Alastor said as he walked away from his cousin.

Steven suddenly growled quietly, “Chloe would be very disappointed in you now that you’re still a serial killer of Hell than just New Orleans.”

Alastor’s eyes went into demon mode as the clouds suddenly turned into thunderstorms and winds blew fearsomely, making everyone backed away from the scene.

“Uh, guys?” Loona spoke, “Do you get this strange feeling?”

“Al?” Charlie asked as she was worried about him.

Alastor could only chuckled but then the scene seemed static the point of view, he turned his head as his human eyes were glowing pure red and his human teeth turn into demon teeth.

“What did you just say?” Alastor asked aggressively.

Before Steven was about to say something, he was tugged onto the ground by the glowing green chain but he managed to tear them apart and spit out the sand on his mouth. He stared at Alastor who walked up towards him as his demons eyes and teeth were still there…

Alastor: 🎶Count yourself lucky that I didn’t kill you
Don’t you know where we are?
I don't know how we became like this
But I should know better to understand
I don't belong among the angels
And brother, that's just fine with me
The things I did here were back in New Orleans
But now I'm going for round two🎶

Both Alastor and Steven remember the day they had a battle after the sheriff found out that Alastor was killing everyone of the darkest sin because Chloe was murdered by his boss, the battle was bloody and horrifying as Alastor told him all the kills he had done to the people without giving them a chance to have mercy.

Steven knew that he failed to save him, just like he failed to save Chloe.

Alastor: 🎶Hey
Sorry, but you just got in my way
I promise sheriff, I can feel your pain
And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit
Does that make me insane?
Haven't been the same since I expired
Doesn't mean that I plan to retire
And now I have the power to bathe all of you
In entertaining fire!🎶

Alastor then transformed back into his demon self and attacked Steven who easily dodged the bullet as he used his angel wings to fly up, but the Radio Demon wasn’t going to back down as he used his dark powers to shoot Steven. The sheriff sees this and quickly dodges them, even used his angelic pistol to shoot them. Steven flew down and about to tackled Alastor but he quickly disappeared which made Steven land straight into the ground, he poke his head out of the sand and saw Alastor smiled.

“Come on, Steven!” Alastor laughed, “Had you done enough sh*t already?!”

Steven transformed into his angel form that got him out of the ground, he was about to get his pistol when Husk used his cards to shoot him. Despite he missed Husk’s shots, one of his cards neatly cut his cheek and he hissed in pain as golden blood pricked a bit.

“You’re out numbered,” Husk said as he transformed his demon form.

Everyone watched in shock as they witnessed the battle between demon and angel, they brought up their phones to record the fight that happened on the beach.

The other demons couldn’t believe what they were seeing, this wasn’t supposed to happen!

They were supposed to do this bet, but instead they were caught under the fire by these three cousins!

“Looks like we’re done for,” Angel Dust said before he goes and get some smoothies for everyone. “What flavour smoothies do you guys want?”

“Ooh,” Niffty smiled. “I know everyone’s favourite flavours!”

“Can I have a apple cider, please?” Apple asked, her eyes sparkling.

“You think we need a smoothie now?” Charlie asked, “We got a bigger problem now!”

“Thanks to you, my performance is f*cking ruined!” Verosika snapped, “Now you are definitely not getting your parking spot! You will going to pay for the damage!”

“Hey, boss.” Vortex spoke as he knew she was going to blew up the rage she was in, “Why don’t you just calm down? It’s not a big deal to get interrupted for disturbing the peace, but I don’t blame sheriff believing something is inappropriate.”

“Why don’t you sort out with the other fans while I’ll deal with these f*ckers?” Verosika asked.

“Why don’t you SHUT THE f*ck?!?!” Vaggie asked angrily as she loses her sh*t, “AND HAND OVER BLITZ’S PARKING SPOT!!! YOU’RE STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!!!

“Whoa, chill out, gal.” Coco replied.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?!” Verosika asked with a snarl, “I’m a pop star and being famous made me crazy when things gets messy! So, give me the respect I want unless you want a round two!”

“None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t sexually assault Moxxie and stole his boss’ parking spot!” Vaggie said, pointing from Moxxie to Blitzo who those two looked at each other.

“This is the way I am as my kind would do the same because we want some fun!” Verosika said, flipping her hair. “Next time, it would be the Princess of Hell.”

Apple could only gasped by that last comment, “She’s the daughter of King Lucifer!”

“Verosika!” Blitzo snapped, “f*ck! Why can’t you take this sh*t seriously?! This isn’t all fun and games, things can be serious sometimes and you have no shame for your selfish actions!”

“I’m selfish?!” Verosika asked, she couldn’t believe what she heard. “You should be lucky enough that I forgive you for stealing my credit card for horse riding lessons!”

“This isn’t about the credit card!” Blitzo said, “It’s about your selfishness that led us here!”

“Whatever,” Verosika rolled her eyes while flipping her boyfriend.

Vaggie felt her blood rushing through her veins as anger boiled over her face and heart as she couldn’t take it anymore…

I’m not going to fight this bitch, she’s not worth Vaggie. I’m definitely not going to fight with her.

…Vaggie saw Verosika laughing as she doesn’t care about what she’s doing…

I’m not going to fight her, I’m not going to fight her, I’m not going to do it, I’m not…!


Vaggie let out a battle cry as she couldn’t take it anymore and exploded before she shoot up into the air and tackled Verosika onto the ground, punching her in the face while she screamed and yanked Vaggie’s hair out.

“Vaggie, no!” Charlie cried out, “Stop!”

“You go, Vaggie!” Blitzo cheered her on, “You go, you go, you go! Kick her ass! Show her what for! Show her!”

“Please, don’t encourage her!” Charlie spoke.

“Sir,” Moxxie said. “Miss Verosika is your girlfriend!”

“Who’s getting beaten by my girlfriend,” Charlie replied. “I’m so sorry!”

“Nah, this bitch got what she asked for.” Blitzo replied, patting her on the back.

“And it’s getting better and better,” Loona said while pulling out her phone.

“What’s your Sinstagram?” Vortex asked Loona, “I’d like to follow you and what you do in daily basis?”

“You do?!” Loona asked, smiling with eyes sparkling. “I mean, sure. I’ll do that once I finish the fight in depends on when will they finish it.”

“Same goes for me,” Milky spoke while filming her boss being beaten up.

Meanwhile, Steven was still battling Alastor and Husk as he was a bit impressed by their skills in their demon powers. He skidded across the sand and shoot them with his angelic pistol, but then realised that he was out of bullet.

“You are definitely out numbered, indeed.” Alastor said while wiping his blood that was dripping down from his mouth.

“Why don’t you cut the act?” Husk asked, “You failed to be by our sides when we need you. You failed to save us. You even failed to be honest with the Gods who we thought we could trust! Whatever you want to say, just spit it out. It’s never going to work on us, especially you choose to stay your job over the family we once had in the past.”

Steven couldn’t believe what Husk was saying which made him snap; His angelic powers had a demon instinct.

“Say what you just said about job over family again, motherf*cker!” Steven snarled as his eyes glowed blue with a hint of gold. “I f*cking dare you.”

Husk wasn’t afraid of his cousin’s threats as he got closer to his face and said it all cleared, “You chose your job… over… this… family.”

“Drunken asshole!” Steven snarled when Alastor grabbed him by the collar and tossed him to the ground.

“Just stop, Steven.” Alastor said. “You do us no f*cking favour.”

Steven could only growl in frustration, “You know what?! This fight is not going anywhere, now that I see you have not forgive me for my actions!”

Alastor’s smile dropped for a second time, “You honestly think that sh*t was about?! Not forgiving you for your actions?! Husk had never forgiven you for making him had a depression which led him to end his life just to take care of me.” Alastor then pointed at Steven’s badge, getting even more angry. “I had never forgive you for failing to protect my true love from my boss killing her when I thought I could count on you! I trusted you and you destroyed my happiness!”

“It was an accident,” Steven told him bravely as he tried to fight away the tears. “And I regret everything I made you two go through. I’m sorry…”

Alastor smiled sadly and angrily, “You should be.”

He turned away from him and dusted the sands off him, “Haha! Good talk to you, sheriff. Always make a good impression and conversation.” He then walked away, followed by Husk.

“I think it’s time for us to–“ Husk spoke but…

YOU CAN HAVE THE f*ckING PARKING SPOT, YOU whor*!!!” Verosika cried out in pain after she thrown onto the ground.

IT IS NOT ABOUT THE PARKING SPOT, YOU f*ckING c*nt-ASS BITCH!!!!!” Vaggie yelled before she charged her with a battle cry.

“Vaggie, please, stop!” Charlie tried to catch her up, “Violence won’t solve anything and everything!”

“What happened to ‘violence don’t solve everything’?!” Apple asked while she tried to calm the situation down.

Husk quickly raced ahead and blocked Vaggie as she slammed herself onto his wings, Alastor, who was still smiling, rolled his eyes before he picked Niffty up who was about to take the fancy wallet from a woman who was sunbathing.

“Take a chill pill, Vaggie!” Husk said, “f*cking christ, you’re burning up!”

“This bitch need to be f*cked up after the way she treated everyone differently, Husk!” Vaggie muffled while hanging on Husk, “This bitch went too far!”

“Well, at least you got the parking spot, my dear.” Kat said while nervously patting her on the back.

“Yeah, sorry about her.” Josh said.

“You did good, babe.” Ace replied.

“Wait, we won the bet?” Millie asked.

“We won?” Angel Dust asked.

“Afraid so,” Apple smiled.

WE f*ckIN’ WOOOOOOOON!!!” Blitzo laughed triumphantly.

“f*ck yeah!” Millie, Angel Dust and Niffty cried out, cheering.

“Would won differently and fairly,” Moxxie said.

IN YOUR FACE, BIIIITCH!” Blitzo said, shaking his butt and tail side to side.

CHOKE ON THE SANDPAPER DICK, BITCH!!!” Vaggie muffled while raising her fist in the air and still clinging onto Husk.

“Yeah…” Angel Dust spoke up, “I think we should go right now.” He noticed few of the people are leaving the beach, “Don’t want to cops to show up. Not that I don’t mind give them a show of my dancing ‘cause I got the legs!”

Millie looked at her friends before she stared at Steven who was on the floor with a sad look on his face, she couldn’t help but feel really bad for him as she heard the whole conversation between him and his two cousins Alastor and Husk. She looked back at the others before she goes towards the sheriff, she got closer and gently placed her hand on his shoulder and slowly rubbed it.

Steven felt her touch and looked up at her who smiled sadly, he wasn’t sure why this imp was comforting him but he knew that he kinda need it as he smiled back at her.

“Don’t let those two take the better of you,” Millie said. “I can tell, whatever you done in the past, it was an accident. Just give them some space until they calm down.”

Steven sighed, “Thank you.”

Verosika dusted herself up, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Well,” Vortex spoke. “Guess it's time to bounce. But, hey, if you're ever down to party, l'll give you a ring sometime.”

“Really?” Loona asked, “I mean, yeah. I’d love to.”

“Yeah, my girlfriend throws a ton of crazy hound parties.” Vortex replied.

‘Girlfriend?’ Loona thought as her expression shifted to dejected, ‘sh*t…

“Nice,” Loona replied as she hides her disappointment and dejection from him. “Can't wait for my first one.”

Vortex chuckled, giving her a playful punch. “Let's get you some friends, girl.”

“Come on, Loonie Tooney!” Blitzo called out, “Let's go back and park our space!”

I.M.P and Hazbin Crew go through the portal, Loona and Niffty falls through the portal backwards.

Then, Vaggie jumps up and mockingly flips the double bird through the portal, making Verosika growl in anger and her eye twitch.

Steven watched them going through the portal before he took off to Heaven…


Back at the hotel, Alastor was pacing around in his room. He was trying to smile when it dropped for the third time, he couldn’t believe that he and Husk would see Steven again after all these years.

Suddenly, there were a knock on the door and opened it to reveal Charlie.

“Al?” Charlie spoke up, “You okay?”

He turned around with a smile and replied, “Why of course I’m fine, darling. No need to worry about it.”

“Al,” Charlie sighed. “This was the first time I’ve seen you dropped the smile. And it’s not like you to even look completely angry and upset at the same.”

Alastor sighed, “I am sorry for making you feel like that.”

“It’s fine, but I am concerned about your hatred for your cousin.” Charlie said. “I tried to talk to Husk, but he doesn’t want to talk about it and went to his booze.”

“Charlie, my dear.” Alastor spoke, “My and Husk’s hatred for that sheriff is not your concern at the moment. I’m not ready to even talk about it.”

“I’m not forcing you to say anything,” Charlie replied. “It’s just that I want you to know that whatever you need to say, you can go to me and we discuss this together.”

She then placed a hand Alastor’s chest where his heart was, Alastor looked at her and softly smiled.

“I’m willing to help others in need,” Charlie said.

Alastor placed his hand on top of Charlie’s, “Thank you.”

A knock on the door and they turned to see Apple, holding two cups of drinks.

“Sorry for interrupting, but I brought you hot chocolate.” Apple replied, “Hope that’s okay.”

Charlie and Alastor looked at each other and smiled with a chuckle.

“That’s great, Apple.” Charlie said while going to her while Alastor stared at the Princess of Hell.

Someday, I will tell you everything, my dear…

Hazbin & Helluva: The Hell's Fiery Unicorn - Chapter 9 - RainbowMoonstone21 (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.